

Pat Buchanan: Is Iran in Our Gun Sights Now?

"Iran must be free. The dictatorship must be destroyed. Containment is appeasement and appeasement is surrender."

Thus does our Churchill, Newt Gingrich, dismiss, in dealing with Iran, the policy of containment crafted by George Kennan and pursued by nine U.S. presidents to bloodless victory in the Cold War.

Why is containment

Trump Prosecuting Immigrant Health Care Fraudsters That Obama Ignored

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and HHS Secretary Tom Price announced indictments of 412 Medicare/Medicare cheats across 41 federal districts on July 13 [ Documents and resources from the July 13, 2017 National Health Care Fraud Takedown Press Conference , Department of Justice, July 13, 2017]. And this doesn’t represent all Federal Districts so there will be more to come.

It’s a significant step in draining the swamp of Medicare leeches, and as VDARE readers may expect, many of these leeches are immigrants.

Recently, Ann Coulter gave us a glimpse at the immigrant names among accused Medicare fraudsters in the Detroit area.



Ann Coulter: How Delta Airlines Wrecked American Health Care

I think I've found the core problem with health care in America. And guess what? It involves Delta Airlines!

A few weeks ago, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was going on and on about a "single insurance provider" that pays for 49 percent of all births, as well as full health Read more >>

Why are People “Racist?” Because “Non-Racists” Cannot Answer These Questions

Can you not understand why some folks think the races are different?

Does it blow your mind how young the Alt-Right is?

Are you astonished that, for most of human history, almost everybody thought the races were different?

Do “diversity” and “multiculturalism” seem so obviously good to you, you can’t understand why anyone would be against them?

Well, it’s your lucky day. I’m what people call “racist,” and I want to help you understand.

I believe that the races are different and unequal and that racial integration is inherently problematic.

However, I am not an unreasonable person, and I pledge to drop my “racist” beliefs when the world can answer these three questions.

  • Why does every test we use to measure intelligence consistently shows the same racial differences?

IQ testing, the most reliable and universal method of measuring intelligence shows this hierarchy: northeast Asians, Europeans, Hispanics, American Indians, and blacks. That same hierarchy is shown with every other test used to measure intelligence: SAT, ACT, and PISA, to name three of the bigger ones.

  • If these intelligence tests are bogus, why does the world around us show the same hierarchies the tests do?

In average income in America, Asians are the wealthiest, then whites, then Hispanics, and then blacks. Read more >>

The Southern Poverty Lie—Oops, “Law”—Center Faces Its Worst-Ever PR Crisis

Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Lie Center

The “Southern Poverty Lie Center”—that’s what late, lamented friend and talk-radio host Terry (“the Prisoner of South-Central”) Anderson called it. Officially—and to the journalists—it’s the Southern Poverty Law Center, founded and led by Morris Seligman Dees, Jr.   But, in perhaps the SPLC’s worst-ever public relations crisis, the Respectable Right, and even some on the Left, are voicing disillusion. (There was even a critical twitter storm, #SPLCExposed, on Monday).

(Though of Scottish lineage and a Baptist, Dees’s obviously Jewish middle name—derived from the name of a merchant in Montgomery, AL whom Dees’s grandfather had admired—has been handy for fundraising mailers sent by his outfit to gullible Jews.  This may have been what worked on my late father, who stubbornly donated to it for years and had its penny-ante “Certificate Of Merit” displayed on his wall, to my disgust.)

Here at, we call it the “$PLC,” as recognition that its nation-breaking agendas are also cover for its real concern: fund-raising and nest-feathering.

Informed critiques of the $PLC are becoming thick on the ground. Of course, as’s own James Fulford just pointed out, they too often accept the $PLC-propagated myth that it was ever a “Civil Rights Stalwart, as POLITICO headlined its critique. But they still inflict damage. Thus recently the Respectable Right Federalist’s Stella Morabito rattled off  12 Ways The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Scam To Profit From Hate-Mongering [May 17, 2017], including: Read more >>

Michelle Malkin: Manufacturing Hate for ‘Made in America’

It's "Made In America" week in Washington, D.C. You'd think this would be cause for bipartisan celebration. Who could be against highlighting the ingenuity, self-reliance and success of our nation's homegrown entrepreneurs and manufacturers?

Enter Bill Kristol.

The entrenched Beltway pundit ridiculed a festive kickoff Read more >>

Said In Spanish: Dual Citizen Actress Activist Tells Illegals How Not To Get Arrested; A New App For Dreamers; The...

Kate del Castillo Tells Illegals Not To Do Stuff They Normally Do In Case They Get Caught And Deported

Kate del Castillo is a rich white Mexican movie actress who became a U.S. citizen in September of 2015, while maintaining her Mexican citizenship. Naturally, this was in contravention of the naturalization oath, but the Supreme Court legislated that away in Afroyim vs. Rusk.

Kate seems to have become an American citizen partly as a way of opposing Donald Trump. After all, she published a photo of herself taking her naturalization oath, along with a Tweet proclaiming to (then Republican candidate) Trump that ”I'm a #newUScitizen I SPEAK OUT & I don't support you or your #animalkiller son #fuerzalatina.”

Almost two years later, Kate is still at it, releasing a video for the benefit of Mexican illegal aliens in the United States. In the video, the actress/activist counsels her fellow Mexicans (in Spanish) who are in the U.S. illegally how to avoid detention and deportation.

My translation:

Pat Buchanan: The Real Crimes of Russiagate Are The Felonious Leaks

For a year, the big question of Russiagate has boiled down to this: Did Donald Trump's campaign collude with the Russians in hacking the DNC?

And until last week, the answer was "no."

As ex-CIA director Mike Morell said in March, "On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with Read more >>
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