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Sri Lanka Navy rescue elephant found in the middle of the ocean

Incredible video has emerged of an elephant being rescued by the Sri Lanka Navy, 16 kilometres off the Sri Lankan coast.

In the video, the elephant can been seen floating in the ocean with its trunk upwards, using it like a snorkel.

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Drowning elephant rescued from sea

The Sri Lankan navy rescues a drowning elephant in a 12 hour operation after it was swept to sea.

The Sri Lankan navy troops attached to the Eastern Naval Command were going about their routine patrol when they noticed the elephant being dragged out to sea offshore in the Kokkuthuduvai area in Kokilai.

Navy officers can be seen swimming alongside the elephant attempting to attach a rope to the animal's neck while a boat helps guide the elephant back to shore. 

Wildlife Department officials assisted the navy personnel with the rescue, providing advice on how to approach the animal.

It took more than 12 hours for the elephant to be rescued. 


It's believed the elephant was swept out to sea while crossing the Kokkilai lagoon, a large stretch of water that lies between two areas of jungle.

Experts say the discovery of the elephant so far from land was less remarkable than it seemed, with Asain elephants known to regularly traversed short distances through water, even swimming between small landforms. 

But they also said the intervention of the navy was necessary as elephants burn a lot of energy, and the salt water isn't good for their skin. 

The elephant – named Alliya Pulmoddai – was returned to shore and handed over to wildlife officials.