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Greens senator resignations: overseas born MPs insist they are clear to sit in Parliament

Federal MPs and senators born overseas insist they meet the constitutional requirements to sit in Parliament, claiming or even providing evidence to prove they have renounced or never had citizenship with other countries.

In the wake of shock resignation of two Greens senators due to dual nationality, Fairfax Media contacted all parliamentarians who according to their profiles on the Parliament House website were born overseas.

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The Greens leader has responded to suggestions Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam should repay their salaries after both resigned from Parliament because they hold dual citizenship.

Some renounced their citizenship decades ago, but others, such as Labor MP Anne Aly, only did so at the last minute, contacting the Egyptian Consulate in Melbourne on the day the writs were issued for the 2016 federal election.

Greens senator Nick McKim revealed on Wednesday he held dual UK-Australian citizenship for his entire stint in the Tasmanian parliament, including as the state's party leader, before relinquishing it in 2015 just prior to moving to Canberra. 

Despite only having a one-seat majority, one of the Turnbull government's newest MPs, Jason Falinski, confirmed with the Polish embassy on Wednesday that he did not have Polish citizenship, which would have ruled him ineligible and threatened the government's grip on power.

Of the group of 23 overseas born MPs, nine provided Fairfax Media with some form of documentation to support their claims. This includes former prime minister Tony Abbott (born in the United Kingdom), Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion (UK), Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher (UK), Senator Derryn Hinch (New Zealand), Labor Senator Sam Dastyari​ (Iran), Liberal MP Sussan Ley (British citizenship, though born in Nigeria), Liberal MP Ian Goodenough (Singapore), independent senator Lucy Gichuhi (Kenya) and Ms Aly.


When asked to provide evidence of their citizenship status, many others including Labor employment spokesman Brendan O'Connor​, and Labor MPs Maria Vamvakinou​ and Josh Wilson said they had documentation but did not have access to it by deadline. Labor MP Brian Mitchell and Nick Xenophon Team's Rebekha Sharkie added they would be happy to provide documentation to parliamentary authorities if needed.

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts, who was born in India, pointed to previous social media posts declaring his sole-citizenship.  One Nation, which lost Heather Hill over dual nationality in 1998,  has called for a "full investigation" into dual-citizenship MPs.

The murky world of citizenship has created a minefield for the major political parties, as they attempt to navigate candidates through section 44 of the constitution, all well-versed in what a misstep would mean.

Labor is understood to have a "strident" process that canvasses the citizenship of parents and spouse of potential candidates, not allowing any nominations to go forward to the Australian Electoral Commission until any concerns have been cleared up.

The Liberal Party, which lost Jackie Kelly to section 44 in 1996, is also believed to have "robust" checks for those whose birth, or ancestry, throw up potential roadblocks, including separate statutory declarations all information is correct.

Constitutional law expert and dean of law at the University of New South Wales, George Williams, said the section was "outdated, contained grey areas and great uncertainties" and needed to be reformed, and to ensure a low-cost option, a referendum on changing it should be held at the next election.

Mr Falinski, who was elected to replace Bronwyn Bishop at the 2016 election, could be automatically eligible for Polish citizenship under the country's jus sanguinis [right of the blood] laws which are followed in most of Europe, but has to activate it.

"I checked with the Polish ambassador on Wednesday," he said. "They thought it was absurd as well because I was born in a Manly hospital."

But others may have found themselves citizens of another nation without ever having stepped foot on it, with countries such as Ireland and Canada [pre-1977] granting automatic citizenship to the children of citizens, regardless of where they were born.  

Labor's infrastructure spokesman Anthony Albanese only discovered he had a living Italian father more than six years after entering Parliament. Though automatically eligible for Italian citizenship, like Mr Falinski, he would have to activate it.

Liberal MP Bert Van Manen is also automatically eligible for Dutch citizenship as the Brisbane born son of Dutch migrants, but the Netherlands only makes exceptions for dual-citizens in some circumstances. He did not respond to requests for comment.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale on Wednesday said Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters, who were both forced to resign after discovering their dual citizenship, had "already paid a pretty high price" and should not have to pay back money earned since their elections.

Mr Ludlam is estimated to have earned $1.6 million during his time in Parliament, while Ms Waters is estimated to have earned $1.2 million before stepping down on Tuesday.