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Alleged terror associates sacked from TNT air freight depot

Three men whose passports were confiscated because ASIO warned they posed a potential national security threat were later employed at a depot sending air freight packages from Melbourne Airport.

In a case exposing major gaps in the vetting of employees in sensitive sectors, international freight company TNT scrambled in May to remove the trio from its depot near the airport after the firm was contacted by federal counter-terror officials.

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'Tinnie terrorists' supporters leave court.

Relatives and friends of five men charged over their intention to sail to Indonesia before heading on to Syria to fight for Islamic State refused to stand for the magistrate hearing the case in a Melbourne court.

The sacked trio include two immediate relatives of convicted terror cell leader Abdul Nacer Benbrika. . 

The three are supporters of some of the five men charged in the so-called "tinnie terror" case – an alleged attempt by five men to sail a small boat to Indonesia before heading on to Syria to fight for Islamic State.

In fact, it was only the trio's well-publicised presence at a court hearing for the terror accused that led to the discovery they were working in a depot dispatching packages on domestic and international flights, as well as on trucks.

Air freight industry and security sources said workers in the TNT depot could potentially interfere with air freight in a manner that posed a threat.


It is understood the three men's passports had been confiscated by the federal government in 2014 and 2015, with at least one being barred from travelling to Syria. However, none has a criminal record.

Supporters of the two Benbrika relatives said their removal from the TNT deport was unfair and discriminatory and may fuel anger among already alienated young Islamic men. It is understood two of the men are considering launching legal action.

The case has provoked concern among counter-terrorism officials and the air freight industry as it exposes how people considered potential national security risks may not be subject to regular checks of where they are working and whether their employment poses a risk.

It also highlights the complex challenge facing counter-terrorist authorities in managing potential risks without infringing on a person's right to employment.

TNT did not know about the three men's association with extremist figures when it placed the trio at the depot, which sorts packages to be moved through Australia via road and air freight and to be flown overseas.

One of the men was directly employed by TNT, another was on employee probation, and a third was employed via a labour hire company.

A freight industry source said the discovery was made after the trio were filmed by television crews when they attended court to support the five "tinnie terror" accused. Two of the now former TNT staff are brothers-in-law of one of the men facing criminal charges in the so-called "tinnie terror" case.

The television vision was seen by a TNT employee who alerted the National Security Hotline. This prompted counter-terrorism authorities to alert the freight company, which told the three men they would be removed from their roles.

A federal police spokeswoman said the AFP could "confirm that it received a National Security Hotline report in relation to three individuals.

"The AFP subsequently undertook a range of checks" but did not take formal police action, the spokeswoman said.

The background vetting the three men were meant to undergo before working in the TNT depot involves standard police checks. These checks do not reveal whether an intelligence agency has security concerns about a person. It is understood one of the TNT trio did not undergo a standard police check before being placed in the depot via a labour hire fim.

In a statement, TNT Australia said it was company policy not to comment on its security practices, nor discuss specific personnel issues.

"However, we can confirm that TNT cooperates at all times with the relevant Australian authorities as we do with the authorities in all countries in which we operate around the world," the statement said. 

"TNT is accredited with the Transport Asset Protection Association, and as a Regulated Air Cargo Agent, TNT complies with all applicable Australian and global aviation security requirements. 

"In line with these requirements, before any individual is employed they are subjected to TNT's hiring review procedures, which are applied to all levels of the business.  We do this because we take our security obligations very seriously."

Because the depot is next to but not on airport grounds, the men were not required to obtain federal government aviation security identity cards, which airport workers must obtain and which involve more rigorous background checking and the involvement of ASIO.

ASIO declined to comment. Federal Attorney-General George Brandis referred queries to the office of transport security. Transport Minister Darren Chester has been approached for comment.

Prominent labour law firm Maurice Blackburn has been contacted by one of the TNT trio to seek legal advice about whether his removal was lawful.