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Jeff Horn v Manny Pacquiao: 'If I had a towel, I would've thrown it in the ring' - Horn's father wanted the fight stopped

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Jeff Horn walks towards the blue corner, starts to wobble and plops down on his stool. Jeff Fenech had said the only way Horn could win this fight against Manny Pacquiao was to turn it into war and with a flurry of punches, headbutts, headlocks and elbows, that's what we have got here at the end of the ninth. 

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Horn stuns Pacquiao and boxing world

Jeff Horn produced an upset for the ages beating boxing legend Manny Pacquiao via unanimous decision for the WBO welterweight title.

Blood is pouring from the gash above Horn's right eye, the bruise on his cheek below it is turning purple. His head looks like it's been stung by a thousand bees.

His father, Jeff senior, is sitting in the white plastic chairs in the front row. They are worth $5000 a pop and right now he's out of it and he knows what should happen next: they need to stop the fight.

"If I had a towel, I would've thrown it into the ring myself," he said later. "I was really worried. I thought he was out on his feet and I really thought he wasn't coming out for the 10th."

Horn's wife, Jo, is also in the $5000 seats. She is pregnant with the couple's first child, a small revelation Horn makes to the crowd after the fight. "Oh my gosh, Jeffrey," she says to herself. She later describes that ninth round as "terrifying".


That's one way of labelling the ninth. If you were watching ringside, your stomach churned. Time and time again, Horn felt the wrath of Pacquiao's legendary left hand and it was sickening. Each time the bee stung, his head swelled just a little more, became a little redder, his cheek a little bluer. The gash above his eye came from a head clash in the sixth round, but as he tries to walk a straight line to his corner it is gaping.

Sam Banney is in his corner. He walked into same gym on the same day as Horn more than a decade ago. "I've never seen Jeff as wobbly as this," Banney says to himself.

The referee, Mark Nelson, has an idea what should happen, too.

"Do you want us to stop the fight?" he asks Horn.

"Don't be ridiculous," says Horn's trainer, Glenn Rushton, interjecting. Then Rushton locks those crazy eyes of his on his fighter and tells him: "You need a strong 10th round and then we are back in business."

Horn went out, got back in 11-time world champion Pacquiao's bloodied face and not only fought strongly as per his trainer's instructions but finds his way back into the fight.

The kid who had been bullied at school as a teenager and took up boxing so he knew how to handle himself had been bullied enough in that ninth round. He held on ... and suddenly we had a new WBO welterweight champion of the world.

Cut to the dressing-room, which usually belongs to the Queensland Maroons and Brisbane Broncos rugby league teams. Here's Horn and from close range it's clear the bees have not been kind.

"I feel good," he said. "I feel like a world champion. I've done my goal, now my goal is to unify the title. The ninth was obviously a tough round. We had a head clash and I copped a punch after that ..."

Asked what his response was when the referee suggested ending the fight, he said: "I felt absolutely fine. I wanted to keep going. Other than being a bit tired, I was super ready to keep going ... I felt tired at points and I know he was coming after me."

And what kept him going in the 10th? "Belief. Belief in myself."

Belief. It's a platitude that doesn't mean much to the man on the street, and especially to the millions of howling Pacquiao fans around the world who consider the result to be a "home town decision".

Did the three judges who unanimously awarded Horn the fight unanimously got it wrong? Who cares?

What's certain is there weren't too many people who believed Horn could actually achieve what he did in the middle of Suncorp Stadium on Sunday afternoon. Some had him going home in an ambulance.

By design, the Pacquiao camp flung mud at him all week: from Manny thumbing his mobile phone at press conferences; to conditioner Justin Fortune telling him to "stay down" if he gets knocked down because "Manny will really f--- you up"; to trainer Freddie Roach declaring on the morning of the fight "it will be over in the third".

An enduring moment came at the pre-fight media conference on Wednesday. As Pacquiao posed for photos and autographs while Horn waited at the corner of the stage for him to return for the traditional face-off. For five minutes, an entire room forgot about Horn. That will never happen again.

"I thought he was being a bit blasé at the press conferences, being on his phone like that," Horn shrugged after his victory. "That's about all I noticed."

Pacquiao humbly accepted the unanimous points decision, as did Roach. "I thought Manny had a good round in the ninth," he said. "I said give me one more of them and the fight is over but Manny couldn't."

Fenech had said on Friday the only way Horn could beat Pacquiao would be to drag the fight into the gutter and that's what he did.

"I said on Sunday it would be 'Sunday bloody Sunday', and that's what happened," Rushton said. "I knew there was going to be a lot of blood in this fight and that's what's happened."

Said Horn: "I thought it was an entertaining fight. There was blood everywhere. People want to see blood, it was like the coliseum."

Yes, there was blood everywhere. On the fighters, on the ref, on the canvas, even some on those in the $5000 seats. Horn needed seven stitches while Pacquiao required 18 from two gashes on each side of his head from head clashes/headbutts.

Pacquiao declined to speak after the bout while Roach would only do a piece to camera for promoter Duco Events. Fortune eventually emerged from the silent dressing-room to speak to a handful of Australian reporters.

"Here's the deal: Manny lost the fight but Jeff Horn looks like a pumpkin," he said, referring to Horn's bee-stung head. "The score should be the other way around ... When you're coming out of a headlock and the judge is doing nothing ... There were fouls, there were elbows. Like I said, there's no use bitching about it now."

Roach has a long-standing agreement with Pacquiao: when the trainer says it's time to retire, it's time to retire. Roach says there will be plenty of soul-searching in coming days.

For Horn, it's just starting, although the pre-meditated decision post-fight to call out 40-year-old Floyd Mayweather, who beat Pacquiao two years ago and is preparing for an August fight with Conor McGregor, was premature.

"Why not?" Horn said. "He's coming back to fight a UFC fighter. He's going to make records doing that. Why not try to make records against a genuine contender and world champion like myself."

The hubris doesn't suit him. Australian boxing needs a hero, one with less mouth, more heart, and against Manny Pacquiao we just found one.

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