Melbourne apartment laws could save Sydneysiders' cash

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This was published 7 years ago

Melbourne apartment laws could save Sydneysiders' cash

By Chris Johnson

After an examination of the NSW Government's 'Apartment Design Guide' the Victorian Government issued their own 'Better Apartment Design Standards' on April 13 this year. There are some fundamental differences between the two sets of documents.

The NSW Apartment Design Guide is 180 pages packed with micro detail while the Victorian document is 40 pages of fairly general material. The reason for this difference is that when the NSW standards were being developed a few years ago housing affordability was not a hot topic.

 Melbourne's apartment standards are designed to ensure better affordability.

Melbourne's apartment standards are designed to ensure better affordability.Credit: Scott Barbour

The environment in which the Victorian standards were developed however was in the middle of national debates about worsening housing affordability particularly in Sydney and Melbourne. The result is that the Victorian standards are far more relaxed on apartment size, solar access, car parking, cross ventilation and ceiling heights for kitchens than the NSW standards to ensure affordability.

The Urban Taskforce asked a planner, an architect and a quantity surveyor to measure the difference in what a buyer would need to pay for a two bed, two bath apartment in Sydney if it could have conformed to the new Victorian standards. The result of their studies was a massive saving of $150,000.

Chris Johnson is the chief executive of Urban Taskforce.

Chris Johnson is the chief executive of Urban Taskforce.

I am sure the higher standards are well meaning and worthwhile but they come at a cost. Most air travellers would prefer the bigger seats and the flow of champagne that comes with First Class but then most passengers go for Economy Class to balance their budget with the level of amenity.

So are Sydney's planning rules creating bigger homes than we can afford? The answer must be yes and a bit more research shows that over the last 50 years Australians have been exponentially increasing their homes in terms of size.

Two researchers from the University of Melbourne, Andrew Stephan and Robert Crawford, found that the average house size in 1950 in Australia was 100 square metres while today's average is 240 square metres. But even more significant was the fact that more people lived in each house in 1950 with an average of 30 square metres per person.

Today this has jumped three times to an average of 87 square metres a person. Sounds a bit like First Class but can we afford this.


Australian homes are at the top of two world league tables. We are top or second for the biggest average house size close to the USA but ahead of Canada, Denmark, France, Japan and the UK. But our cities, particularly Sydney, are in the top two least affordable cites for housing in the world.

Clearly there is a link between having the biggest homes and the least affordable homes. It is in this context that the NSW government should review our well-meaning, but costly, standards for apartments. Rather than proudly claiming to have the biggest homes in the world we should trade off some of this space to make housing more affordable for future generations.

Chris Johnson is the chief executive of the Urban Taskforce.

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