
Customers are starting to realise there's a different way of doing their banking.

Banks as we know them could be gone in a decade

Banks could face a "Kodak moment" where they approach obsolescence in five to 15 years at the hands of new financial-technology companies, according to former Barclays Chief Executive Officer Antony Jenkins.

Bank shareholders throw a $14 billion party

Capital requirements are going up, but banks can get there without "big bang" capital raisings.

The banks and their shareholders exhaled a collective sigh of relief when the financial regulator pronounced that they were pretty damn close to being 'unquestionably strong'.

Banks brace for 'unquestionably strong' rules

The view in markets is capital requirements are going up, but banks can get there without "big bang" capital raisings.

A key source of uncertainty having over banks could be removed as soon as this week, with the prudential regulator tipped to soon provide long-awaited details of its plan to make lenders more resilient to shocks.

The easiest $50,000 you're missing out on

If you have a $500,000 mortgage, and you can get a 0.5 per cent reduction in your interest rate, that'll save you ...

There's something strange about our relationships with our banks. We'll change supermarkets, even phone companies, but when it comes to our financial affairs, we're more faithful than Red Dog.

Cbus to cut insurance costs for young members

Cbus chief executive David Atkin says the fund wants to provide members with appropriate insurance cover for the stage ...

Superannuation fund Cbus will slash how much its youngest members are spending on life insurance, as part of a crackdown on unnecessary insurance cover purchased through the retirement saving system.

NAB extends crackdown on interest-only home loans

NAB said rising household debt was one reason for its latest changes to interest-only lending policies.

National Australia Bank will start automatically knocking back customers seeking to borrow a high multiple of their income through an interest-only home loan, amid concerns over the risks created by rising household indebtedness.

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