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MAIGEN - Maigret Encyclopedia

Intro   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z    Paris   France   titles


BA  BE  BI  BL  BO  BR  BU  



Babeau, Albert. But Albert Babeau, the Musician, the one they call Midget because he wore platform shoes, escaped. He was arrested at Le Havre about a week later on an anonymous tip. [1942-FEL]

Babert. Torrence leafed through a directory looking for Ballu: Batin, Babert, Bailly, Ballu. 75 Quai Voltaire, just across the way. [1945-FAC]

Babette. The maid at Émile Grosbois', Babette, about 40, was Oscar Grosbois' girlfriend. [1942-men]

Babette, La. see: La Babette La Popine told M she'd said to La Babette that she'd recognized him. [1947-VAC]

Baboeuf. Henri Trochu said the Baboeuf boy had tried to sleep with Rose Trochu when she was 17, but he'd got even with him for that. [1949-DAM]

Jules said Baboeuf had dealt the card, auction manille. [1969-TUE]

Baboeuf, Germaine. The dairy woman had told him the maid's name was Germaine Baboeuf.... There were two chambermaids, Germaine Baboeuf and Marie, at the Gendreau-Balthazar's. [1948-PRE]

Baby Cadum. see: Cadum, Baby

Bachelier, Georges. One of the principals at Geber et Bachelier, answered the phone when M called. Monique Thouret worked at Geber et Bachelier, Solicitors office in the Rue de Rivoli. [1952-BAN]

backgammon. M went to the Brasserie des Suisses and watched a game of backgammon at the next table. [1937-38-man]

M went to the Commerce to play backgammon with the new butcher. [1938-ceu]

Bacon Hôtel. see: Hôtel Bacon

Bac, Rue du. [Paris. 7e, Palais-Bourbon. from Quai Voltaire to Rue de Sèvres]

Lapointe had gone to the Rue du Bac to tell his sister Germaine Lapointe about his investigation at the Rue de Turenne. [1949-MME]

The interview with Martine Chapuis was in their flat in the Rue du Bac, around the corner from the Rue des Saints-Pères. [1956-AMU]

Ramuel, the lawyer who'd defended the butcher in the Rue Caulaincourt, lived in the Rue du Bac. [1962-COL]

Badel. Basel was Adrien Jossets' doctor, also a friend. Adrien started to call him when he found the body, changed his mind. [1959-CON]

Baden-Baden. [city, Baden-Würtemburg, Germany, 18 mi. SSW of Karlsruhe. Pop. 1969: 39,074. tourist resort, thermal baths.]

For a long time Isabelle de V--'s letters in August were from Baden-Baden or Marienbad, the aristocratic spas of the time. [1960-VIE]

Badet. Mme M heard a rumor that Mme. Keller had been the lover of Badet, the Chief Commissioner, after her husband left her. [1962-CLO]

badge. "Simenon always carries a policeman's badge, presented to him by the Prefecture of Police. It is not an imitation, but an authentic badge, with its registered number and, on the reverse, an engraved name, that of its owner, Commissioner Maigret. For Simenon, this charm has more value than a Nobel prize. It is a constant reminder to him that he has succeeded at what all novelists attempt: to create a character that, escaping from the pages of the book, starts living his own proper existence, like père Goriot, cousin Bette, Fabrice del Dongo, Julien Sorel, the Duchess de Guermantes, or Baron Charlus." (Simenon in Maigret's Trap, Paris Match, Oct. 19, 1957)

"The Chief Commissioner, surrounded by the chief inspectors from the Quai des Orfèvres, solemnly presents me a silver inspector's badge in the name of Maigret." (Simenon in his Intimate Memoirs, visit to the Quai des Orfèvres on April 18, 1952.) Forum Archives, 5/18/07

By chance M had his badge in his pocket to show to Mme. Thouret. As a rule he left it home. [1952-BAN]

M's badge had the number 0004. Number 1 was the Prefect, 2 the Director General of the Police Department, and 3 for the Head of the Special Branch. Silver-plated copper, on one side the Republic's Marianne with her Phrygian cap, the letters "FF" and the word "Police" outlined in red enamel. On the reverse were the arms of Paris, a serial number, and, engraved in small lettering, the holder's name. [1966-VOL]

Baes. The man who owned the sailor's cap was Oosting, called the Baes, the boss, who lived on Workum island. [1931-HOL]

Baffoin, Eugénie. Eugénie Baffoin, the concierge at 67 bis Rue Caulaincourt, where Mlle. Jeanne, the fortuneteller, had been murdered. [1941-SIG]

Bagatelle. [Porte de Bagatelles, Boulevard Richard-Wallace, on the edge of Bois de Bologne.]

A young policeman from Neuilly police station, Emile Lebraz, in uniform only a few months, was on duty on Boulevard Richard-Wallace, on the edge of Bois de Boulogne, almost opposite the Bagatelle. [1952-REV]

Bagatelle, Porte de. M had had a paragraph inserted into the newspapers, saying that a park-keeper in the Bois de Boulogne had found the body of Ernest Borms, well-know Viennese doctor, on the walks not far from the Porte de Bagatelle. He'd been living in Neuilly for some years. [1939-hom]

Bagnolet. Anna Gorskin gave information which led to the arrest of Pepito Moretto, in a boarding house in the Bagnolet district. [1929-30-LET]

Bahamas. Stuart Wilton's first wife was the daughter of an English brewer. She married again and lived in the Bahamas. [1961-PAR]

Baie des Anges. [The sea at Nice.]

A young girl, dressed in red, was selling mimosa which had just arrived from Nice, and M bought a sprig for his wife, who did not know the Côte d'Azur except from a colored postcard of the Baie des Anges. [1948-PRE]

Lapointe told M he was waiting for a call back from the Nice Brigade Mobile. He'd found a postcard of the Baie des Anges of the house the Countess von Farnheim had lived in, the "Oasis" in Nice. [1950-PIC]

M imagined that Germain Parendon was looking at the Promenade des Anglais and the blue waters of the Baie des Anges during their phone conversation. [1968-HES]

Bailly. Torrence leafed through a directory looking for Ballu: Batin, Babert, Bailly, Ballu. 75 Quai Voltaire, just across the way. [1945-FAC]

Bal. Farther along the canal than No. 8 was a wooden hut bearing the legend "Bal". [1933-ECL]

Bal des Copains. Montmartre... They got out at Place Blanche and began to walk up Rue Lepic, which makes a large bend to the left where it meets Rue des Abbesses, and straight ahead Rue Tholozé climbs up a steep slope, then rejoins Rue Lepic by the Moulin de la Galette. About halfway up on the left was a building with violet letters that lit up at night: Bal des Copains.... Rue Tholozé leads into the Rue Lepic, right in front of the Moulin de la Galette, a dead end at a few steps. Léonard Planchon lived by the steps in a small house in the yard. About halfway along the street, on the right-hand side, there was a little dance hall, the Bal des Copains, where he met his wife. [1962-CLI]

Bal des Fleurs. Antoine Batille recorded the sounds of the Bal des Fleurs at La Villette. [1969-TUE]

Bal des Vertus. Dr Pardon got wrong number calls since they had a similar number at the Bal des Vertus, a dancehall on Rue du Chemin-Vert. [1959-CON]

Bald Stan. see: Hobson, Stanley.

Balearic Islands. At dinner they'd talked about Dr Pardon's daughter and son-in-law, and the cruise they were going to make to the Balearic Islands next summer. [1966-NAH]

Ballade des Pendus. [Ballad of the Hanged Men]
Below another sketch was some writing, four lines from Villon's Ballade des Pendus. [1930-31-PHO]

Ballancourt. Mère Mathilde had been hiding Marcel Basso. Piquart followed her to Ballancourt road. [1931-GUI]

Ballard, Théodore. A waiter in a café on the corner of the Boulevard Saint-Germain and the Rue de Seine had seen Maurice Tremblet there playing billiards with a man named Théodore, with ginger hair and a moustache, who M learned from M. Mauvre at Couvreur et Bellechasse had worked for them at the same time, as Théodore Ballard. He'd worked a few weeks at a street fair in Montmartre. He was eventually caught breaking into Tremblet's palce on the Quai de la Gare. [1946-pau]

Ballu. Maître Ballu, Bernadette Amorelle's solicitor. She'd sent for him the week before to change her will. 75 Quai Voltaire. [1945-FAC]

Ballu, Rue. [Paris. 9e, Opéra. from Rue Blanche to Rue de Clichy to Rue de Clichy]

Justin Minard lived in the Rue d'Enghien, just opposite the "Petit Parisien". He'd been going home by the Rue Ballu, then the Rue Chaptal, as usual. [1948-PRE]

M asked Lucette what day she'd called the garage in the Rue Ballu about the car. [1962-COL]

Lucile Gosset, a friend of the concierge of Nina Lassave's building who recognized Louis Mahossier at the time. A widow, apartment on Rue Ballu, which Mahossier was painting. [1971-SEU]

Inspector Véliard said he thought Maurice Marcia lived in the 19th, near Rue Ballu. 21 bis Rue Ballu, on Marcia's identification card. They had the whole first floor.... M had himself driven to the Rue Ballu, and told the policeman who was driving to wait near the church. [1971-IND]

Balthazar Coffee. The most distinguised name in the whole district was that of the people living at 17a, Rue Chaptal: Gendreau-Balthazar. Balthazar Coffee. [1948-PRE]

Balthazar, Hector. The elder M. Balthazar, Hector, had been a pedlar, his father the village saddler. He'd died at 88 five years before. [1948-PRE]

Balthazar, Hubert. Hubert Balthazar was Hector Balthazar's son, a good-for-nothing. He lived on the quays, not far from the Pont-Neuf, a kind of artist. In his 50s.... Paumelle mentioned M. Hubert. [1948-PRE]

Baltic. Pskov was in Russia. M had looked it up in an atlas. Near the Baltic. Several little countries there, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, encircled by Poland and Russia.... and there Jews as well, scattered everywhere. [1929-30-LET]

Else Anderson said they'd lived in a big castle on the shores of the Baltic. [1931-NUI]

Pijpekamp said Conrad Popinga's murderer might be streaming across the Baltic. [1931-HOL]

Bérenstein said before the war the two main stonecutting centers were Antwerp and Amsterdam. Most of the stonecutters were from the Baltic -- Latvia or Estonia. [1965-PAT]

Baltimore. Albert Falconi said Jimmy [Jimmy O'Malley] was an American. His daughter was getting married next week in Baltimore. [1954-JEU]

Balzac. An old tradition of the Paris police... the memoirs of Macé and those of the great Goron, each in his time the chief of what was then called the Sûreté. Vidocq was the most illustrious of them all, but unfortunately he left no recollections written by himself to compare with those by novelists, often using his own name, or in the case of Balzac, the name Vautrin. [1950-MEM]

The Vieux Garçon had been frequented in the past by Balzac and Alexandre Dumas, and later on, literary luncheon parties brought together by the Goncourt brothers, Flaubert, Zola, Alphonse Daudet and others. [1962-COL]

Once Hélène Lange took a Balzac but didn't like it. "Too coarse." [1967-VIC]

Judge Page's office, one of those not yet modernized, was on the top floor of the Law Courts. There was an old time atmosphere about it, reminiscent of the novels of Balzac. [1968-ENF]

Balzac. The Examining Magistrate had left his number for M - Balzac 23-74, in the Champs-Élysées district where M was now. [1958-TEM]

Bambi Parendon. see: Parendon, Bambi

Bambois. M reminded Léon Florentin of Bambois, who only had to threaten to twist his arm to have him shaking in his boots. [1968-ENF]

Mme M said Old Bambois had come and offered her a tench, which she'd baked for dinner. [1969-TUE]

Bandol. [commune, SE France, Var dept. pop. 1959: 3,500. Toulon arr., seaside resort on the Mediterranean.]

Willy Marco said they'd met Gloria Negretti at Bandol. [1930-PRO]

M picked up a paper. Two lovers had committed suicide at Bandol. [1932-LIB]

Alfred Meurant was located in Toulon, where he spent most of his time, with frequent trips along the Riviera, to Marseilles, Nice and Menton. He gave the names of three witnesses in Bandol, with whom he'd been playing cards. [1959-ASS]

Liliane Pigou spent two weeks with her parents in Aix-en-Provence, where her father was an architect. Then she went to stay with her sister, who'd rented a house in Bandol. [1969-VIN]

Maurice Marcia's body would be taken to Bandol, where they had a villa, after the funeral, and buried in a cemetery there.... Boutang introduced M to Charmeroy, Superintendent of Police in Bandol. [1971-IND]

Bangkok. A reception desk clerk said in English "Your call to Bangkok..." [1957-VOY]

Bank of Normandie. Among Yves Joris' letters: a letter from the Caen branch of the Bank of Normandie: Your account (#14173) has been credited with 300,000 francs, from the Dutch Bank, Hamburg. [1932-POR]

Banks. P'tit Louis said that sailing ships make only one trip, but trawlers had to go twice to the Banks. He said he'd rather go to Fresnes. [1931-REN]

Banque de Crédit. Émile said a commercial traveler said he'd seen Maurice Belloir and Louis Jeunet go into Belloir's house in the Rue de Vesle. Belloir was Vice-Chairman of the Banque de Crédit. [1930-31-PHO]

Banque de France. In the apartment on the right an old couple, the husband had worked at the Banque de France. [1968-ENF]

Banque du Nord. M called Marcel Basso's office to find out the name of his bank. It was the Banque du Nord, Boulevard Haussmann. [1931-GUI]

Baptiste. M. Louis called Baptiste, the night wine waiter. [1938-owe]

the captain of the Cormorant, boat which did regular service between Giens Pt. and Porquerolles, (8 am and 5pm only). [1949-AMI]

Baptiste Canut. see: Canut, Baptiste

Baquet, Arthur. Véronique Lachaume's boyfriend was called Jacques Sainval, 44, 23 Rue de Ponthieu. His real name was Arthur Baquet. She called him Jacquot. He called her Nique. [1958-TEM]

Bar Association. Philippe Liotard told M that the Bar Association has certain strict rules, and that he had not observed them very carefully. [1949-MME]

Barbarin. Maître Barbarin, Quai Voltaire, was the Lachaume's notary. [1958-TEM]

Barbès. Joseph Audiat was not making for the Rue Lepic, where he lived, nor the center of the city. He kept along the boulevard [Boulevard Rochechouart], where the métro ran overhead, and at the Barbès crossroads he went towards La Chapelle. [1934-MAI]

M told Lucas Louise Filon had been a prostitute who'd had her beat in the Barbès district.... Janvier tried a bistro at the Barbès crossroads, but no one there had seen Pierre Eyraud. [1953-TRO]

Barbès, Boulevard. [Paris. 18e, Butte-Montmartre. from Boulevard de la Chapelle to Rue Ordener]

[Stephan Strevzki] followed the same route, from Trinité and Place Clichy [Place de Clichy], Place Clichy and Barbès by way of the Rue Caulaincourt, then from Barbès [Boulevard Barbès] to the Gare du Nord and the Rue La Fayette. [1939-hom]

Méjat said Marcel Airaud's mother's house had furniture from a department store on Boulevard Barbès. [1940-JUG]

If Mme M had walked as far as the Place de la République, she could have taken a bus going right to the Boulevard Barbès, and reached the Place d'Anvers in plenty of time for her dentist's appointment. But she went down the stairs at the Richard-Lenoir station of the métro, just a step or two from her own door, because of the "nice lady". [1949-MME]

Torrence called from the Barbès station, to say he'd found the driver who'd brought Loraine Martin back to the neighborhood. [1950-noe]

Oscar Bonvoisin's living room was like one of those on display at the Boulevard Barbès.... The concierge of the Countess von Farnheim's building's son, Oscar Aubain, was a carpenter's apprentice in a workshop on Boulevard Barbès. [1950-PIC]

Martine Gilloux had lived somewhere in Montmartre, off the Boulevard Barbès. [1956-ECH]

After dinner M called PJ's general information. An old lady had jumped out of a window on Boulevard Barbès, a corpse had been found in the Seine at Pont de Saint-Cloud. [1962-CLI]

The furniture was the sort to be found in any of the big stores on the Boulevard Barbès, called "provincial". [1969-VIN]

Barbès-Rochechouart. Someone said they'd seen the yellow Citroën in the Barbès-Rochechouart district. The Barbès district was next to that of the Gare du Nord, where Albert Rochain had worked as a waiter. [1947-MOR]

barbituates. Attempted suicide by barbituate poisoning in the Rue Blanche. [1946-mal]

barbituates. These things happened so frequently in the luxury hotels that if they got a call from the 16th, someone would invariably ask, "downs?", meanining barbituates [Gardénal]. [1957-VOY]

Barcelona. Joseph Audiat said the man from Marseilles had been in Barcelona, but nothing was doing there. [1934-MAI]

Three or four times a year the Maupoises took a trip to Venice, Barcelona, Florence, Naples, Greece, or elsewhere. [1965-PAT]

Barcelonette. Ten years earlier, when M had arrested Christiani, he'd struck M with his knuckle-duster. He was now the owner of a couple of 'houses' in Paris and another at Barcelonette. [1936-pig]

Bar Council. M asked if Jean-Charles Gaillard had ever had any trouble with the Bar Council. [1962-COL]

Bardamont. M found Bardamont in the phone book while searching for Émile Blaise. [1941-SIG]

Bar de la Grosse Horloge. Lapointe's sister, Germaine Lapointe, often waited for him at the Bar de la Grosse Horloge when she got off from work at the publisher's on the Left Bank at 5:00. [1949-MME]

Bar de la Lune. An anonymous letter said Popaul could be found in the Bar de la Lune on the Rue de Charonne. [1959-CON]

Bar de l'Amiral. Le Grand Marcel was packing for Toulon. Said he could be reached there c/o Bob, Bar de l'Amiral. Quai de Stalingrad. [1970-FOL]

Bar des Églantiers. One of the addresses in Marcel Basso's book was Lola, Bar des Églantiers, 18 Rue Montaigne, crossed out with blue chalk. [1931-GUI]

Bar des Tilleuls. Fouad Ouéni said he'd been at the Saint-Michel Club, a gambling club above the Bar des Tilleuls, till 1:30. [1966-NAH]

Bar du Levant. Ernestine Jussiaume had found the bar Alfred had called from, on the Rue de Maubeuge, near a leather goods shop, called Bar du Levant. [1951-GRA]

Bar du Soleil. M called the third precinct, from the Bar du Soleil, spoke to Detective Bonfils. Bonfils said that Big Nicolas and Danvers were at the station. [1951-LOG]

Barens, Cornélius. Cornélius Barens, called Cor, a cadet on the training ship, was also at the house the night of the murder. [1931-HOL]

Barillard. M looked through the members list of the Hundred Keys Club. ... Barillard, of the Barillard Oil Company, (next month Mlle. Barillard was going to marry Eric Cornal, of Cornal Biscuits). [1964-DEF]

Barillard, Fernand. Fernand Barillard lived on the fourth floor right at Aline's. Aline and Manuel Palmari lived on the left. Traveling salesman for deluxe packaging firm. 40-45, pretty Belgian wife, fair hair, plump, always singing.... about 40, dark moustache. Offered M some wine from Sancerre. 5'7", thick dark hair.... Fernand Barillard's wife, née Mina Claes, said they'd been married 8 years. About 30, nice and plump, fair hair. [1965-PAT]

Barillard, Mina. Fernand Barillard's wife, née Mina Claes. [1965-PAT]

Barillard Oil Company. M looked through the members list of the Hundred Keys Club. ... Barillard, of the Barillard Oil Company.... [1964-DEF]

Barion, Armand. M asked for Dr. Armand Barion, a specialist in lung diseases and a former intern at Laënnec, who had lived in Neuilly three years. Married, three children, a boy of 7, girl of 5, and a baby a few months old. [1936-lun]

Bariteau. The sound of a rowboat under the bridge was no doubt old Bariteau, going out to lay his eel traps.... One of the men playing belote with M was old Bariteau, the eel fisherman. [1940-JUG]

Barnabé. The Chief had heard that Pepito Palestrino was in the Barnabé affair, the man killed the week before in the Place Blanche. And drugs as well. [1934-MAI]

Barnacle. The only other member of the Old School was Barnacle, who had remained a detective, known as "Cold in the Head" or "The man with the big feet." He was retiring in three months. M asked him to take pictures of Nicole Prieur. ... Came to M with photos, including pictures of Nicole, by the railing of the Parc Monceau, with her dachshund.... Everyone called him "Monsieur Barnacle" as if "Monsieur" was his first name. [1964-DEF]

Barnat, Max. M had asked Bodard, of the Financial Section, to summon the man the papers were talking about every day, Max Bernat, a central figure in the latest financial scandal, from the Santé. [1955-TEN]

Barodet. Chief-Inspector Barodet, whose name was in the paper's more than any other, was at the house. In M's eyes he was almost the most wonderful man in the world. [1948-PRE]

Baron. René Josselin's daughter, Véronique Fabre, was married to Dr. Paul Fabre, a pediatrician, assistant to Prof. Baron at the Children's Hospital.[Hôpital des Enfants Malades] [1961-BRA]

Baron. M called Janvier and asked if Baron was there. For 25 years he had specialized in race tracks. On the day of the Grand Prix he too wore a pearl-gray derby and spats. [1951-LOG]

M called to Baron in the inspectors' office to have him call the Brasserie Dauphine for a big pot of coffee and croissants for the interrogation of Jenny and Gisèle Marton. Janin and Bonfils were also there. [1957-SCR]

It was Dupeu and Baron wo took over, outside, at 6 am. [1959-ASS]

Someone had to be sent to relieve Aristide Fumel at the Hôtel Lambert. Not a member of his "personal team", but Lourtie or Lesueur. Neither was available, so Baron went over. [1961-PAR]

Baron reported that he'd checked the Madeleine Theater. The two seats had been occupied. Behind were the Demailles, Rue de la Pompe in Passy. He'd question them. [1961-BRA]

Janvier had brought inspectors Baron and Vacher to Manuel Palmari's. [1965-PAT]

Baron raised his hand shyly when M asked the 15 or so in the detectives' office if anyone spoke English. He said he had a bad accent. M told him to replace Lapointe. [1966-NAH]

Baron was watching the house at Rue de Turbigo, Neveu the office in Montmartre, at Avenue Trudaine. [1971-SEU]

Baron was on duty at the Boulevard Saint-Germain house. [1972-CHA]

Baronne de Brand-Lussac. see: Brand-Lussac, Baronne de

Baron, The. A gang of Poles, 5 or 6 of them, were holed up in the squalid Hôtel des Arcades. One of them, nicknamed the Baron, had changed a bill stolen from the Vansittart farm, at a parimutuel window at Longchamps. [1940-CEC]

François Lagrange's nickname. His father had been a baron, or had pretended to be, according to Dr Pardon. [1952-REV]

The Baron, as a reporter had been frequenting Criminal Police Headquarters for almost as many years as M.... Someone said the Baron had just arrived, and young Jean Rougin, and one photographer. [1955-TEN]

Barracks. One of the local inspectors at Rouen called to say Jacques Pétillon had gone straight to the Barracks when he'd arrived, into a brasserie nearby, the Tivoli, frequented by prostitutes, stayed half an hour, and was waiting for the return train to Paris. [1942-FEL]

Barraud. Jaquette Larrieu said she wanted to talk to the Abbé Barraud, who was at the Sainte-Clotilde presbytery. [1960-VIE]

Barrère. The man from Barodet's squad who was digging was Barrère, who'd been shot a month earlier arresting a Pole in the Rue Caulaincourt. [1948-PRE]

Barthet. Olga Boulanger's parents had come from Brittany for the funeral, learned somehow that she had been four months pregnant, and got in touch with Barthet, an acrimonious lawyer. [1936-lun]

Basel. The Commodore, on leaving Amsterdam, had gone to Basel, so M called the Swiss police. [1946-mal]

Basile Vernoux. see: Vernoux, Basile

Basque. M knew the Examining Magistrate, [Gastambide] a meticulous, suspicious little Basque, who weighed every word. [1934-MAI]

Bas-Rhin. [dept, NE France pop. 1968: 827,367.]

The name on the Doc's identity card was François Keller, François Keller, François Marie Florentin Keller, born in Mulhouse, Bas-Rhin. [1962-CLO]

Bassano, Rue de. [Paris. 8e, Élycée. from Avenue d'Iéna to Champs-Élysées]

M was in the Rue Magellan, and to the right, at the far end of Rue Bassano, lay the Champs-Élysées. [1957-VOY]

Maître Prijean was Jacqueline Rousselet's lawyer, Rue de Bassano. [1962-CLO]

Walter Carus had an office at 18b Rue de Bassano, off the Champs-Élysées.... M had Lapointe drive him to Walter Carus offices on the Rue de Bassano. The company name was Carrossoc, with reception rooms on the first floor. [1966-VOL]

Bassin. At the 3rd Arrondissement, M asked Bassin if he'd be taking down François Mélan's statement. He'd known him for twenty years. Told him that after Mélan signed the statement, he'd likely have to take him over to the Central Police Station... gently, no brutality. The bodies of three women were found in Mélan's garden. [1964-DEF]

Basso, Marcel. M looked at the brass owner's plate in the car he'd been following: Marcel Basso, 32 Quai d'Austerlitz.... M followed him back, "Coal and Coke Merchant and Importer." [1931-GUI]

Basso, Pierrot. Marcel Basso's 10-year-old son, Pierrot went to wait for James. [1931-GUI]

Bastia. [seaport city, France, capital, Haute-Corse dept. pop. 1968: 49,375. NE coast of the island of Corsica, 65 mi. NE of Ajaccio. principal commercial and industrial city of Corsica.]

M returned to the Quai des Orfèvres, where he might learn of a young tough from Pigalle, newly arrived from Marseilles or Bastia, who had done in a rival to prove he was a man. [1968-HES]

Bastiani. M called Nice to speak with Superintendent Bastiani at the Department of Criminal Investigation. Asked him to check on Marcelle Maillant, Mirella Jonker, and if he'd known Lognon when he was at the Rue des Saussaies. He remembered "Inspector Grumpy". [1963-FAN]

Bastille. Gérard Pardon Pardon, Juliette Boynet 's nephew, Cécile Pardon's brother, enlisted in the army, married, lived in Paris near the Bastille. Hardly ever visited, but had come the week before. Wife was pregnant.... Charles Dandurand had been spotted loitering near the Porte Saint-Martin, Boulevard Sébastopol, and the Bastille... [1940-CEC]

Bastille. M took a bus to the Bastille, and rang the bell of the third floor apartment on Rue du Chemin-Vert. The door was opened by Mme. Dufour, young and pretty. M's own home was only 500 yards away, on the Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, but he didn't go there. [1930-31-TET]

Oscar said he'd started with a guy he'd met at the Bastille. He remembered a car loaded with plate stolen from a villa at Bougival. [1931-NUI]

P'tit Louis recognized M and challenged him. "Come for me?"... M said "Don't forget the pocket-book business when you're doing your glass-eating act in the Bastille." [1931-REN]

The last No. 13 (Bastille-Crétail) tram trailed it's yellow lights the whole length of the Quai des Carrières.... then darted off towards Charenton.... Lucas reported that Gassin had bought a revolver from a gunsmith at the Bastille. [1933-ECL]

M arrived at the Rue du Chemin-Vert, a narrow and animated street in the Bastille district, filled primarily with workshops and warehouses. [1942-men]

When Joseph Leroy had run from the house he'd run except when he was near the Bastille, since there were some policemen around. Then he'd gone to the Gare de l'Est and got the idea of going to Chelles. [1945-pip]

In Paris, where he lived, between the République and the Bastille, it would be easy to find someone who'd lived in the same house for the past thirty or forty years. [1946-NEW]

The man [Victor Poliensky] made off towards the Bastille, walked nearly the whole way round the Place, started down the Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, but turned right down the Rue de la Roquette.... [Albert Rochain] had made his journey through the Châtelet-Bastille district. [1947-MOR]

A tough guy from the Bastille area or the Place Pigalle would have put them down as choirboys. [1949-CHE]

Valentine Besson's third brother, Lucien Fouque, had worked in Paris as a hairdresser, was knifed in a café near the Bastille. [1949-DAM]

The Jules Naud brothers had a load to deliver to the Quai de l'Arsenal. It was a couple of miles downstream, between the Bastille and Seine. They'd be there for almost a week unloading. [1955-COR]

Mme M and he lunched in a restaurant near the Bastille. [1956-AMU]

A sailor who spent a lot of time commuting to South America and Central America on cargo boats offered some information to M about Popaul, who'd used to hang out in the Bastille district. Said he'd met him in Venezuela and he'd claimed he'd killed Christine Josset. [1959-CON]

M imagined that Roger Prou could have been a pimp... not at the Étoile, but at Porte Saint-Denis or Bastille... or he could organize warehouse burglaries around Gare du Nord... [1962-CLI]

Demarie said the men should be near the Bastille, unless they'd got to the Rue de la Roquette. [1966-NAH]

Bastille. Gilbert Pigou said at first he took a room in a cheap but respectable hotel near the Bastille. [1969-VIN]

Bastille, Boulevard de la. [Paris. 12e, Reuilly - 4e, Hotel-de-Ville. from Place Mazas to Place de la Bastille]

M spent a quarter of an hour in a barbershop on the Boulevard de la Bastille. [1945-FAC]

Bastille Day. There was a kind of Bastille Day gaiety to the atmosphere in the Old Town. [1931-JAU]

Bastille, Place de la. [Paris. 11e, Popincourt - 12e, Reuilly. from Rue du Faubourg St-Antoine to Boulevard Beaumarchais]

No. 18 Rue de la Roquette turned out to be a low-class hotel. Less than 50 yards from the Place de la Bastille, the Rue de Lappe, with its little dance-halls, leads into it. [1930-31-PHO]

Jacques Rivaud had received a 9-minute call from Paris that Tuesday, from Archives 14-67, the Restaurant des Quatres Sergents, Place de la Bastille. [1932-FOU]

Boris Saft seldom went out. He spent his time reading Polish newspapers which were fetched for him from a news-stand in the Place de la Bastille. [1937-38-sta]

There'd been a raid at the Bastille [Place de la Bastille] and about 30 women had been brought in. [1939-MAJ]

Having crossed the Place de la Bastille, M was passing a little bistro on his way down Boulevard Henri-IV.... Everything was shrouded in Scotch mist, and Gérard Pardon had only just realized they were near the Place de la Bastille. The driver was approaching Place des Vosges by way of Rue Saint-Antoine. [1940-CEC]

In the Place de la Bastille, at the corner of the Rue de la Roquette, M studied the lights. [1945-FAC]

This time the call [from Albert Rochain] had come in from the Quatre Sergents de La Rochelle, a restaurant on the Boulevard Beaumarchais, close to the Place de la Bastille.... M sent another detective to check all the little cafés around the Châtelet, the Place des Vosges, and the Bastille. [1947-MOR]

A torchlight retreat was being sounded in the Place de la Bastille. [1948-PRE]

When Fernande Steuvals had come home before Frans Steuvels on Monday, she'd seen him get off a bus at Rue des Francs-Bourgeois. M asked if if was from Bastille or downtown, and she said downtown. [1949-MME]

Loraine Martin said she'd seen her brother-in-law Paul Martin slouching about in the Bastille area, sometimes selling newspapers in the street. [1950-noe]

The party at the Léonards was on the Boulevard Beaumarchais, not far from the Place de la Bastille. [1950-MEM]

M found himself standing alone in the Place de la Bastille. He began to walk along the Grands Boulevards, determined to go to the cinema. [1951-MEU]

M remembered how, at the age of 20, he had first arrived in Paris, disturbed at the ferment. In some "strategic points" - Les Halles, Place Clichy [Place de Clichy], the Bastille, and Boulevard Saint-Martin - the ferment was even more intense. [1952-BAN]

Later, in the Place de la Bastille, outside a café, Mme M said she wondered how they managed in New York and London without outdoor cafés. [1956-AMU]

Honoré Cuendet had been living in the Rue Saint-Antoine, 100 yards from the Place de la Bastille. [1961-PAR]

Hubert van Houtte said he'd been dancing near Place de la Bastille - on a narrow street where there are half a dozen dance halls - at Chez Léon. [1962-CLO]

M walked as far as the Bastille, the two men connected to the Ministry of the Interior following him, spent an hour outside a café reading the newspapers, and walked back along Boulevard Beaumarchais and Rue de Chemin-Vert. [1964-DEF]

The man from the "happy couple", Bébert, greeted M. M had arrested him first during a procession in Boulevard des Capucines, some visiting head of state. Second time had been outside the entrance to the métro at the Bastille. [1967-VIC]

One of Antoine Batille's recordings, about Lucien and Gouvion taking turns, was recorded at Café des Amis, Place de la Bastille.... At the Place de la Bastille, Émile Branchu went toward the Boulevard Beaumarchais, and opened the door of a black Citroën DS, which drove off immediately. [1969-TUE]

It was quiet on the Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, people looking down on the street from their windows as M and Mme took a stroll. They went as far as the Bastille and came back by the Boulevard Beaumarchais.... M and Mme M walked to the Bastille after dinner. They walked on Boulevard Beaumarchais, Rue Servan, and finally came back to Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, their much-loved, shabby old apartment. [1970-FOL]

Two or three buses were parked near Place de la Bastille, alongside the Arc de Triomphe, the Sacré-Coeur, and the Tour Eiffel, along M's walk home from the offices of the Parisien Libéré. [1971-SEU]

Bastille, Rue de la. [Paris. 4e, Hotel-de-Ville. from Rue des Tournelles to Place de la Bastille]

Oscar had dinner once a week in Paris, at the Escargot on the Rue de la Bastille. [1931-NUI]

Batallions d'Afrique. see: Africa Batallions

Batignolles. Lucas called from the Batignolles police station, nearest to Désirée Brault's house. He had the gun. [1953-TRO]

Batignolles, Boulevard des. [Paris. 8e, Élycée. from Place Clichy to Place Prosper Goubaux]

Two policemen were watching Feinstein's flat on the Boulevard des Batignolles. [1931-GUI]

Philippe Lauer said he'd seen the paper over coffee and rolls in the Boulevard des Batignolles. [1934-MAI]

Lucas had called from the Boulevard des Batignolles to say that it look 'the birds were about to fly'. [1936-pei]

13 Boulevard des Batignolles. The address of Octave Le Cloaguen, in the identification papers used by the old man found in Mlle. Jeanne's kitchen.... A few minutes later M and Le Cloaguen were on the Boulevard des Batignolles, drawing up in front of a big building of gray stone, a porte-cochere, an interior courtyard, an air of spaciousness and affluence. 4th floor. Mme. Antoinette Le Cloaguen opened the door. [1941-SIG]

An old man, Mabille, a moneylender, lived opposite Julien Foucrier's hotel in the Rue des Dames , behind the Boulevard des Batignolles. Foucrier had robbed and killed him twenty years earlier.... Françoise Boursicault had called a lawyer, Maître Lechat, who lived in the Boulevard des Batignolles, and who promised to come see her in the afternoon. [1951-MEU]

Police Constable Dambois had spotted Albert Jorisse around 6:00 at the junction of Place Clichy [Place de Clichy] and Boulevard des Batignolles, coming out of a bar. [1952-BAN]

The man who found the body said there was a police alarm at the corner of the Boulevard de Clichy. He knew, as they lived on the Boulevard des Batignolles, close by. [1954-JEU]

M remembered that Catroux lived on the Boulevard des Batignolles, at the far end, on the left, with a restaurant to the right of the door. Second floor, to the right. [1954-MIN]

Monique Juteaux, 24, living with her mother on the Boulevard des Batignolles, visited a friend on Avenue de Saint-Ouen, stabbed three times. [1955-TEN]

Joseph Goldman lived in the house, on the third floor. He took his meals in a café on the Boulevard des Batignolles. Was a bachelor or a widower. [1956-ECH]

Justin Lavancher's daughter went to an art school on Boulevard des Batignolles. [1965-PAT]

Jean-Luc Bodard, the red-head, lived in a small hotel, the Hôtel Beauséjour, on the Boulevard des Batignolles, and took his meals in the restaurant.... The Boulevard des Batignolles, with its double row of trees, was dark and deserted, but at the end could be seen the brilliant illuminations of the Place Clichy [Place de Clichy]. [1968-ENF]

Le Grand Marcel lived at 27 Boulevard des Batignolles. [1970-FOL]

Lesage & Gélot. Painting and Decorating, 25, Boulevard des Batignolles. Sign on the panel truck driven at the time of Nina Lassave's murder by Louis Mahossier, which had led to his being found. [1971-SEU]

Batignolles, Rue des. [Paris. 17e, Batignolles-Monceau. from Boulevard des Batignolles to Place des Batignolles]

Pepito Moretto lived at Hôtel Beauséjour, 3, Rue des Batignolles. [1929-30-LET]

Germain Cageot lived in the Rue des Batignolles. [1934-MAI]

Maurice Tremblet's, in the lower end of the Rue des Dames, near the Rue des Batignolles, was swarming with people in the sunshine. [1946-pau]

The Baron lived in the Rue des Batignolles. The telephone was off the hook. [1951-LOG]

Batille, Antoine. The young man found stabbed in the Rue Popincourt was Antoine Batille, 21, Quai d'Anjou, on the Île Saint-Louis, not far from Pont Marie. [1969-TUE]

Batille, Gérard. . Gérard Batille, Antoine Batille's father, was the owner of Mylène perfume and beauty aids. 45-46. [1969-TUE]

Batille, Martine. Antoine Batille's mother was Martine Batille. [1969-TUE]

Batille, Minou. Monique Batille, Antoine Batille's sister. 18, was called Minou. [1969-TUE]

Batille, Monique. Antoine Batille's sister was Monique Batille, nicknamed Minou. Tall, thin, smoked Gitanes. [1969-TUE]

Batin. Torrence leafed through a directory looking for Ballu: Batin, Babert, Bailly, Ballu. 75 Quai Voltaire, just across the way. [1945-FAC]

Battle of Flowers. There was mimosa everywhere, under a brilliant July 14 sun. M asked a policeman why all the bands were there: The Battle of Flowers [le grand Corso fleuri] at Cannes. [1939-MAJ]

Féret said the weather [in Nice] was grand, the town packed with foreigners who'd come for the Carnival. The bataille des fleurs was the next day. [1954-JEU]

Bauche, Aline. Aline's full name. [1965-PAT]

Bauche, Jean. The youngest of the motorcycle gang, Jean Bauche, known as Jeannot, was barely 18. He also worked in the locksmith's. His mother was a cleaning woman on the Rue Saint-Antoine. Finally, after 20 hours, Bauche had cracked, admitted it was Gaston Nouveau who'd set up the job at the Lotus, a small bar on the Rue Saint-Antoine. [1963-FAN]

Baudelin. M tried to think of inspectors who'd left the Criminal Investigation Department employ. Baudelin, tall pale young man, probably left for ill health. Falconet, over 50, asked to retire early because of his drinking. Little Valencourt. Fischer, weighed at least 200 pounds. [1954-MIN]

Baud, Julien. Émile Parendon's office boy. about 20, just came from Switzerland. Ambition to become a playwright. A well-built young man with red hair and freckled cheeks. Came from Morges, on Lake Geneva, canton of Vaud. [1968-HES]

Baule, La. see: La Baule

Baur, Harry. [1880-1943. If not the greatest character actor of his time, French stage and film star Harry Baur was certainly one of the most beloved....

see Harry Baur as Maigret]
M felt the first screen Maigret, Pierre Renoir, was relatively true to life. But in Abel Tarride he'd become flabby and obese. Harry Baur may have been a great actor, but he was 20 years older! And with Préjean he suddenly got younger. Finally, lately, with Charles Laughton, he'd become stout again, and spoke English! At least Pierre Renoir hadn't worn a bowler. [1950-MEM]

Bayeux. [town, NW France, Calvados dept. pop. 1968: 11,451. Normandy, about 15 mi. WNW of Caen, about 5 mi. inland from the English Channel.]

Cécile Ledru said when she was an uneducated girl of 15, and couldn't even read, she'd found employment with Mme. Joséphine Crozier at Bayeux. [1937-38-bay]

M got a call from the Rue Damrémont Police Station, that Mlle. Jeanne, a fortuneteller at 67 bis Rue Caulaincourthad been murdered. Real name was Marie Picard, from Bayeux. [1941-SIG]

Bayonne. The two young Frenchmen, about 20, had both come from Bayonne. One was Joseph [Joseph Daumale] and the other Joachim [John Maura]. It was the Gay Nineties, what in Paris were called the bastringues. They put together a comedy act called J & J. [1946-NEW]

Bazancourt, Marquis de. M called the Marquis de Bazancourt, 3 Avenue Gabriel, a wealthy neighborhood with windows looking onto the Champs-Élysées to check on the De Dion Bouton. "Is it personal?" "Yes" "The marquis died three months ago." [1948-PRE]

Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville. Mme M had yet to see M spend one hour in the precious deck chair he'd brought back in triumph from the Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville. [1945-FAC]

BA  BE  BI  BL  BO  BR  BU  



BEA. It was a British plane, BEA, [BOAC] flight 312. [1957-VOY]

Beard. The Beard, the nickname of one of Stan the Killer's gang, Boris Saft. [1937-38-sta]

Béarn, Rue de. [Paris. 3e, Temple. from Place des Vosges to Rue Saint-Gilles]

Less than a hundred yards from the Place des Vosges, at the corner of the Rue de Béarn, a uniformed policeman was on duty at the police station. [1931-OMB]

Beastly Buggers. Billy Louette played in a band called the Beastly Buggers. [1970-FOL]

Beaubourg, Rue. [Paris. 3e, Temple - 4e, Hotel-de-Ville. from Rue Simon-le-Franc to Rue de Turbigo]

Oscar Laget published trade journals, Le Journal de la Boucherie, Le Bulletin des Mandataires, Le Moniteur des Cuirs et Peaux, and others, in the Rue Beaubourg. [1936-fen]

Rue Réaumur, Rue de Turbigo, then down the Rue Chapon into the Rue Beaubourg. M thought the man [Victor Poliensky] was on familiar ground. [1947-MOR]

Beaucaire. [commune, S France, Gard dept. pop. 1962: 8,243. on right bank of Rhone R. (opposite Tarascon) 15 mi. E of Nimes.]

M. Padailhan, the Inspector of Taxes at Nevers told M to say he was his cousin from Beaucaire if anyone met him. [1930-GAL]

Beauce. [Ancient district of NC France, now part of depts. of Loir-et-Cher and Eure-et-Loir.]

Bernadette Amorelle had traveled all the way across Beauce to see M. [1945-FAC]

Beaudet, Jacqueline. René Lussac's wife's maiden name was Jacqueline Beaudet, born in Orléans. [1961-PAR]

Beaudoin. Every morning Louis Thouret caught the bus at the corner, which got him to Juvisy station at 8:17. He traveleved with a neighbor, M. Beaudoin, who worked in Inland Revenue. From Gare de Lyon they went to Saint-Martin [Boulevard Saint-Martin] by Métro. [1952-BAN]

Beaujolais, Rue de. [Paris. 1er, Louvre. from Rue de Valois to Rue Montpensier]

Jean Martin had met his wife Loraine Martin in a little restaurant in the Rue de Beaujolais, close to his office and her shop. [1950-noe]

Beaujon. [Beaujon Hospital, 100 Boulevard du Général-Leclerc, Clichy.]

Louis Jeunet's wife, Jeanne Jeunet, said her father was a male nurse in Beaujon. He had opened a small herbalist's in the Rue Picpus, which her mother ran. Six years ago she'd met Jeunet, a driller in a workshop in Belleville. They married and rented a room for her mother in the Rue du Chemin-Vert. [1930-31-PHO]

Jacques Pétillon was taken to Beaujon Hospital. [1942-FEL]

From the ambulance M recognized the somber gates of Beaujon. [1948-PRE]

Lucas told M he'd arranged for Lognon to be taken to the hospital at Beaujon.... M told them to take Charlie Cinaglia to Beaujon hospital, which would make Lognon happy. [1951-LOG]

The man Constable Margaret had shot had been hit in the neck, and was in Beaujon Hospital in a coma. [1961-PAR]

Beaulieu, Gassin de. Father of Mme. Parendon. One of the most ferocious prosecutors at the time of the Liberation. Appointed first President of the Supreme Court of Appeal. Now retired to his château in Vendée, in the forest of Vouvant. Four daughters, all married. [1968-HES]

Beauman. 2nd floor tenant in Jeanne Debul's building. Diamond brokers, away in Switzerland. [1952-REV]

Beaumarchais, Boulevard. [Paris. 4e, Hotel-de-Ville. from Place de la Bastille to Rue Pont-aux-Choux]

M had Nine Moinard come with him to the Boulevard Beaumarchais to find a taxi. [1931-OMB]

The previous Sunday, on the fourth floor of an apartment house in the Boulevard Beaumarchais, where the ground floor was a pipe manufacturer, Louise Voivin, 26, had died suddenly, apparently poisoned. [1936-bea]

Four young men had robbed a radio dealer's shop in the Boulevard Beaumarchais. One of the youths had fired a shot that killed a policeman. [1937-38-ber]

This time the call [from Albert Rochain] had come in from the Quatre Sergents de La Rochelle, a restaurant on the Boulevard Beaumarchais, close to the Place de la Bastille. [1947-MOR]

The driver who picked up Loraine Martin at the Gare du Nord brought her to the juncture of the Boulevard Beaumarchais and Rue du Chemin-Vert.... Loraine Martin said the luggage receipt was in the poste restante in the Boulevard Beaumarchais. [1950-noe]

The party at the Léonards was on the Boulevard Beaumarchais, not far from the Place de la Bastille. [1950-MEM]

Eugène Benoît's last address was Hôtel Beaumarchais, on Boulevard Beaumarchais. [1954-MIN]

Ferdinand Fumal showed M 7 anonymous threat letters he'd received, postmarked at a post office near the Opéra. One had been from Boulevard Beaumarchais, another the Central Post Office in the Rue du Louvre, the last, Avenue des Ternes. [1956-ECH]

M walked as far as the Bastille, the two men connected to the Ministry of the Interior following him, spent an hour outside a café reading the newspapers, and walked back along Boulevard Beaumarchais and Rue de Chemin-Vert. [1964-DEF]

Mina Claes worked as a salesgirl in a jewelers on the Boulevard Beaumarchais, where she had met Fernand Barillard. [1965-PAT]

Antoine Batilles' voice on his tape recording told where the recording had been made: the Brasserie Lorraine, Boulevard Beaumarchais.... At the Place de la Bastille, Émile Branchu went toward the Boulevard Beaumarchais, and opened the door of a black Citroën DS, which drove off immediately. [1969-TUE]

It was quiet on the Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, people looking down on the street from their windows as M and Mme M took a stroll. They went as far as the Bastille and came back by the Boulevard Beaumarchais. [1970-FOL]

38. The address of Louis Mahossier's lawyer, Maître Loiseau. [1971-SEU]

Beaumarchais, Hôtel. see: Hôtel Beaumarchais

Beau Pigeon. see: Pretty Pigeon

Beauséjour, Hôtel. see: Hôtel Beauséjour

Beausoleil, Françoise. Jacques Rivaud's sister-in-law, Françoise Beausoleil, around 20, burst into the room, said she'd been attacked in the Moulin-Neuf wood. [1932-FOU]

Beausoleil, Joséphine. Françoise Beausoleil and Germaine Rivaud's mother Joséphine Beausoleil came to Bergerac. She'd sung at the Olympia. [1932-FOU]

Beausoleil, Yvonne. M asked Joséphine Beausoleil if her name was Yvonne, to learn her real name. [1932-FOU]

Beauval. The Two Brothers had taken on a load at Beauval from Wharf No. 48 on the Ourcq Canal. As usual they were several tons overweight. The previous night, as they were drawing away from the dock at La Villette, headed for the Saint-Martin Canal, they had churned up a lot of mud. [1955-COR]

Beauvau, Place. [Paris. 8e, Élycée. from Rue de Faubourg-Saint-Honoré to Rue de Miromesnil]

The father, a Deputy, alleged that on instructions from the Place Beauvau, his son had been turned into a drug addict, in order to compromise him. [1957-SCR]

They could hear the rumble of the buses on the Place Beauvau from Émile Parendon's office. [1968-HES]

Beaux Arts. see: École des Beaux-Arts

Bébé. Charlot's girlfriend, arrived at Porquerolles on the Cormorant; dancer or singer in a Marseilles night club, had been to the island 4 or 5 times. [1949-AMI]

Bébé Cadum. see: Cadum, Baby

Bebelmans. Anna Bebelmans's father, had been mayor of the town for a long time and once stood for Parliament; his wife was dead, daughter's name forbidden to be mentioned. She hadn't been told of her mother's death. Formerly a magistrate at Groningen. [1949-AMI]

Bebelmans, Anna. Born at Ostend. 18. During the interrogation of Philippe de Moricourt and Jef de Greef, Anna took Veronal on their boat, committing suicide so she wouldn't have to testify against de Greef. Charlot thought of it before M... She wore a little cotton frock under which one sensed she was as naked as beneath her sunsuit. She had a well-rounded body, extremely feminine, so expressly made for caressing that despite oneself one imagined her in bed. [1949-AMI]

Bebelmans, Jef. A call came in from the Aulnoye station, that a Jef Bebelmans, an acrobat born in Antwerp, had been found emerging from under a coach with a parcel containing a considerable sum in international certificates. [1936-arr]

Bébé Rose, Le. see: Le Bébé Rose Mlle. Léone's shop in the Rue de Clignancourt. Horsemeat butcher's on one side and a cabmen's eating place on the other. [1952-BAN]

Bébert. Émile Ducrau asked if the assistant lock-keeper found hung had been Bébert. [1933-ECL]

from Montpellier. One of the pictures of criminals M showed to Emma. [1941-SIG]

The man from the "happy couple", Bébert, greeted M. M thought names like Bébert, P'tit Louis, and Grand Jules were common enough in his profession. M had arrested him first during a procession in Boulevard des Capucines, some visiting head of state. Second time had been outside the entrance to the métro at the Bastille. His wife, Bobonne, was from Brittany. [1967-VIC]

Bécasse. The Bécasse was the best restaurant in Épernay. [1930-PRO]

Ephraim Graphopoulos (and M, following him) had dinner at the Bécasse, Liège restaurant behind the Royal Theater. [1931-GAI]

Bécassine. One girl was made up as Bécassine, the proverbial little slavey. [1931-GUI]

Bécheval. Lucas said he'd stopped the van from the Voyages Duchemin Agency in the Boulevard Rochechouart. They'd collected a trunk from a 3rd-floor tenant, M. Bécheval, to be sent by goods train to Quimper. Martino's body was in it. [1936-pig]

Bécon-les-Bruyères. Michel Goldfinger had sold stones to a jeweler from Bécon-les-Bruyères, who had left the country without paying. [1946-mal]

Louise Laboine hadn't stopped till she reached the corner of the Rue Caumartin and the Rue Saint-Lazare. The waiter who served her was Eugène, bald, lived in Bécon-les-Bruyères, and had a daughter about her age. [1954-JEU]

beer. see Maigret's beers (Les bières de Maigret ) by Murielle Wenger

Beetje Liewens. see: Liewens, Beetje

Beggars' Opera. Gilbert Pigou had had a room in the Rue de la Grande-Truanderie. M knew the street. There one had the illusion that the days of the Beggars' Opera had returned. [1969-VIN]

Béguin. Mlle. The 5th floor tenant of Frans Steuvels' building.... Old Lady Béguin was 68, regarded as not quite all there, according to Philippe Liotard. [1949-MME]

Beirut. [city, capital of Lebanon; built on a promontory with Lebanon Mts. behind it. pop. 1964: 131,500. financial and commercial center, port facilities, food processing; connected by highway with Damascus and Baghdad; several universities and colleges including American U. of Beirut (1866).]

In the old days there were agencies in Paris to recruit artistes, like Germaine Laboine, who learnt a few dance steps and were sent off to Turkey, Egypt or Beirut, where they were employed as bar girls in cabarets. [1954-JEU]

Colombani checked the flights. 315 for London; Stuttgart; Cairo, Beirut... P Potteret; New York by Pan American, Pittsburg... Piroulet... no Louise Paverini. [1957-VOY]

Fouad Ouéni said he'd met Félix Nahour in Paris, at Law School, not in Beirut. [1966-NAH]

Bel Air, Hôtel. see: Hôtel Bel Air

Belfort, Lion de. see Belfort, Lion of. [1957-SCR]

Belfort, Lion of. [Bartholdi's Lion de Belfort (1878), at the Place Denfert-Rochereau]
Joseph Heurtin ran, didn't stop till he reached the Lion of Belfort, which he stood and gaped at. [1930-31-TET]

They passed the Lion de Belfort, drove along the Boulevard Raspail, and over the Pont-Neuf. [1934-MAI]

When M arrived at Saint-Pierre de Montrouge, the gates of the métro were shut and there was not a single taxi in sight. He hesitated between heading for the Lion de Belfort and going down Avenue de Maine in the direction of the Gare Montparnasse. [1957-SCR]

Belges, Quai des. (Fécamp.)

The photo that had been in the envelope in the dead man's pocket had been signed Léon Moutel, art photographer, Quai des Belges, Fécamp. [1929-30-LET]

Belgian. M thought of the Belgian university professor who spoke 40 far-eastern dialects but had never set foot in Asia. [1929-30-LET]

In the man's pockets were loose change including French and Belgian coins and tiny Dutch silver pieces. [1930-31-PHO]

Lucas said they were still waiting for information from the Belgian police.. [1931-NUI]

The Peeters kept a shop on the Belgian frontier. Father, mother, three children. Anna Peeters worked in the shop. Maria Peeters was a teacher, Joseph Peeters a law student at Nancy. [1932-FLA]

At the Tabac Henri IV, the conversation was about a Belgian with three motor-barges who'd taken 52 francs for coal from Charleroi. [1933-ECL]

A self-propelled barge flying a Belgian flag remind M of Théodore Aerts, who must have reached Paris by then.... Arthur Aerts was Belgian. [1936-pen]

Paul Vinchon was an inspector on the Belgian frontier. [1936-arr]

The young man's name was Jehan d'Oulmont, an excellent Belgian family, which had figured repeatedly in his country's history.... M calculated that they must not have more than 300 Belgian francs left. [1936-pei]

M said, in his opinion, when he saw there was no hope, Albert Marcinelle would cross the Belgian border. [1937-38-ber]

The butcher said he knew someone who wanted to buy Jules' house - the Belgian, who wanted to turn it into a cinema. [1938-ceu]

Mansuy asked Dubois if he knew Philippe Bellamy's valet, Francis Decoin. He answered that he was a Belgian. [1947-VAC]

Désiré Loiseau asked Lucas if he was Belgian, since he'd known a Lucas at school. He said he thought Albert Rochain's mother was Belgian too, as he himself was. [1947-MOR]

Georges Simenon proceeded to demonstrate, with a hint of a Belgian accent, that his versions of M's investigations were more interesting. [1950-MEM]

Betty Bruce was an acrobatic dancer at Picratt's. 28. Belgian, from Anderlecht, near Brussels. [1950-PIC]

Torrence called from the apartment of Adrienne Laur, 28 bis Rue Brunel. Belgian, born in Antwerp, living in France 5 years. A Folies-Bergère nude.... The proprietess of the Hôtel de Bretagne said Mrs. Perkins had a Belgian accent, probably actually Canadian. [1951-LOG]

The Ottrebons, Belgians in high finance, were wintering in Egypt. [1953-TRO]

The moment they'd come into Pickwick's Bar, M recognized the barman, Albert Falconi, a Corsican, whom he'd sent to prison at least twice for running an unlicensed gaming house, and once for trafficking in gold with Belgians. [1954-JEU]

They had found Ferdinand Fumal's Belgian revolver, which had not been fired for years. [1956-ECH]

At the bar they squeezed in between a Brazilian family and some pilots speaking French with a Swiss or Belgian accent.... Why couldn't the Belgian financier tell him himself, since they'd meet in a minute. [1957-VOY]

The night of the murder a Belgian barge, the Notre-Dame, making for the flour mills at Corbeil, had been tied up near the house. There'd been a birthday party for the skipper. [1958-TEM]

The room next to Martin Duché at the Hôtel de la Reine et de Poitiers, No. 51, was a Belgian traveling in France, and couldn't be found. [1959-CON]

Véronique Fabre looked for her father's gun, automatic, flat, bluish, Belgian trademark. Herstal was engraved on it. Possibly a Browning 6.35. [1961-BRA]

Another barge was moored above the Pont Marie, De Zwarte Zwaan, a Flemish name that neither M nor Lapointe understood, flying a Belgian flag. [1962-CLO]

Mario de Lucia was arrested on the Belgian frontier. [1963-FAN]

The frogmen had found the Belgian-made 6.35 automatic in the Seine. M had it sent to Gastinne-Renette. [1966-VOL]

Each time M saw the "happy couple" he had the impression the woman was a Belgian. Because of her fair skin, buttercup hair, protruding blue eyes? [1967-VIC]

Ferdinand Fauchois had joined the foreign legion saying he was Belgian. [1968-HES]

The report from Gastinne-Renette said that the bullet was from an old Belgian make, enormous, 12 mm, very few in existence. [1968-ENF]

A Belgian bargeman named Jef Van Roeten was testing the motor of his boat on the Quai de Grenelle, when the wash brought up Gérard Sabin-Levesque's body. [1972-CHA]

Belgium. The revolver bore the mark of the Herstal (Belgium) arms factory.... Armand Lecocq d'Arneville had done all kinds of jobs, slept in Les Halles, never tried to get back to Belgium. [1930-31-PHO]

Delvigne looked at M with that involuntary deference paid in the provinces - and especially in Belgium - to all who hail from Paris. [1931-GAI]

The bargees talked about the canals of Northern France and Belgium, and the electric haulage that was being introduced at many of the locks. [1931-GUI]

Maigret had Edgar Martin removed from the Belgium train at Jeumont. [1931-OMB]

Anna Peeters explained that the Belgian cigars weren't smuggled, that half the house was in Belgium, half in France. [1932-FLA]

Telegrams went out to hospitals in France, Belgium, Germany and Holland to see if any had done the operation on Yves Joris' skull. [1932-POR]

Émile Ducrau had put Gassin in charge of one of his boats that went as far as Belgium.... But from this lock, right up to Holland and Belgium, it's Ducrau!" [1933-ECL]

When Jehan d'Oulmont had asked permission to return to Belgium it had been granted, for lack of evidence against him. [1936-pei]

As M had suspected, Gérard Pardon had been stopped at the Belgian border, where he had run to with the money he got from his sister Berthe Pardon.... M asked Léopold, the guard, whom he had buzzed to send up Cécile Pardon, what time she'd left. His name wasn't really Léopold, but was so nicknamed because he resembled the former king of Belgium. [1940-CEC]

There was still the train for Belgium from the Gare du Nord, and one to Vintimille from the Gare de Lyon. But Vintimille was a long way away. [1948-PRE]

A few days after Lorilleux had left the money with Loraine Martin he suggested she cross the frontier into Belgium with him. She promised to join him in Brussels as soon as there was no danger. [1950-noe]

But the Gare du Nord, the coldest, busiest of them all, brought to mind a harsh and bitter struggle for one's daily bread. In the morning, the first night trains, coming from Belgium and Germany, generally contained a number of smugglers. [1950-MEM]

M asked Philippe Mortemart why he'd try to run away to Belgium. Said he'd been to Brussels several times. [1950-PIC]

Ernestine Jussiaume assumed Alfred Jussiaume was going to take a train to Belgium. [1951-GRA]

When Étienne Gouin had gone to Belgium to operate, as he'd gone to the US and India, he stayed in a hotel in Liège where he bought a small automatic. [1953-TRO]

Josset & Virieu offices were on Avenue Marceau. Laboratories at Saint-Mondé, and in Switzerland and Belgium. [1959-CON]

M asked Justine Cuendet if Honoré Cuendet had ever gone to Switzerland or Belgium or Spain. [1961-PAR]

Jef van Houtte said his brother, Hubert van Houtte, had worked in France and Belgium before coming to work for him. [1962-CLO]

Jef Claes had fled Belgium in 1940. [1965-PAT]

François Ricain told M there wasn't enough money in the wallet to go far away, to Belgium or to Spain. [1966-VOL]

Théo Stiernet said he couldn't think of going to Belgium, as he had no money.... When Gilbert Pigou had looked for a job he'd pretended he'd worked in Belgium or Switzerland, as he only spoke French. [1969-VIN]

They found numerous postcards signed "Jean" from Léontine Antoine's first husband, Jean de Caramé, from France, Belgium, Switzerland. [1970-FOL]

The bargeman, Jef Van Roeten said he wanted to return to Belgium the next day when he'd picked up a cargo of wine at Bercy. [1972-CHA]

Belhomme. M called the Financial Section [Brigade financière] and spoke with Superintendent Belhomme. [1965-PAT]

Belin. M took his bicycle to the police station at Vitry-le-François, sent a motorcyclist to Épernay with Jean Liberge's prints [fingerprints] to be sent to Paris by Belin telephotograph. [1930-PRO]

Belion, Arthur. Julien Chabot told M that Auguste Point had married the daughter of a solicitor, Arthur Belion, whose widow still lived at La Roche-sur-Yon. [1954-MIN]

Bellam, Major. Called The Major, sometimes Teddy. 70-72, husky voice, silvery grey hair, rosy complexion, large clear eyes swimming in liquid, huge cigar always: like a cartoon in Punch.The other Englishman on Porquerolles (in addition to Mrs. Ellen Wilcox, who lived there all year round.) He'd lived there 8 years at "the Minaret", his house with a minaret beside it. Bellam drank his champagne in large glasses, like beer glasses. Went to the same school as Pyke. Retired Indian army officer. The Major only drank champagne. A younger son, brother a member of the house of Lords. Never married; in India drank whisky, at Porquerolles, champagne. Bellam was "one of our best polo players," said Pyke. Somewhere, in the Bois de Boulogne or St. Cloud, there was a very aristocratic polo club. [1949-AMI]

Bellamy. On a sheet of paper Lucile Duffieux had written her raffle sales records, 1 book apiece to: Malterre, Jongen, Mathis, Bellamy. [1947-VAC]

Bellamy, Odette. Odette Bellamy, 25. Her mother was a naval officer's daughter. For 20 years she represented sin to the people of Les Sables-d'Olonne. [1947-VAC]

Bellamy, Philippe. One of the players made a phone call at half-past four every day. It was Dr. Philippe Bellamy, whose sister-in-law had died the night before. He lived 300 yards away, in the white house past the Casino, exactly halfway between the casino and the jetty, where the three or four finest houses in town were located. [1947-VAC]

Bella Panetti. see: Panetti, Bella

Bellechasse. M asked for M. Bellechasse of Couvreur et Bellechasse. He was in Normandy, so M waited for M. Mauvre, the manager, who was at the bank. [1946-pau]

Belle Emma, La. see: La Belle Emma

Belle Étoile, La. see: La Belle Étoile M told Charlotte Mrs. Mimi Clark had been Émilienne, Mimi, a hostess in Cannes, in a club called La Belle Étoile, just behind the Croisette [Boulevard de la Croisette]. [1939-MAJ]

Belle Hélène, La. see: La Belle Hélène Some of the clubs Gérard Sabin-Levesque went to were on the match boxes: Le Chat Botté, La Belle Hélène, Cric-Crac. [1972-CHA]

Belle Jardinière. The lab man in Bremen told M the man's suit came from the Belle Jardinière in Paris. His shoes had been bought in Rheims. [1930-31-PHO]

The Belle Jardinière had just shut, and all the shoppers and clerks were streaming out. Lucas and Joseph Mascouvin were crossing the Pont-Neuf on their way to Rue des Pyramides... Mascouvin jumped off the bridge. [1941-SIG]

Bellerive, Pont de. M realized he had a pipe each day in the same place, on the Pont de Bellerive, or at the Yacht Club. [1967-VIC]

Belle-Thérèse. The driver of the truck, Joseph Lecoin, had thought he'd heard cries, and the skipper of the barge Belle-Thérèse had also heard someone shouting for help. [1937-38-noy]

Belleville. [Paris. (S. part of 19e)]

Six years ago Jeanne Jeunet met Louis Jeunet, a driller in a workshop in Belleville. [1930-31-PHO]

The woman's name was Adèle Noirhomme, born at Belleville. She said she'd been registered at Strasbourg five years earlier. [1931-REN]

The evening paper's reported that the President of the Republic had turned down the reprieve of Jean Lenoir, ringleader of the Belleville gang. He would be executed the next day. [1931-GUI]

Little Louis from Belleville was one of the pictures of criminals M showed to Emma. [1941-SIG]

Louis Thouret was from Belleville. [1952-BAN]

Paris. (S. part of 19e) Louis Mahossier was born in Belleville, illegitimate. [1971-SEU]

Bellevue Hôtel. see: Hôtel Bellevue

Bellevue, Hôtel. see: Hôtel Bellevue

Belloir, Maurice. Émile said a commercial traveler said he'd seen Maurice Belloir and Louis Jeunet go into Belloir's house in the Rue de Vesle. Belloir was Vice-Chairman of the Banque de Crédit.... Armand Lecocq d'Arneville said he'd known a Belloir, whose father was the local doctor, but they were posh people and he'd had nothing to do with them. [1930-31-PHO]

belote. From a neighboring table came the sounds of belote. "Belote again" "Tierce high, is it good?" [1930-31-PHO]

The men were playing belote, stopped when M came in. [1933-ECL]

Members of the Public Morals Squad still had the habit of playing a game of belote before thay started on a day's work.... On a slate the points of a game of belote were marked up.... Fernande said the men were playing belote - Belote! Rebelote! You, Pierre. Passe! repasse. You, Marcel. The proprieter was playing and there was a Negro [un négre] as well.... Then, Atout coeurs! Quatrième haute!... Spades again! Tierce haute! and belote! [1934-MAI]

The journalists, tired of standing in the rain, had resigned themselves to a game of belote. [1937-38-noy]

In the inn parlor, the four men played belote, Frédéric Michaux, Groux, Gentil, and Père Nicolas. [1939-ven]

At the Brasserie des Artistes four men were playing belote. [1939-MAJ]

M considered ordering sandwiches from the Brasserie Dauphine but decided to go to the little bar opposite the statue of Henri IV, in the middle of Pont-Neuf, where he ordered a ham sandwich. A game of belote was in progress at a table near the bar.... The small band of gentlemen with flashy rings was no doubt engaged in a game of belote at Chez Albert, on the Rue Blanche. [1940-CEC]

"Ace, king, queen of trumps." "That won't help you, I have a pair and a ten. That makes 50." "No matter, I'll lead my trump," said M. "It's the best you can do, even if it's backed up by the nine." They were playing for a thousand points. [1940-JUG]

The landlord of the Anneau d'Or was M. Joseph. He had a run of three and belote. [1942-FEL]

M asked the woman in the Lion d'Or if they played belote. She said coinchée was the local game. [1943-CAD]

Nine days ago M had been sitting in his usual place in the Café du Cheval Blanc in Meung. [Meung-sur-Loire]. M was playing belote.... M was playing belote, bidding three high in trump. [1946-NEW]

By 5:00 three tables in the Café des Ministères were occupied by customers playing belote. Monnet was playing at one. [1946-obs]

Valentine Besson said she'd tried to teach Rose Trochu belote without success. [1949-DAM]

Lucille, one of the roomers at Mariette Gibon's, had sometimes played a game of two-handed belote with Monsieur Louis [Louis Thouret]. [1952-BAN]

The proprieter at the Grelot said Pierrot [Pierre Eyraud] sometimes came in at four or five for a game of belote. [1953-TRO]

M remembered his own village, where there was a deputy-mayor who drank, but in those days they hadn't played belote, it was piquet... a postman who thought himself somebody, and an innkeeper who knew everyone's secrets.... The men in the Bon Coin were playing belote. "Belote! Rebelote! My nine beats it... ace of spades, king of diamonds, takes all..."... Théo Coumar said "spades are trumps. I'm declaring a tierce with the queen, and playing the knave..." [1953-ECO]

Eugène Benoît had apparently been teaching Jules Piquemal to play two-handed belote. [1954-MIN]

Near the front window were some belote players, and M sat down to watch. The oldest player was an officer of the Legion of Honor. "The rest are mine... spade, spade and trump." [1956-AMU]

After a robbery, Grégoire Brau would go back to his regular habits, a game of belote in the evenings or an ill-famed bar in the Avenue des Ternes. [1958-TEM]

In two years time he would be going fishing, and probably playing belote on winter afternoons with a few cronies in a corner of a café where they had already begun to go regularly. [1959-ASS]

René Lussac drove to a café at the Porte de Versailles, the Café des Amis, a quiet place, where people came to play belote, as he did with the two men waiting for him. [1961-PAR]

M had gone fishing, played belote with the locals while at Meung-sur-Loire. [1961-BRA]

Some customer's of the café in Place des Abbesses had been playing belote when Léonard Planchon was last in. [1962-CLI]

Some belote players were finishing up in the café at Rue de Turenne, so they remembered what time Jean Guillot had been there. [1962-CLO]

Janvier had been playing two-handed belote with Aline. [1965-PAT]

M stopped for a drink at the bar on the Place Dauphine. He told them to charge it to his account. Some colleagues were playing belote in the corner. [1968-ENF]

M played belote at the local inn. Your call. "diamonds". His opponent on the left announced a sequence of three, his partner 4 queens. "trump". ... arranging the cards in fans, announcing tierces or bellas. "We'll stop at 500 points, all right?" [1969-TUE]

M. Louis said he'd gone to the Trois Tonneaux, a bistro on the Rue Gabrielle. He'd seen four men playing belote, and one was an ex-officer, Colson. [1971-IND]

Benedictine. There was a tinny note from the direction of the cliff, the clock of the Bendictine abbey striking one.... Marie Léonnec's father asked M if he wouldn't have a Benedictine, as they were in the district. M had a beer. [1931-REN]

Benet. Pierre Ferchaud, the stationmaster, had discovered Albert Retailleau's body. He'd telephoned the town hall, and the Deputy Mayor had contacted the Benet Police Headquarters, as there was no police Sergeant in Saint-Aubin-les-Marais. [1943-CAD]

Bengal. The Bengal lights [a kind of colored lights] flared up under the trees. [1931-GUI]

Benjamin Constant. see: Constant, Benjamin

Benoît. A reporter called to his photographer, Benoît, to get a picture of the arrested man [Léon Le Glérec]. [1931-JAU]

Bonneau told M. Benoît he could leave, when M appeared. [1939-MAJ]

Mme. 'Saving-your-Presence'. Mme Benoît, the concierge at Cécile Pardon's building, told M about the tenants. Widow, husband had worked on the railroad. [1940-CEC]

Benoît. see: Old Benoît

M knew Benoît, the night clerk at Claridge's, who told him that the Americans were starting to show up, and that Countess Panetti was near 70, and had stayed there about a month earlier. [1949-MME]

Locksmith, pleasant-looking man about 30, who took over the studio in Rue Lepic which Marcel Vivien had rented. In between there'd been an upholsterer. [1971-SEU]

Benoît. M called the Police Records Office in Paris, spoke to Benoît. He was up in the attics at the Palais de Justice, and had found the files for Jean Liberge's fingerprints. [1930-PRO]

Gilles decided to call Benoît, the Director of the Criminal Investigation Department [CID].... Inspector Benoît met M at the Nice airport. [1957-VOY]

Benoît-Biguet, Hortense. Mme. One of Mme. Parendon's sisters, the one she went out with most often.... Mme. Parendon told her husband he could join her later at Hortense's.... Arrived at the Émile Parendon's in a chauffeur-driven car the night before the murder, at 7:45. Married to M. Benoît-Biguet... important man, very rich, with a Spanish chauffeur. [1968-HES]

Benoît, Eugène. Catroux remembered a bounced Criminal Investigation Department man who'd set up a detective agency, a bad one, Eugène Benoît, opened a small private office on Boulevard Saint-Martin, on the ground floor over a watchmaker. The man who'd taken Jules Piquemal away and burgled Auguste Point's apartment for the Calame report. A sign over his door read "Benoît Agency". Last address was Hôtel Beaumarchais, on Boulevard Beaumarchais. He'd moved three weeks ago, stayed only two months, to a shady-looking boarding house on Rue Saint-Denis, Room 19. [1954-MIN]

Benoît, Paul. The driver, Joseph Lecoin, told Catherine he'd given her message to Paul Benoît who had a gas station at Montargis. [1937-38-noy]

Bénouville. "Ernst Strowitz, sentenced in absentia by the Court of Caen for the murder of a farmer's wife on the Bénouville road..." M read from a wanted list in a police journal on his desk. [1931-OMB]

Rosalie Méchin was born at Bénouville, near Étretat (Seine-Inférieure). [1951-MEU]

Bentley. Inspector Pyke drove from the airport in a Scotland Yard Bentley, with a uniformed driver. [1952-REV]

Fouad Ouéni said that Félix Nahour had a Bentley. [1966-NAH]

Line Marcia said her husband had given her an Alfa-Romeo recently. His own car was a Bentley. He had a chauffeur, but sometimes drove himself. [1971-IND]

Mme. Nathalie Sabin-Levesque said they had two cars, a Bentley for her husband, a Fiat which she used. [1972-CHA]

Bercy. Drunk cases were called "Bercy" cases, because of the Halle aux Vins on Quai de Bercy. [1952-REV]

Most Paris bistros advertise a petit vin du pays, but it usually turned out to be a wholesale product, straight from Bercy. [1955-COR]

"Bercys" in police jargon were the drunk and disorderly who were hauled off to spend the rest of the night in a station lockup. [1962-CLI]

Bercy. A bercy. That meant, in their professional jargon, a drunk. [1941-SIG]

The Quai de Charenton, a little beyond the Bercy warehouses reminded M of an investigation he had made a few years earlier. [1947-MOR]

M and Mme M went for a walk along the quays, towards Bercy. ... M told Mme M that a Bercy was police slang for a drunk case. [1956-AMU]

The bargeman, Jef Van Roeten said he wanted to return to Belgium the next day when he'd picked up a cargo of wine at Bercy. [1972-CHA]

Bercy. Anne-Marie Boutin lived on the Rue Caulaincourt, near the Place Constantin-Pecqueur. She worked on the Quai de Charenton, out beyond the Bercy warehouses. [1969-VIN]

Bercy, Port de. M recognized the vaults of the Port de Bercy, and on the right the chimneys of the electric power station. Trams went past.... The Port de Bercy was littered with barrels; they passed the gratings of the famous wine-vaults. [1933-ECL]

Bercy, Quai de. [Paris. 12e, Reuilly. from Boulevard Poniatowsky to Boulevard de Bercy]

Mme. Leroy and her son, Joseph Leroy, lived near the Quai de Bercy, at Charenton. M remembered visualizing a very broad quai, with warehouses and barges unloading. [1945-pip]

The Quai de Charenton, a little beyond the Bercy warehouses reminded M of an investigation he had made a few years earlier, in a strange little house in those parts. He recalled the Quai de Bercy, with the iron grill of the warehouse on the left, the tall trees, the stone parapet of the Seine on the right. Then, beyond a bridge whose name he had forgotten, the quay widened out, with a row of one- or two-story villas along one side more like the suburbs than the city. There was always a whole fleet of barges at the spot, and M recalled the harbor covered with barrels has far as the eye could see.... The red-haired man [Victor Poliensky] , freckled face, blue eyes, fleshy lips, finished his drink and rushed off towards the Quai de Bercy. M had Lucas follow him, and had Émile Chevrier call him a cab. [1947-MOR]

Hervé Peyrot had a big business on the Quai de Bercy. He had three cars, including a Bugatti. [1949-DAM]

Drunk cases were called Bercy cases because of the Halle aux Vins on Quai de Bercy. There had been the usual number the night of the day M's revolver had been stolen. [1952-REV]

They sat down on a bench on the Quai de Bercy, set facing away from the Seine, looking towards a townscape of wine warehouses. [1956-AMU]

Léa said she'd known Doc (François Keller) when he slept under the Pont-Neuf, and before that in the Quai de Bercy. [1962-CLO]

They drove along the Quai de Bercy, passing warehouse after warehouse. Each bore a famous trade name in giant letters. [1969-VIN]

Bérenstein. M greeted M. Bérenstein, one of the diamond merchants, a tall, thin man. [1965-PAT]

Bérézina, Hôtel de la. see: Hôtel de la Bérézina

Bergen. [seaport city, capital of Hordaland co., SW Norway; pop. 1970: 115,590; 3rd largest city in Norway.]

The Norwegian, Jean Martineau, came from Bergen or Trondhjem. [1932-POR]

Berger. A name M found in the phone book while searching for Émile Blaise. [1941-SIG]

Berger. M asked the detective if Berger had been with him when Marcel Basso's wife and son had driven off with James. He'd sent him off to Seineport to telephone. [1931-GUI]

Cécile Pardon was offered the chance to speak with Inspector Berger, but wanted to wait for M.... M called Lucas from Charles Dandurand's apartment, and told him to send Berger to Bourg-la-Reine. [1940-CEC]

Bergerac. [commune, SWC France, Dordogne dept. pop. 1968: 27,165. on Dordogne river 25 mi. SSW of Périgueux. map]

Outside, five men were waiting in the corridor, the Public Prosecutor of Bergerac, the Examining Magistrate and his clerk, an inspector, and a police pathologist.... The doctor said the population of Bergerac was 16,000. [1932-FOU]

M playfully suggested that maybe he could be from Bergerac, and that his name could be Legros, wholesale timber merchant - he'd always longed to be one because of the smell of the newly sawn boards. He told him he couldn't drive, so Motte said he'd have a chauffeur. [1937-38-not]

Loraine Martin said her husband was probably in Bergerac. [1950-noe]

Bergère, Rue. [Paris. 9e, Opéra. from Rue du Faubourg-Poissonière to Rue du Faubourg-Montmartre]

Philippe Liotard lived in a bachelor apartment in the Rue Bergère, next to a house of ill repute.... Antoine Bizard lived in the same apartment house as Philippe Liotard, in the Rue Bergère. [1949-MME]

Bergson. The more intelligent, or pretentious, might say to M, "You're really a disciple of Bergson..." [1947-VAC]

Bergues, Hôtel des. see: Hôtel des Bergues

Berkeley. Adrien Josset had had lunch with an important English client who had just come over to the Berkeley. [1959-CON]

Nora said on Wednesday she'd dined at the Berkeley with friends. [1966-VOL]

Berkeley. Vicente Alvaredo's younger brother was at Berkeley in the US. [1966-NAH]

Berlin. [city, former capital of Germany. In 1945 partitioned into East Berlin and West Berlin.]

Mortimer-Levingston led an exhausting life, putting in regular appearances at Deauville, Miami, the Lido, Paris, Cannes and Berlin.... Mrs. Mortimer-Levingston was catching the Berlin plane from Le Bourget.... Pietr had doubtless met the Mortimer-Levingstons in Berlin, Warsaw, London, or New York.... Pietr Johansson left for Berlin when his misdeeds at Ugala were discovered, and sent for his brother.... The telegram from Mrs. Mortimer-Levingston was from the Hôtel Modern, Berlin, saying that she was ill and unable to travel, and that Stones would take care of everything. [1929-30-LET]

Johann Radek, 25, born at Brünn, Czechoslovakia, father unknown. Had lived in Berlin, Mainz, Bonn, Turin, Hamburg. With his sportcar, William Kirby would dash off to Nice, Biarritz, Deauville or Berlin whenever it took his fancy. [1930-31-TET]

Instead of going to Le Bourget, to fly to London, Ephraim Graphopoulos went to the Gare du Nord and bought a train ticket to Berlin. Got off at Liège.... Adèle Bosquet, dancer at the Gai-Moulin in Liège, often spoke of Paris, Berlin and Ostend, and would mention the names of the most celebrated boîtes du nuit. [1931-GAI]

The doctor said that three months earlier, when Maurice de Saint-Fiacre had wired from Berlin for money, his mother had had her last attack. [1932-FIA]

Two of Samuel Meyer's agents, both from Berlin, had been murdered, and he was condemned for it. [1932-FOU]

William Brown had come to Europe to take care of a lawsuit. Paris, the Riviera, London, Berlin... [1932-LIB]

Things were always happening on the 106, a train which leaves Berlin at 11 a.m. with one or two coaches from Warsaw, passes through Liège at 23:44, and reaches Erquelines at 1:57 a.m. [1936-arr]

It was the Berlin express, and people were talking every language under the sun. [1936-pei]

M knew that this case would provide the subject for long studies in the criminal archives, not only of Paris, but also of London, Berlin, Vienna, even New York. [1936-lar]

The dossier said that Jean Bronsky, 35, had been born in Prague, studied at the University of Vienna, then lived a few years in Berlin.. [1947-MOR]

In Alfred Moss's trunk was a set of tails and a dinner jacket with the label of a big London tailor, another dress suit made in Milan. Shoes from Paris, Nice, Brussels, Rotterdam or Berlin. [1949-MME]

The dead man's shoes bear the name of a Berlin firm: He was a newcomer. [1950-MEM]

M was convinced that John Arnold, so at home with bankers and ex-kings in London, Rome, Berlin or New York, had been amused by M's gaucherie. [1957-VOY]

Bermuda. Dr. Larue said he'd met the Mornets, who have two daughters and were on a cruise in the Bermudas, at René Josselin's. [1961-BRA]

Bernadette Amorelle. see: Amorelle, Bernadette

Bernadette d'Estireau. see: Estireau, Bernadette d'.

Bernard. Mme. Bernard was the widow of the house on the Rue d'Étretat. [1931-REN]

Philippe Mortemart had been asking whether there'd been a message for him from Bernard, apparently a drug dealer. [1950-PIC]

The Matron at Bichat hospital told Bernard to take Lognon to a private room, #218. [1963-FAN]

Bernard. M called the police station in the 18e and spoke to Bernard, asked him to arrange for a watch on Léonard Planchon's house. [1962-CLI]

Head of the Gambling Squad. Was reporting when M came in late for the morning meeting. [1964-DEF]

Bernard d'Argens. see: Argens, Bernard d'

Bernard Fléchier. see: Fléchier, Bernard

Bernardin. M found the old Chief Cashier, Bernardin, whom everyone called Old Bernard. He'd been there 42 years, since M. Charles Grandmaison's time. [1932-POR]

Bernardins, Rue des. [Paris. 5e, Panthéon. from Quai de la Tournelle to en impasse]

The Petit Beyrouth was in the Rue des Bernardins. The owner's name was Boutros. Lapointe was to check if Félix Nahour had eaten there. [1966-NAH]

Bernard, Marie. June 15, Rue Durantin, Marie Bernard, widow, 52, Post Office clerk, living with her daughter and son-in-law on Boulevard Rochechouart, stabbed twice. [1955-TEN]

Bernard, Old. see: Old Bernard

Berne. [(Bern) capital of Switzerland and Bern canton, on Aare river, 59 mi. SW of Zurich. pop. 1970: 162,405.]

Fat Fred, associated with Pietr, passed the forged check at the Federal Bank in Berne.... Pietr was thought to be the head of an international gang, traced at various times to Paris, Amsterdam (the Van Heuvel case), Berne (the United Shipbuilders case), Warsaw (the Lipmann case), and others. [1929-30-LET]

Bernerie, Xavier. M could recognize the voice of Judge Xavier Bernerie, the most meticulous, the fussiest of magistrates, but also perhaps the most scrupulous. Thin and in poor health, with a dry cough, his eyes feverish, he looked like a saint in a stained glass window.... Xavier Bernerie asked M not to leave the court. [1959-ASS]

Berniard, Eugène. Fernande said the big dark man she'd been with was called Eugène Berniard, initials E.B.... Eugène Berniard came in, tall, dark, fairly young, a scar on his left cheek, well-cut suit, silk shirt, slightly perfumed.... Amadieu asked for Eugène Berniard to be brought in. [1934-MAI]

Bernier. Constables Mathis and Bernier went out at 11:00, down Boulevard Voltaire to the Rue Amelot. [1966-NAH]

Berri, Rue de. [Paris. 8e, Élycée. from Avenue Champs-Élysées to Boulevard Haussmann]

Prosper Donge turned up Rue de Berri, then Rue de Ponthieu. A small café was open. Two houses further along, a door passers-by never noticed, the service entrance of the hotel, the Majestic.... The hotel doctor of the Majestic lived just around the corner in the Rue de Berri. [1939-MAJ]

Where François Lagrange's daughter had two rooms in a private house. [1952-REV]

Marco Santoni lived in the Rue de Berri, Lognon had learned from his manservant, Joseph Ruchon. They'd gone to Florence on their honeymoon.... Priollet had learned that Jeanine Armenieu had lived for some time in the Rue de Ponthieu, near the corner of the Rue de Berri, above a bar. [1954-JEU]

Antonio Farano managed one of Émile Boulay's cabarets, the Paris-Strip, in the Rue de Berri. [1962-COL]

Mirella Jonker got on the phone and told M the artist Federigo Palestri had been taken to the frunished apartment of Mario de Lucia, 27B Rue de Berri. [1963-FAN]

Berry. [Historical region of central France, bounded anciently on the N by Orlénnais, E by Nivernais, SE by Bourbonnais, SW by Marche, W by Touraine; capital Bourges.]

The local postman told M he delivered letters to Émile Gallet, most from Berry and Cher, and some reviews: La Vie à la Campagne, Chasse et Pêche, La Vie de Château... [1930-GAL]

Maurice de Saint-Fiacre said the whole of Berry must have talked about his mother. [1932-FIA]

Amorelle came from Berry, formed a partnership with Désiré Campois. [1945-FAC]

Irma Chevrier said she was from Berry. Émile Chevrier said he was from Cher.. [1947-MOR]

Ferdinand Fauchois, the butler at the Émile Parendon's. Came from Berry, like Parendon.... Janvier had located Mlle. Antoinette Vague's mother, in a village in Berry. She had no phone. [1968-HES]

Robert Bureau's family lived in a small house near the Berry canal in Saint-Amand-Mont-Rond. [1969-TUE]

Berry, Hôtel du. see: Hôtel du Berry

Berry, Rue de. [Paris. 8e, Élycée. from Avenue Chanps-Élysées to Boulevard Haussmann]

At the corner of the Rue de Berry M heard a whistle from Dufour. He told M Anna Gorskin was in the Select... Anna Gorskin had walked out of the Select, into No. 52, a dress shop. Had simply walked though the building, which had another entrance at Rue de Berry, and lost Dufour. [1929-30-LET]

Dr. Frère called the police station in the Rue de Berry, where the Sergeant Marchal wrote down the information, then called it in to Headquarters. There'd been a fight on the Rue de Ponthieu, as well. [1957-VOY]

Prince Philippe de V-- said he'd gone for a stroll along the Champs-Élysées, had met a brunette who lived in a Rue de Berry hotel. [1960-VIE]

Bertha Krull. see: Krull, Bertha

Berthe. The nurse at the hospital in Vitry-le-François where Jean Liberge was being treated, Mlle. Berthe, spent the night in the duty room. [1930-PRO]

The inspector questioned a waitress at Victor's, but she told him to ask Berthe, as she didn't know. [1937-38-man]

The girl said her name was Berthe, and that she was 28. She lived at 67b Rue Caulaincourt, in Montmartre, not far from the Place Constantin-Pecqueur, between a bakery and an Auvergnat's bar. [1937-38-ber]

Mlle. Berthe was the cashier at the Café des Ministères. Left at 10:50 to catch her bus to Epinay, where she lived. [1946-obs]

M went to the office of Larue et Georget, in the Rue Saint-Charles, and asked a typist for M. Larue. He'd died two months earlier. From the next room the voice of M Georget said, "Show him in, Berthe." [1947-VAC]

Mlle. clerk at Roulers and Langlois. Langlois asked Berthe for Dieudonné Pape's address. [1955-COR]

Mlle. Steiner asked Mlle. Berthe to check the records on Xavier Marton. [1957-SCR]

The concierge called Berthe, the maid at Mme. Keller's, to announce M. Young and pretty. [1962-CLO]

Mlle. Berthe was older, 32, plump, had been there longer than any of the other typists. [1969-VIN]

Mlle. The Louis Mahossier's cook, who showed M around the Mahossier apartment and commented on the missing .32 automatic. [1971-SEU]

Berthe Decharme. see: Decharme, Berthe

Berthe Janiveau. see: Janiveau, Berthe

Berthe Lajaunie. see: Lajaunie, Berthe

Berthe Marie Dufoin. see: Dufoin, Berthe Marie

Berthe Martineau. see: Martineau, Berthe

Berthe Pardon. see: Pardon, Berthe

Berthe Swaan. see: Swaan, Berthe

Bertillon. [Alphonese Bertillon, (Paris, 1853-1914), the son of Louis-Adolphe Bertillon, French doctor and statistician, devised anthropometry. In 1883, a file clerk for the French police, he devised a way to tell when they were dealing with repeat offenders. As criminals came in, he took eleven to fourteen separate measurements, from the length of the foot to the width of the jaw, to classify them as small, medium or large, and recorded the measurements on cards. He believed that no two people would have precisely the same measurements, and he thereby introduced scientific method into criminal investigations. He called his technique anthropometry, but it soon became known as bertillonage. While this method quickly became popular throughout Europe, it wasn't long before fingerprinting eclipsed it. Getting a set of prints was much easier than taking all those measurements. ]
M, like everyone else, used the wonderful techniques devised by Bertillon, Reiss, Locard and others. [1929-30-LET]

Leduc said Bertillon claimed that the chance of two men's fingerprints being the same was one in 200,000. [1932-FOU]

Bertrand. M had brushed by Dr. Bertrand on the stairs. [1947-VAC]

Bertrand. Jean Servières said he was a close friend of one of M's chiefs, Bertrand, who retired to the country near Nièvre last year. [1931-JAU]

M said the friend who'd told him was Bertrand.... When M went back to his station he was told that Bertrand had gone to his house to see how he was. [1948-PRE]

Berwick. M moved to a different hotel, the Berwick. He chastised Michael O'Brien about New York's street-naming convention of using numbers. Why coudn't they say Victor Hugo Street, or Pigalle Street or President-What's-His-Name Street? [1946-NEW]

Bessie. Lucille couldn't remember whether it was Joachim [John Maura] or Joseph [Joseph Daumale] whom Jessie [Jessie Dewey] had been with. She was sure it wasn't Bessie since they'd been the 3 Js. [1946-NEW]

Bessie Mitchell. see: Mitchell, Bessie

Besson. Three inspectors in turn, Besson, Thiberge, and Vallin had interrogated Justin, but he'd told the same story. [1946-cho]

Maxime Le Bret told M to get Besson, the only inspector who'd stayed at the station during the king's visit.... M decided he should alert his station. It would be Besson on duty, or Colombani, while Sergeant Duffieu would be playing cards. [1948-PRE]

Besson, Charles. The Chief had received a call from the Minister. Charles Besson, who lived at Fécamp, was elected Deputy for the Seine-Inférieure two years ago. His step-mother, Valentine Besson, lived at Étretat. [1949-DAM]

Besson, Claude. Charles Besson's five-year-old son, Claude, had been sleeping in Valentine Besson's bedroom. [1949-DAM]

Besson, Émilienne. Charles Besson's wife was Émilienne, called Mimi Besson. Dark-haired, about 40. [1949-DAM]

Besson, Ferdinand. The old porter had come into his office at the Quai des Orfèvres with the black edged visiting card: Mme. Veuve Ferdinand Besson, La Bicoque, Étretat. [Valentine Besson]. He had been the founder of Juva Products. [1949-DAM]

Besson, Mimi. see: Besson, Émilienne

Besson, Théo. Valentine Besson's two step-sons were Charles Besson and Théo Besson. Théo, 48, a bachelor, had been holidaying in Étretat for two weeks. Had a room in the Roches Blanches hotel. [1949-DAM]

Besson, Valentine. The old porter had come into his office at the Quai des Orfèvres with the black edged visiting card: Mme. Veuve Ferdinand Besson [Valentine Besson], La Bicoque, Étretat. She was the most charming old lady imaginable, small and slender, with a delicate, fresh-tinted face with pure white hair. [1949-DAM]

Béthune, Quai de. There were cars all along the embankments from the Pont Louis-Philippe to the Pont de Sully, and others were parked on the other side of the island on the Quai de Béthune and the Quai d'Orléans. [1969-TUE]

Betty. At first Betty was with Jean, and Raymonde with Riri. But in the morning they had switched partners. [1942-men]

Betty Bruce. see: Bruce, Betty

Beulant. Chief Inspector, Beulant, opened the door of Arlette's for M and Janvier. [1950-PIC]

Beuzec. Philippe Jave had been 38 or 39 when he'd gone on holiday to Beuzec, near Concarneau, and met Éveline Le Guérec.... When Éveline Jave was a small girl, she used to wander along the beach at Beuzec. [1956-AMU]

Beuzec-Conq. During the winter they had talked of going to Brittany, Beuzec-Conq, near Concarneau, but as happened almost every year, his vacation was delayed. [1955-TEN]

Beverloo. Joseph Van Damme said he'd been in the ESLR, the School for Reserve Second Lieutenants, at Beverloo. [1930-31-PHO]

Béziers. [city, S France, Hérault dept. pop. 1968: 80,492. 38 mi. SW of Montpellier.]

The big dark man [Eugène Berniard] was probably the owner of the Cupidon at Béziers, and a house at Nîmes. [1934-MAI]

One of the guests said he was a respectable resident of Béziers, had to be in Brussels by midday. [1937-38-eto]

A year later Charles Dandurand acquired Le Paradis in Béziers for Juliette Boynet, one of the most profitable establishments of its kind in the country. She owned many houses of prostitution.... Dandurand had told Mme. Boynet he'd probably have to go to Béziers, where she owned a house. [1940-CEC]

Justine had the Fleurs at Marseilles, the Sirènes at Nice, two or three houses at Toulon, Béziers, Avignon.... [1949-AMI]

At 28 Fred Alfonsi was in Marseilles, supplying brothels. No convictions, but he got in trouble because of a 17-year-old girl he placed in Le Paradis of Béziers with false papers. [1950-PIC]

There was a letter to Louise Filon from her father, from a hospital at Béziers in Hérault.... M had Lucas call Béziers to see if Ernest Filon, who was in the hospital some years ago, still lived there. [1953-TRO]

Priollet had said it was a skivvy who'd started picking up men along the Boulevard Sébastopol. A shopkeeper from Béziers had had his pocket picked and he'd given a good enough description to pick up Thérèse in a dancehall in the Rue de Lappe. [1953-ECO]

Jo Mori's girlfriend was Marcelle Vanier, from Béziers. [1971-IND]

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Bianchi. Albert Falconi said he'd gotten Bianchi to help him. M knew he lived with Big Jeanne. He'd arrested him at least 10 times. M called Torrence to go to Big Jeanne's at Rue Lepic to arrest Bianchi. [1954-JEU]

Biarritz. [commune, SW France, Pyrénées-Atlantique dept. pop. 1968: 26,750. on Gulf of Gascogne, 5 mi. WSW of Bayonne. fashionable summer and winter resort.]

Bob, the barman, asked William Kirby, "Back from Biarritz already?" [1930-31-TET]

Génaro, proprieter of the Gai-Moulin who had worked in bars and hotels at Cannes, Nice, Biarritz and Paris. [1931-GAI]

Gigi said an American tourist [Oswald Clark] had taken Mimi to Deauville, Biarritz. [1939-MAJ]

John Arnold said they'd arrived from Cannes on the 2nd, before that were in Biarritz, having left Deauville on Aug. 17. They were to have gone to Lausanne on the 13th. David Ward had an apartment there. [1957-VOY]

James Stuart made frequent visits to Cannes, Monte Carlo, Deauville, Biarritz and the Swiss resorts in the winter. [1965-PAT]

Raoul Lardois said he'd seen Évelina Nahour several times in Cannes and Biarritz. [1966-NAH]

Apparently Léontine Antoine and Joseph Antoine had been great travelers. They'd visited Quimper, La Baule, Arcachon, and Biarritz. They'd toured the Massif Central, and spent summers on the Riviera. [1970-FOL]

Bibi. Guillaume Serres' dog, which had died four years earlier. [1951-GRA]

Bible. On the floor was a bible with a damaged cover. [1930-31-PHO]

There was a Gideon Bible beside his bed in the hotel. [1949-CHE]

Bibliothèque Nationale. Xavier Marton went there, and to other libraries, to consult psychiatric works. [1957-SCR]

Bicétre. [South Paris suburb; asylum for the insane founded by Richelieu.]

Théo Stiernet's father was in an asylum in Bicétre. [1969-VIN]

Bichat. Lapointe came to M's house with news that Lognon, whom M was fond of, had been seriously hurt, and had been taken to Bichat for an emergency operation. [1963-FAN]

Bichat. [Bichat Hospital, Paris, 170, Boulevard Ney, 18e.]

Colson's daughter was a nurse at the Bichat hospital. [1971-IND]

Bicoque, La. see: La Bicoque The old porter had come into his office at the Quai des Orfèvres with the black edged visiting card: Mme. Veuve Ferdinand Besson [Valentine Besson], La Bicoque, Étretat. [1949-DAM]

Bideau. Deputy Public Prosecutor arrived at Cécile Pardon's, followed by the Examining Magistrate, Mabile, the police doctor, and a clerk. [1940-CEC]

Bidou, Françoise. Jef Schrameck had been living with Françoise Bidou for the past few years. She used to sell vegetables off a barrow. Lived on Quai de Valmy, overlooking the canal. Neveu had found Jef in her bedroom. [1952-BAN]

Big-armed Jo. The bouncer at the Clou Doré was called Big-armed Jo [Jo les Gros Bras]. Had the intelligence of a child of ten. about 40. [1965-PAT]

Big House. Most of the district inspectors kept a wary eye on the Big House, as they called the Quai des Orfèvres, as they hated having anything important taken away from them. [1963-FAN]

Big Jeanne. see: Jeanne, Big

Big Jef. One of Léonard Planchon's employees. He had been arrested two or three times for creating a disturbance, and once for assault. [1962-CLI]

Big Joe. Gustave said he'd been playing for drinks with Big Joe when Jeanne Fénard had come in. [1937-38-man]

Big Léa. see: Léa

Big Louis. Julie Legrand's brother, Louis Legrand, was called Big Louis [Grand-Louis]. [1932-POR]

Big Lucien. see: Lucien, Big

Bigoreau. M saw Mme. Bigoreau and her daughter joking with Mr. Monday at the Pâtisserie Bigoreau. [1936-lun]

Big Paul. The tramp who had the jacket said his friend Big Paul had the pants. [1955-TEN]

Bill. Jos MacGill had introduced M to a private detective, Bill, tall, heavy-set, broken nose, scar in the middle of his chin. [1946-NEW]

A man came up and Harry Cole introduced him to M as Bill. Then another named Jim. It seemed everyone had only first names. [1949-CHE]

Billancourt, Quai de. Vacher came back with bricks from the Quai de Billancourt, which matched the dust in Guillaume Serre's car. [1951-GRA]

billiards. Gérard Piedboeuf spent a lot of time playing billiards in the Café de la Mairie. [1932-FLA]

Sprawling on the imitation leather-covered seat, M's gaze followed the billiard balls. [1937-38-bay]

M said Gabrielli was stronger at Russian billiards than at investigations. [1938-ceu]

A waiter in a café on the corner of the Boulevard Saint-Germain and the Rue de Seine had seen Maurice Tremblet there playing billiards with a man named Théodore Ballard. [1946-pau]

M. Jules Raison played billiards in a café on the corner of the Square d'Anvers. He was practically a champion. [1962-COL]

Bill Larner. see: Larner, Bill

Billy Fast. see: Fast, Billy

Billy Louette. see: Louette, Billy

Binet, Françoise. Françoise Binet, maiden name of Françoise Boursicault, aka Lulu. [1951-MEU]

Bingham. Harry Brown told Miss Bingham to take the typewriter into the next room. [1932-LIB]

Birague, Café de. see: Café de Birague

Birague, Rue de. [Paris. 4e, Hotel-de-Ville. from Rue Saint-Antoine to Place des Vosges]

Almost opposite the Rue de Birague (on the Rue Saint-Antoine) was a small café, the Tonnelet Bourguignon, with only three tables on its narrow terrace. [1937-38-sta]

The gang of Poles lives seemed to revolve around a young woman who lived in the Rue de Birague. [1940-CEC]

In October of the previous winter a Pole, Stan the Killer, who had attacked a number of farms in the north of France, had holed up in a small hotel at the corner of the Rue de Birague and the Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré. [1946-mal]

Lucas had an endurance story as well, known as the Tale of the Crippled Blockhead: To keep watch on a small private house - at the corner of the Rue de Birague, near the Place des Vosges, he had been disguised as a paralyzed old man in a wheelchair, whom every morning a nurse pushed to the window where he stayed all day, a spreading beard, fed by a spoon. This had gone on for 10 days, at the end of which he'd practically lost the use of his legs. [see: STA] [1947-MOR]

M had the taxi driver take him to the Rue de Turenne, stop in front of the Grand Turenne, where he saw Janvier, then left, through the Place des Vosges and Rue de Birague, passing the Tabac des Vosges, where Alfonsi was sitting. [1949-MME]

M might find himself asked, "Haven't you arrested your Pole on the Rue de Birague yet?" [1950-MEM]

Lapointe said he'd seen the man, who'd gone off in the direction of the Rue de Birague and disappeared. Lapointe ran as far as the Rue Saint-Antoine, but couldn't find him. [1969-VIN]

Birard, Léonie. Joseph Gastin said everyone was probably accusing him of having killed Léonie Birard, the ex-postmistress, who had been killed on Tuesday morning, two days earlier. 66, she'd retired 8 years earlier, not left the house. [1953-ECO]

Bir-Hakeim, Pont de. [Paris. 15e, Grenele. from Quai de Passy to Quai de Grenelle]

They followed the riverbank as far as the Pont de Bir-Hakeim, M silently contemplating the Seine.... François Ricain said he'd thrown his gun into the Seine, just below the Pont de Bir-Hakeim. [1966-VOL]

Biron. Mme. Formerly, Mlle. Catherine Le Cloaguen, Ocatve Le Cloaguen's sister. Her husband had worked at the town hall in Saint-Denis. Was now a housekeeper of a bedridden old canon. [1941-SIG]

Bisseuil. M tried to follow in imagination the bargers and carters... Ay, Mareuil-sur-Ay, Bisseuil, Tours-sur-Marne, Condé, Aigny... [1930-PRO]

Bizard, Antoine. Antoine Bizard, reporter on the newspaper that reported the Mme M story. Lapointe's sister, Germaine Lapointe had leaked it to him. 22. Family lived in Corrèze. [1949-MME]

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Black Maria. The Black Maria drove out of the Préfecture about 2:00 and came back and unloaded its booty in the Dépôt yard.... Grandjean came in to announce that the Black Maria had arrived. [1931-NUI]

M was sure that Germain Cageot would have a raid on the Tabac Fontaine and Fernande would have a place of honor in the Black Maria. [1934-MAI]

Dimly lit Black Marias strung out all along the streets. [1942-FEL]

Two police cars had drawn up at the Rue de Rivoli, at the corner of Rue Vieille-du-Temple. Behind the cars came the Black Marias. [1947-MOR]

The Dépôt, in the Quai de l'Horloge. This was the place where every night the constables brought in all the suspicious characters they'd collected on the street, and the Black Marias emptied the rag-bag they'd gathered on raids. [1948-PRE]

Louise Filon had been picked up more than 100 times by the Black Maria, between the ages of 15 and 24. [1953-TRO]

Blaise, Émile. (H. in the phone book.) Occupied the room at Pretty Pigeon next to M. Quiet, middle-aged. Came by train on Saturday evenings. Caught the 6:00 train back on Sunday. 25 Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette. The mastermind behind the blackmailing ring, who had Justin of Toulon kill Jeanne. [1941-SIG]

Blanc. One of the customers at the Café des Ministères was M. Blanc, from the War Ministry, who was on a diet and always ordered Vichy water. [1946-obs]

The concierge, Mme Blanc, was a huge woman, massively built and enormously fat. Her face was large, round, and expressionless. She said her husband had left her 19 years ago. [1968-ENF]

Blanc. The chief inspector in charge of the Toulons Flying Squad was Blanc, about the same age as M. They knew each other well, because Blanc had been at the Quai des Orfèvres before he'd been in the National crime-force [Sûreté]. [1959-ASS]

Blanche. Mlle. Worked in Monique Thouret's office. Santoni had questioned her. [1952-BAN]

Jouane told the secretary, Mlle. Blanche, to leave. [1961-BRA]

Mme. Blanche looked about 50, but was over 60. Small and plump. When M had first known her, 30 years earlier, she was still on the streets, around the Boulevard de la Madeleine, very pretty with gentle manners. Later she had taken over the management of an apartment on the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, where a large number of pretty girls were always to be found. [1969-VIN]

Mme. Blanche lived opposite Léontine Antoine's apartment. About 60, cashier in a brasserie. [1970-FOL]

Mlle. Lived in the building Marcel Vivien's studio had been in. Had knocked over the pot of geraniums she was watering on the 3rd floor, which had hit Vivien in the head. Still alive, wheelchair-bound, not quite all there anymore. [1971-SEU]

Blanche Bonnard. see: Bonnard, Blanche

Blanche Dubut. see: Dubut, Blanche

Blanche Lamotte. see: Lamotte, Blanche

Blanche, Place. [Paris. 9e, Opéra. from Rue Blanche to Boulevard Clichy]

The Chief had heard that Pepito Palestrino was in the Barnabé affair, the man killed the week before in the Place Blanche. And drugs as well.... M asked Fernande if she new about the business in the Place Blanche. Between the Place Clichy [Place de Clichy] and Place Blanche, Barnabé's body was dumped out of a car with a knife in his back. [1934-MAI]

The headquarters of the gang was near the Place Blanche, where Albert Marcinelle often went. [1937-38-ber]

They followed [Stephan Strevzki] into a small Italian restaurant in the Place Blanche. [1939-hom]

The big brasserie on Boulevard de Clichy had its windows wide open. On the other side of Place Blanche, the illuminated sails of the Moulin Rouge turned incessantly. [1941-SIG]

M could see the Rue Lepic, the steep little street, the pushcarts piled high with fruit and vegetables, the housewives in their down at heel slippers, the colorful hubub of Place Blanche. [1942-FEL]

M took the métro to Place Blanche and went into the Brasserie Clichy to look for Justin Minard. [1948-PRE]

M took Lapointe and went by taxi to the corner of Place Blanche and Rue Lepic. M recognized on his left the little table d'hôte where the taxi driver had had lunch, opposite the Hôtel Beauséjour, the narrow doorway between a delicatessen and a grocery. [1949-MME]

The wife of the tenant on the 5th floor of Countess von Farnheim's building had been run over by a bus as she was crossing the Place Blanche to go to her shopping in the Rue Lepic.... Philippe Mortemart had gone into a café in Rue Lepic, then down to Place Blanche, and back, then a house in Rue Tholozé, with a studio at the back of the court. [1950-PIC]

The police of the 20th had picked up a man they thought was Pierrot [Pierre Eyraud], but it was a different musician, who lived in the Place Blanche. [1953-TRO]

The Place de Vintimille, though only just off the Place Blanche, seemed a little island of calm.... Not many people go through the Place de Vintimille at night. [1954-JEU]

In the past 6 months five women had been killed, all in Montmartre, and all in the same district, between the four métro stations Lamarck, Abbesses, Place Blanche and Place de Clichy.... M told his driver to go downhill, anywhere, Place Blanche, Place Clichy... [Place de Clichy]. [1955-TEN]

Lapointe called from a brasserie on the Place Blanche, where Antoinette Lesourd, known as Sylvie, one of the women, had gone with Léonard Planchon.... M left Planchon's wife [Renée Planchon] and turned left towards Place des Abbesses, instead of going down Rue Lepic to find a taxi on Place Blanche.... They went by métro, got out at Place Blanche and began to walk slowly up Rue Lepic, which makes a large bend to the left where it meets Rue des Abbesses. [1962-CLI]

M went of to see Jo at Chez Jo, whom everyone called Jo-the-Wrestler. His bar was close to Pigalle and the Place Blanche and the pavements where a crowd of women paced endlessly all night. [1962-COL]

Léon Florentin walked to the Place Blanche, went into a restaurant. [1968-ENF]

Brasserie Cyrano, Place Blanche, in the Rochechouart [Boulevard Rochechouart] neighborhood, where Marcel Vivien and his girl friend had often come in the evenings. [1971-SEU]

Blanche, Rue. [Paris. 9e, Opéra. from Place Blanche to Rue Châteaudun]

Fernande's flat was a tiny one in the Rue Blanche. [1934-MAI]

Hôtel Myosotis on Rue Blanche, a seedy hotel. M called and spoke with Francis, the proprieter. Told him to send young Duchemin over to M, a 19-year-old, son of a prosperous industrialist.... Chez Albert, on the Rue Blanche, where Charles Dandurand and his unsavory associates would meet. [1940-CEC]

The previous April, on the Rue Blanche, Pedro, the proprietor of the Chamois, was killed. [1942-FEL]

Attempted suicide by barbituates in the Rue Blanche. [1946-mal]

Police-Constable Jullian had noted a De Dion Bouton in the Rue Mansart outside No. 28. After ten minutes it drove off towards the Rue Blanche. [1948-PRE]

Charlot sent a telegram to that address enquiring about Philippe de Moricourt: Fred Masson c/o Angelo, Rue Blanche, Paris. (coincidentally, the next block over from Caracci's club.) [1949-AMI]

Alfonsi had had dinner with Philippe Liotard in a restaurant on the Rue Richelieu, with two women. Then they'd gone to a movie in the Opéra [Place de l'Opéra], then to a nightclub on the Rue Blanche. [1949-MME]

Officer Jussiaume saw the Grasshopper turn down Rue Pigalle in the direction of Rue Blanche.... The Grasshopper told M he'd slept with Arlette at the Hôtel Moderne, in the Rue Blanche. [1950-PIC]

The girl [Louise Laboine] had left Mlle. Irène's, and headed towards the Rue Blanche. [1954-JEU]

M. Jules Raison had worked for a bank in the Rue Blanche, where Émile Boulay had an account. [1962-COL]

Blanchet, Geneviève. In the next room was Geneviève Blanchet, 42, widow from Compiègne. [1937-38-eto]

Blanchon. The Blanchons, a manufacturer and his wife, lived on the fourth floor, had left to go hunting in Sologne. [1961-BRA]

Blanchon, Geneviève. Céline Germain's real name was Geneviève Blanchon, the daughter of Judge Blanchon. [1937-38-eto]

Blancpain. Judel called M to report that one of his men, Blancpain, had noticed an errand boy (Antoine Cristin) on a delivery bicycle, who had seemed to be unusually interested in the diving, and who pedaled away along the Rue des Récollets when Blancpain went towards him. He lost him in the traffic of the Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Martin. Between 18 and 20, probably a country boy, very healthy complexion, fair, longish hair, leather jacket, turtleneck sweater. One word in company name ends in "ail" (Maison Pincemail). [1955-COR]

Blancs-Manteaux, Rue des. [Paris. 4e, Hotel-de-Ville. from Rue Vielle-du-Temple to Rue du Temple]

Jean, M's clerk, came in to say that Lucas had called and asked for him to go to Rue des Blancs-Manteaux, the principal street in the Jewish quarter. [1931-GUI]

Janvier was calling from a small watchmaker's shop in the Rue des Blancs-Manteaux. Jacques Pétillon was across the street in a filthy bistro. [1942-FEL]

The bus was at the corner of Rue Rambuteau, not far from Les Halles, when François Ricain, who had just stolen M's wallet, jumped off, and was soon lost in the Rue des Blancs-Manteaux. [1966-VOL]

The place where the pawnbroker, the man M remembered who'd disappeared [disappearance] like Marcel Vivien, had gone. [1971-SEU]

Bleustein, Stéphane. The third lodger had been Stéphane Bleustein, a foreigner, commercial traveler, who'd replaced M. Germain.... The police report on M's desk said Stéphane Bleustein, 37, was killed on February 15, 1919, in his apartment in the Hôtel Negresco at Nice, with a 6mm/35 revolver. [1945-pip]

Blind. Dr. Blind declared that Louise Voivin had died of digitalis poisoning. [1936-bea]

Bloch. Dr. Bloch said he'd only been practicing in the neighborhood for three years. Hardly over 30, sallow skin, probably a morphine addict himself since the École de Médecine, M thought. Dr. Bloch lived three doors down from the Countess von Farnheim. [1950-PIC]

Blois. [city, NC France, Loir-et-Cher dept. pop. 1968: 42,264. on right bank of Loire River, 35 mi. SW of Orléans]

Juliette Martin's sister at Blois, married to a police inspector, had died three years earlier. [1931-OMB]

Bloke. At Headquarters [Police Headquarters] for the past five days Capt. Yves Joris had been known simply as "the Bloke". [l'Homme] [1932-POR]

Blondel, Rue. [Paris. 2e, Bourse - 3e, Temple. from Rue Saint-Martin to Rue Saint-Denis]

Neveu had been in a bar in the Rue Blondel, very near Porte Saint-Martin, called Chez Fernand. Fernand was a former jockey. When he saw Monsieur Louis [Louis Thouret]'s photo, he said he'd been in a few times with Fred the Clown. [1952-BAN]

Lucas had finally caught track of Marcelle Luquet in a bar on Place de la République, where the bar owner thought she lived in the vicinity, towards Rue Blondel. [1954-MIN]

Blondinet. The waiter at the Café des Amis who told M about Mimile and the others was Julien Blond. The other waiters called him Blondinet, since he was the youngest. [1969-TUE]

Blond, Julien. The waiter at the Café des Amis who told M about Mimile and the others was Julien Blond. The other waiters called him Blondinet, since he was the youngest. [1969-TUE]

Bloy. M called Dr. Bloy, who lived around the corner from Nathalie Sabin-Levesque in the Rue de Lille. [1972-CHA]

Blue Train. M and Inspector Pyke took two wagon-lits on the "Blue Train" from Gare de Lyons to Hyères. [1949-AMI]

Émilie Thouret's brother-in-law, Julien Landin, Céline Landin's husband, would be arriving on the Blue Train for the funeral. [1952-BAN]

Philippe Jave had taken a British Airways Viscount, delayed by engine trouble, to London, where he'd got a plane for Paris, returning the following morning by the 7:55 Blue Train from the Gare de Lyon. [1956-AMU]

Blutet, Roland. The Chief of the PJ. Called for M and told him he'd been on sick leave from that moment on. [1964-DEF]

BA  BE  BI  BL  BO  BR  BU  



BOAC. It was a British plane, BEA, [BOAC] flight 312. [1957-VOY]

Board of Guardians. Xavier Marton was a ward of the Board of Guardians. [1957-SCR]

boats. boats, barges, ships, etc., appearing in the Maigrets: Aiglon VII [1936-pen], Albatross [1933-ECL], Alcyon [1949-AMI], Aquitaine [1946-NEW], Ardena [1932-LIB], Asie [1951-MEU], Astrolabe [1936-pen], Athos [1932-POR], Atlantique [1931-REN], Belle Emma, La [1931-JAU], Belle-Thérèse [1937-38-noy], Castor et Pollux [1930-PRO], Cormorant [1933-ECL], Cormorant [1949-AMI], De Zwarte Zwaan [1962-CLO], Deux Frères [1932-FLA], Diana [1932-POR], Drie Gebrouders [1962-CLO], Eagle [1933-ECL], Éco III [1930-PRO], Elisabethville [1931-GAI], Étoile Polaire [1932-FLA], Étourneau [1930-PRO], Fleur d'amour [1949-AMI], Francette [1931-JAU], Fréderic [1930-PRO], Glasgow [1932-LIB], Golden Fleece [1933-ECL], Île de France [1962-COL], La Belle Emma [1931-JAU], L'Aigle I [1933-ECL], L'Aigle IV [1933-ECL], Le Poitou [1962-CLO], Liberté [1957-VOY], Madeleine [1930-PRO], Marie [1930-PRO], Marie-France [1936-pen], Martinière [1931-JAU], Miséricorde [1930-PRO], Mooltan [1946-NEW], Normandie [1962-COL], North Star [1949-AMI], Notre-Dame [1958-TEM], Océan [1931-REN], Ostrogoth [1950-MEM], Pacific [1931-REN], Pacific [1932-LIB], Phénix [1930-PRO], Poitou, Le [1962-CLO], Pretty Emma [1931-JAU], Providence [1930-PRO], Sainte-Marie [1931-JAU], Sainte-Thérèse [1942-FEL], Saint-Michel [1932-POR], Seeteufel [1929-30-LET], Simoun, The [1930-PRO], Southern Cross [1930-PRO], Stella Polaris [1945-FAC], Three Kings [1931-JAU], Toison d'Or [1933-ECL], Trois Mages [1931-JAU], Twee Gebroeders [1958-TEM], Two Brothers [1958-TEM], Two Brothers, The [1930-PRO], Two Brothers, The [1955-COR], Vengeur [1940-JUG]

boats, by year, book. boats, barges, ships, etc., appearing in the Maigrets:
1929-30-LET: Seeteufel
1930-PRO: Castor et Pollux, Éco III, Étourneau, Fréderic, Madeleine, Marie, Miséricorde, Phénix, Providence, The Simoun, Southern Cross, The Two Brothers
1931-GAI: Elisabethville
1931-JAU: Francette, La Belle Emma, Martinière, Pretty Emma, Sainte-Marie, Three Kings, Trois Mages
1931-REN: Atlantique, Océan, Pacific
1932-FLA: Deux Frères, Étoile Polaire
1932-LIB: Ardena, Glasgow, Pacific
1932-POR: Athos, Diana, Saint-Michel
1933-ECL: Albatross, Cormorant, Eagle, Golden Fleece, L'Aigle I, L'Aigle IV, Toison d'Or
1936-pen: Aiglon VII, Astrolabe, Marie-France
1937-38-noy: Belle-Thérèse
1940-JUG: Vengeur
1942-FEL: Sainte-Thérèse
1945-FAC: Stella Polaris
1946-NEW: Aquitaine, Mooltan
1949-AMI: Alcyon, Cormorant, Fleur d'amour, North Star
1950-MEM: Ostrogoth
1951-MEU: Asie
1955-COR: The Two Brothers
1957-VOY: Liberté
1958-TEM: Notre-Dame, Twee Gebroeders, Two Brothers
1962-CLO: De Zwarte Zwaan, Drie Gebrouders, Le Poitou
1962-COL: Île de France, Normandie

Bob. Everybody called the head barman at the American bar in the Coupole Bob. [1930-31-TET]

There were inscriptions cut in the stone and on shells: Bob [Robert] and Jeanne. [1932-POR]

Jim Parson called the bartended at the Donkey Bar Bob.... Everyone called each other Bob or Dick or Tom or Tony. [1946-NEW]

Loris introducted Baron to Bob, a jockey who'd lived in Los Angeles for a long time, but wasn't American. Lived in the Maisons-Lafitte. [1951-LOG]

Fleury called Fouquet's and spoke to Bob, to have him tell Jacqueline Page to start dinner without him. [1954-MIN]

Joseph Van Meulen asked his masseur, Bob, if he was finished. [1957-VOY]

Bob, barman at Bar de l'Amiral in Toulon. Broken nose, cauliflower ears of a boxer. Said Le Grand Marcel had something that would be of especial interest to the Americans.... Le Grand Marcel said he could be reached in Toulon c/o Bob, Bar de l'Amiral. Quai de Stalingrad. [1970-FOL]

Bobby Ward. see: Ward, Bobby

Bob d'Anseval. see: Anseval, Bob d'

Bob Gaudry. see: Gaudry, Bob

Bobino. Daunard, one of Christine Josset's "protégés", was beginning to make a name for himself in the nightclubs on the Right Bank, and had an engagement in a music hall, the Bobino. [1959-CON]

Bob Mandille. see: Mandille, Bob

Bobonne. The man from the "happy couple", Bébert, greeted M. His wife, Bobonne, was from Brittany. [1967-VIC]

Bobonne Loiseau. see: Loiseau, Bobonne

Bodard. M had asked Bodard, of the Financial Section, to summon the man the papers were talking about every day, Max Bernat, a central figure in the latest financial scandal, from the Santé. [1955-TEN]

M had wondered if he wouldn't end up like his colleague Bodard, from the Records Office, who one morning had sunk dead in his tracks climbing the main staircase at the Quai des Orfèvres. [1956-AMU]

Bodard, Jean-Luc. François Paré had followed the red-haired insurance man to a bar on the Rue Fontaine. His card said Jean-Luc Bodard, of Continentale, offices on the Avenue de l'Opéra.... Jean-Luc Bodard said Léon Florentin spoke of him as "Ginger" or "Shorty". [1968-ENF]

Bodin. There was a light on in the Sergeants' room, and M heard the telephone. Bodin answered it. It was Lucas, to say that Maria had just given birth to a nine-pound boy.... M called Headquarters and reached Bodin. He told him to take three men and check all the post offices, especially the one at Charenton, to look for a letter for Albert Rochain, Poste Restante. [1947-MOR]

Bodin, Louise. The charwoman, Louise Bodin [Louis in Penguin], lived nearby in the Rue du Saint-Gothard. [1966-NAH]

Boétie, Rue, La. see: La Boétie, Rue Georges Dennery's Citroën had been stolen on Feb 18. He was a municipal engineer who lived in the Rue La Boétie. [1972-CHA]

Bogdanowsky. Bogdanowsky, a roomer at the Émile Chabot's, a Georgian student. Claimed to be an aristocrat. Strong Slavic accent, very shiny eyes. Excitable person, who flared up at the least thing. Past the normal student age, but always registered at the university. [1931-GAI]

Bogota. [city, capital of Colombia, on plateau of eastern Andes. pop. 1968: 1,966,341. commercial and financial center of Colombia.]

Vicente Alvaredo, 26, born in Bogota, was a student, resident in Paris, Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs. [1966-NAH]

Bohemia. Carl Lipschitz's fingerprints were found on file. He was born in Bohemia, came into France illegally five years earlier. [1947-MOR]

Boïeldieu, Pont. [Rouen] Fernand Courcel occupied the whole of an old house on the Quai de la Bourse, a stone's throw from the Pont Boïeldieu. [1968-ENF]

Boileau, Rue. [Paris. 16e, Passy. from Rue d'Auteuil to Avenue de Versailles]

Neighboring streets of the Rue Lopert, instead of being named after great men of the republic, had author's names: Rue Boileau, Rue Théophile-Gautier, Rue Leconte-de-Lisle. [1959-CON]

Boinet. Mme Boinet, the concierge of Véronique Lachaume's called to say she'd just come in. [1958-TEM]

Bois de Boulogne. The body was discovered in the Bois de Boulogne, Route des Poteaux, a turning off the Avenue Fortunée, not far from the Porte Dauphine. A middle-aged man... [1961-PAR]

Bois de Boulogne. [Park, formerly a forest, just W of Paris, in a loop of the Seine adjoining Neuilly on the N and Bologne on the W. 2155 acres, including Longchamp racetrack in the SW and Auteiul (steeplechase) in the SE.]

All available inspectors had left for the Bois de Boulogne, where the King of Spain was due to arrive. [1930-GAL]

A small modern private house, a typical Neuilly house, with all the elegance and comfort of the Bois de Boulogne district. [1936-lun]

Count Adalbert d'Oulmont, stayed at the Hôtel du Louvre in Paris a few days every month. He always stayed in the same room, no. 318, and went riding in the Bois de Boulogne every morning. [1936-pei]

Germain La Pommeraye said his daughter might have met Jean Vertbois at a sports club in the neighborhood of the Bois de Boulogne. [1937-38-noy]

M had had a paragraph inserted into the newspapers, saying that a park-keeper in the Bois de Boulogne had found the body of Ernest Borms, well-know Viennese doctor, on the walks not far from the Porte de Bagatelle. He'd been living in Neuilly for some years. [1939-hom]

Prosper Donge passed the Bois de Boulogne, reached Porte Dauphine and felt a flat tire.... M went to the apartment on Avenue du Madrid, near the Bois de Boulogne, to Justin Colleboeuf's.... The photograph in the newpaper, supposedly showing M looking at Mimi's body, was actually taken a year before, in the Bois de Boulogne, when he was looking at the body of a Russian who'd been shot with a revolver. [see: HOM (Viennese - Borms)] [1939-MAJ]

Octave Le Cloaguen had walked as far as Bois de Boulogne, coming back by way of Porte Maillot. [1941-SIG]

Richard Gendreau-Balthazar said he often rode early in the morning in the Bois. He said he'd thought a man's house was inviolable from sunset to sunrise. [1948-PRE]

Montmartre was teeming with black musicians; rich middle-aged ladies let themselves be robbed by Argentine gigolos; the Vice Squad was overwhelmed by orgiastic parties in the Bois de Boulogne. [1950-MEM]

M caught up with Eugénie at the Bois de Boulogne.... Ernestine Jussiaume told M that Alfred Jussiaume had done a job somewhere in Neuilly. He'd been stopped by the police in the Bois de Boulogne, behind the Zoo, by the place where women went to clean up. [1951-GRA]

A young policeman from Neuilly police station, Emile Lebraz, in uniform only a few months, was on duty on Boulevard Richard-Wallace, on the edge of Bois de Boulogne, almost opposite the Bagatelle. [1952-REV]

Gentlemen in light-colored derbies rode towards the Bois. [1957-VOY]

Prince Hubert de V-- had once been a staff officer at the cavalry school of Saumur. Every morning he rode in the Bois de Boulogne. Last week he'd been thrown from his horse, died at 80.... Nearby Mme. Mazeron's was the green expanse of the Bois de Boulogne. [1960-VIE]

The trees of the Bois de Boulogne could be seen from Jacqueline Rousselet's window. [1962-CLO]

Jean-Charles Gaillard had come out on foot and gone towards the Bois [Bois de Boulogne]. Had arranged to have the car washed. [1962-COL]

M asked her if she went for walks in the Bois de Boulogne. [1972-CHA]

Bois de Boulogne, Avenue du. [Paris. 16e, Passy. from Place de l'Étoile to Boulevard Lannes. (Now: Avenue Foch)]

There were still rich, titled old ladies, with their own mansion in the Avenue du Bois [de Boulogne] or the Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Germain, who have been frequenting the same night-clubs for the past 40 years. [1947-MOR]

The National Guard, in full dress uniform, had paraded down the Avenue du Bois and along the Champs-Élysées. Hector Balthazar had lived alone in a house in the Avenue du Bois de Boulogne. He ran his business with the help of his daughter, who died a year after he did. In time M was to get to know that house, one of the ugliest, most ornamented houses in Paris, with sham medieval towers and stained-glass windows. He'd bequeathed it to the state, on condition that they made it a museum, but it was declined when most of the paintings were found to be not genuine. [1948-PRE]

Boisrond. M shook hands with Dr. Boisrond of the registrar's department. [1961-PAR]

Boissancourt. see: Boissancourt-par-Saint-André

Boissancourt, Honoré de. Had been the lord of the manor till he died the month before. Besides the Château de Boissancourt he had owned 15 farms, 5,000 acres in all, 2,500 acres of woodland, two small lakes. Grandson of the Honoré de Boissancourt, who, at the time of Canonge's father, was called Christophe Dupré, son of a tenant farmer whose landlord was the former owner of the château. He'd amassed wealth and bought land and the château. One son and one daughter. Daughter married a cavalry officer. Son, Alain, inherited the property on his father's death, used the name Dupré de Boissancourt, eventually dropping the Dupré: elected to County Council he had his name changed. Grandson was married to Émilie d'Espissac, daughter of a fine old family fallen on hard times. One daughter. Mother killed in a riding accident when the child was a baby. Daughter was Aline Calas de Boissancourt. When he died, no will was found, so Aline would inherit. [1955-COR]

Boissancourt-par-Saint-André. see The 49th Maigret - Forum 11/19/02 by Guido de Croock

Hamlet between Montargis and Gien, where Aline Calas and Omer Calas came from, M learned from Joris. M called Directory Enquiries to ask for a list of telephone subscribers there: Aillevard, Route des Chênes, occupation not stated; Victor Ancelin, butcher; Honoré de Boissancourt, Château de Boissancourt; Doctor Camuzet, #17; Robert Calas, cattle dealer, #21; Julien Calas, grocer, #3; Louchez, occupation not stated; Piedboeuf, blacksmith; Simonin, corn dealer. [1955-COR]

Boisset. Inspector from the 14e, arrived at the Xavier Marton's with a policeman in uniform and a tubby little man with a doctor's bag. [1957-SCR]

Boissier. Ernestine Jussiaume told M Sergeant Boissier had arrested Alfred Jussiaume two or three times, and he'd once gotten five years in Fresnes.... Sergeant Boissier had a blue-black moustache. Came from Provence. [1951-GRA]

Boissy, Julien. Loraine Martin said the money came from a man name Julien Boissy, whom Lorilleux had murdered. [1950-noe]

Boisvert. Commissioner Boisvert was a "pleasant fellow" the Chief had known for ages. Went to the scene (Porquerolles) but had had to leave. So the Chief asked M to take up the investigation of Marcellin's murder. [1949-AMI]

Boitel. see: Aubin et Boitel

Boitel, Loraine. Loraine Martin's maiden name was Loraine Boitel. M called Lucas to have him check on the boarding house in the Rue Pernelle she'd lived in before she married. [1950-noe]

Boivert. Poitiers had called that they were sending Piéchaud and Boivert. They'd left by car over an hour earlier. They'd both worked with M. He was about 30. [1947-VAC]

Bollant, Joséphine. Joseph Van Damme had gone to the Liège police station and said he wanted to check the records for February 15, ten years earlier, to see if a Joséphine Bollant had committed larceny. Again, he'd stolen the report for that date. [1930-31-PHO]

Bolton, Erna. Sergeant Ward said Bessie Mitchell lived with Erna Bolton. [1949-CHE]

Bompard, Georges. In the man's wallet was a visiting card, Georges Bompard, 17 Rue de Miromesnil, Paris. [1937-38-eto]

Boncoeur. M read through the letters he had glanced at, merely learning more names, Dubard, Cornu, Gillet, Rateau, Boncoeur... [1953-ECO]

Boncoeur, Louise. Louise Boncoeur was 15. Jean-Paul Gastin said she always watched Marcel Sellier. [1953-ECO]

Bon Coin. There was an inn at Saint-André-sur-Mer, the Bon Coin, run by Louis Paumelle. Joseph Gastin said the food was good but the rooms had no running water. [1953-ECO]

Bondy, Rue de. [Paris. 10e, Entrepôt. from Place de la République to Porte Saint-Martin. (Now Rue René-Boulanger.)]

Slowly the skein will unravel. First a name, Otto. He was sometimes in the Rue de Bondy, a little bar frequented by homosexuals of the lowest level. Another on the Rue de Lappe which has become a tourist attraction. [1950-MEM]

Émilie Thouret said her husband was assistant manager with Kaplan et Zanin, on Rue de Bondy.... It had taken M barely 15 minutes to walk from home to the intersection of the Rue de Bondy and the Boulevard Saint-Martin, which formed a little square dominated by the Théâtre de la Renaissance. [1952-BAN]

Bonfils. M called the third precinct, from the Bar du Soleil, spoke to Detective Bonfils. Bonfils said that Big Nicolas and Danvers were at the station. [1951-LOG]

Lapointe and Bonfils had already started interrogating, and Torrence and Lesueur had just arrived. [1956-ECH]

A little later M saw Santoni, Lapointe and Bonfils emerge. Lapointe and Santoni went off towards the Pont Saint-Michel, Bonfils toward the Pont-Neuf. [1956-AMU]

The third inspector in the inspectors' office when M arrived with Jenny and Gisèle Marton, along with Baron and Janin. M asked him to bring his toilet gear - razor, shaving brush, towel - to clean up before the interrogation. [1957-SCR]

The other barge belonged to Jef Van Cauwelaert and his brother, called Twee Gebroeders, Two Brothers. Flemish. They were supposed to be unloading at the Saint-Martin Canal. M sent Bonfils to check. [1958-TEM]

M was on his way to see Judge Coméliau when Bonfils came in. Madame Siran had told him Adrien Josset's German commando dagger was missing. [1959-CON]

Bonfils had gone to see Alain Mazeron in his antique shop. Mazeron had gone to the Rue Drouot to an auction, include some weapons of the Napoleonic period, then a restaurant on the Rue de Seine. [1960-VIE]

Bonfils and young Lapointe were the officers on duty that night. [1963-FAN]

M told Janvier to call and have Bonfils come to watch the building. [1965-PAT]

Bonfils, who had relieved Lourtie, was standing beside Léon Florentin. [1968-ENF]

Janvier said that Bonfils would relieve Lourtie.... Bonfils brought in a list of the Paris nightclubs and cabarets: it was three closely spaced typed pages. [1972-CHA]

Bongo. Billy Louette played at the Bongo, a café-restaurant in the Place Maubert. Proprieter came from Auvergne, realized what was happening in the Saint-Germain district, and set up a hippie joint. [1970-FOL]

Boniface. Charles Dandurand mentioned he had been watching one of his cases that morning, blackmail within a family, Boniface representing the son-in-law... in Court 13. [1940-CEC]

Bon Marché. [Large Paris department store, 7e, Palais-Bourbon.]
Whether at Bon Marché, the Louvre or Printemps, the clientele was regular. [1950-MEM]

M. Piedboeuf worked at the Bon Marché. [1951-MEU]

The girl with Jean-Luc Bodard in his hotel room was Olga, a salesgirl in the Bon Marché. He'd met her in a self-service store. [1968-ENF]

Large Paris department store, 7e, Palais-Bourbon. M. Delaveau, Odette Delaveau's husband was head of a department at Bon Marché. [1971-SEU]

Bonn. Johann Radek, 25, born at Brünn, Czechoslovakia, father unknown. Had lived in Berlin, Mainz, Bonn, Turin, Hamburg. [1930-31-TET]

One of Victor Lamotte's sons represented his firm in Bonn. His daughter and son-in-law lived in London. [1968-ENF]

Bonnard, Blanche. Chez Mademoiselle on the Avenue de la Grande-Armée, was run by Blanche Bonnard, probably over 50. She had another club, Le Doux Frisson, in Montmartre, Rue Fontaine. She lived at 31 Avenue de Wagram. [1972-CHA]

Bonneau. The Examining Magistrate, Bonneau. M knew the magistrate, a man of integrity, a good family man, collected rare editions. Fine, square-cut gray beard. M had once accompanied him on a raid of a gambling house. He hadn't known what a baccarat table was. [1939-MAJ]

Bonne Chope, La. see: La Bonne Chope M had located the bar near Place de la République where Adrien Josset had stopped, La Bonne Chope, on Boulevard du Temple. [1959-CON]

Bonne Fourchette. Small restaurant on the Rue Dancourt, where Marcel Vivien Nina Lassave had lunched for 6 months from February through August of 1946. Small place, perhaps half a dozen tables, only regulars. Proprieter was Boutant. [1971-SEU]

Bonne-Nouvelle, Boulevard. [Paris. 2e, Bourse - 10e, Entrepôt. from Porte Saint-Denis to Rue du Faubourg-Poissonière]

Joseph Mascouvin had worked for 15 years at Proud and Drouin, real estate agent on Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle.... Since the Café des Sports was only a few steps from Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, M decided to visit Proud and Drouin.... Mascouvin had lunch in a cheap restaurant on the Boulevard Saint-Martin. [1941-SIG]

The cashier at Palace-Coiffure had noticed the boy who brought messages from Mathilde to Joseph Leroy, going into a leather goods shop on the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle. [1945-pip]

Philippe Liotard had asked to have M call him at the Chope de Nègre. M knew the tavern on the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle. [1949-MME]

M and Mme M strolled the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, and it didn't take long for them to decide on a movie. [1951-LOG]

Torrence had found a gunsmith on the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, where a young man had gone to search for ammunition for M's .45 Smith & Wesson. They had sent him to Gastinne-Renette, where he had bought some. [1952-REV]

There were tickets from a newsreel theater in the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle in Louis Thouret's pocket.... That night M took Mme M to a movie on the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, as he often did. On the way back they walked past the alley of the Boulevard Saint-Martin.... The last time M. Saimbron had seen Louis Thouret he had been sitting on a bench on the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle.... Jef Schrameck said he'd first met Monsieur Louis on a bench on the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle. [1952-BAN]

An hour later, M and Mme M were walking in thedirection of Place de la République and Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, to a cinema. [1957-SCR]

In the old days M and Mme M used to go to the cinema together. They'd stroll, arm in arm, toward Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle. [1962-CLI]

Bonnet. Old Martin and Bonnet had already been in to see the Comtesse de Saint-Fiacre's body. [1932-FIA]

Bonnet. Officer Bonnet was the husband of the concierge of the René Josselin's building. [1961-BRA]

Bonnot. [Jules Joseph Bonnot (born Oct. 14, 1876, Pont-de-Roide, Doubs, E France), led of a band of French anarchists, "tragic bandits", who robbed banks in the spirit of redistribution of the wealth, credited with being the first to put the motor-car to use in crime. The gang mounted major terroristic blows at society, especially from December 1911-April 1912, and were finally stopped on April 27, 1912, after a 5-hour armed siege at Choisy-le-Roi (SSE suburb of Paris on the left bank of the Seine), in which the public was armed and the Republican guard called in. It ended with the dynamiting of the garage in which they were hiding. Bonnot died of his wounds in the hospital the next day; four surviving members his band were sentenced to death the following year.]
M's mind was back in the days of the Bonnot case, when he had been thin, and had sported a waxed mustache and a little pointed beard, and worn four-inch-high starched collars and a top hat. [1940-JUG]

M's Chief, with whom he had already worked on the Bonnot affair, was about to introduce him to someone. [1942-men]

And this particular chief M thought of as the real Chief in the fullest sense of the word, under whom he'd served his first term in the Police Judiciaire, and whom he'd watched, in his black coat and bowler hat, walking alone under fire toward the door of the house in which Bonnot and his gang had for two days been resisting police and gendarmes, or armed police. That was Xavier Guichard, whose white hair was as long as a poet's. [1950-MEM]

Bonn University. The doctor who examined Mortimer-Levingston after Anna Gorskin shot him was German, from Bonn University. [1929-30-LET]

Bonvoisin, Adolphe. Adolphe Bonvoisin, a Frenchman from Lille, offered to help with the translation. He'd been on the coach when it left Warsaw, had come from Lwow, representing a cotton-spinning firm with a branch in Poland. [1936-arr]

Bonvoisin, Oscar. At the time of Count Hans von Farnheim's death Oscar Bonvoisin had been 35, the butler-chauffeur.... Born in Mont-Dore, in Auvergne, father a hotel doorman, mother a maid in the same hotel. Ten years ago bought a château at La Bourboule.... Small, thick-set, grey-haired, according to Arlette. [1950-PIC]

bookplate. see Simenon's bookplate

Borchain. On Jan. 14, the day before the sale, there'd been two extra guests at the inn. Borchain, from near Angoulême, and Canut, from Saint-Jean-d'Angély. [1939-ven]

Bordeaux. [commerical seaport and industrial city, SW France, capital, Gironde dept. pop. 1968: 266,662. 13 mi. above the confluence of the Garonne and Dordogne Rivers, 310 mi. SSW of Paris.]

The Chief told M if he got a chance he should go down to Bordeaux to clear up the question they'd discussed the other day.... Leduc said Duhourceau went to Bordeaux twice a week. [1932-FOU]

M asked Eloi in the laboratory next door what he thought of the clothes. The label was a shop in Bordeaux, excellent quality. [1937-38-eto]

Alban Groult-Cotelle said he sometimes went to Nantes, where he had friends, and Bordeaux, where his cousin from Chièvre lived with her husband, a ship owner. [1943-CAD]

Ronald Dexter had given the cab driver an address in Greenwich Village, which was like a little town, houses no taller than those in Bordeaux or Dijon. [1946-NEW]

Mansuy had mentioned Philippe Bellamy to a friend in Bordeaux, another doctor, who'd said Bellamy was one of the most distinguished neurologists of the day.... The mother superior said she came from Bordeaux. [1947-VAC]

Dédé asked if M was going back to Bordeaux soon. M said it was Lyons. [1948-PRE]

Marcellin was arrested in Bordeaux at 18 for assault and battery. ... Léon had had a dentist's surgery in a smart district of Bordeaux. [1949-AMI]

The manager of the Hôtel Beauséjour said M. Levine was French, from Bordeaux, she thought. [1949-MME]

Désiré Boursicault had been born in Bordeaux, where his parents had lived. [1951-MEU]

M had been attending the International Police Congress, held this year in Bordeaux.... One did not find suits of such material as Alain Vernoux was wearing, except in exclusive tailors in Paris, or perhaps in Bordeaux.... Alain Vernoux said that no doubt when his father went to Paris or Bordeaux he treated himself to a little amusement.... A reporter from Bordeaux had a car, drove Julien Chabot and M to Sabati's house, then back to Julien Chabot's. [1953-PEU]

M had visited Julien Chabot two years ago coming back from a conference in Bordeaux. (see: PEU). [1954-MIN]

The son-in-law of the last Mullerbach had Jeanfils check to see who'd bought the buttons. There were about 40 tailors, 4 at Lyons, 2 at Bordeaux, 1 at Lille, a few in other towns, the rest in Paris. [1955-TEN]

Philippe de Lancieux moved to Bordeaux where he claimed to be married. He left there for Brussels. [1961-BRA]

Once Joséphine Papet had noticed that Victor Lamotte had a Paris-Bordeaux railroad season ticket. [1968-ENF]

Maurice Mocco said they had a M. Charles who was about 70, from Bordeaux. [1972-CHA]

Bordeaux Conservatory. John Maura and Joseph Daumale had studied music at the Bordeaux Conservatory. [1946-NEW]

Bordeaux, Hôtel de. see: Hôtel de Bordeaux

Borderel, Philippe. Philippe Borderel was a theater critic on one of the leading dailies. He was at a dress rehearsal at the Théâtre de la Michodière. [1969-VIN]

Borgerhout. [commune, Antwerp prov., N Belgium, an E suburb of Antwerp, pop. 1969: 48,766.]

The telegram from Antwerp: Isaac Goldberg, 45. Traveled weekly to Amsterdam, London, Paris. Rue de Campine, Borgerhout. married, two children. [1931-NUI]

Borinage. [coal-mining district surrounding Mons, Hainaut prov., Belgium.]

Already the first miners' dwellings of the Borinage were discernible. [1936-pei]

Boris Krofta. see: Krofta, Boris

Boris Saft. see: Saft, Boris

Borms, Ernest. M had had a paragraph inserted into the newspapers, saying that a park-keeper in the Bois de Boulogne had found the body of Ernest Borms, well-know Viennese doctor, on the walks not far from the Porte de Bagatelle. He'd been living in Neuilly for some years, in the Boulevard Richard-Wallace. [1939-hom]

Borms, Gertrud. Gertrud Borms, 42, maid with Oswald Clark at the Majestic.... Gertrud Borms was a large, hard-faced woman. Came down to where the guest's servants ate. [1939-MAJ]

Bornier. Dufour had arranged for Inspector Bornier to relieve him in the watch on the house in Fécamp. A very young man, just starting in the Flying Squad. [1929-30-LET]

Borniol. Eva went out to Borniol's to see about the funeral arrangements. [1946-mal]

Bornique. Antonio Farano said an inspector with a strange name, Bornique or Mornique had showed him Émile Boulay's identity card. Bornique of the 20th insisted on competing with Police Headquarters. [1962-COL]

Bosquet, Adèle. Adèle Bosquet was a dancer at the Gai-Moulin in Liège. 25 or 30. Often spoke of Paris, Berlin and Ostend, and would mention the names of the most celebrated boîtes du nuit. Génaro, proprieter of the Gai-Moulin, had brought her with him from Paris when she was down and out. [1931-GAI]

Bossuet. [Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, born 1627, Dijon, Fr., died 1704, Paris. Bishop and most eloquent and influential spokesman for the rights of the French church against papal authority. He is chiefly remembered for his literary works including funeral panegyrics for great personages. His first Oraisons funèbres (Funeral Orations) were on Henrietta Maria of France, queen of England (1669), and on her daughter Henrietta Anne of England, Louis XIV's sister-in-law (1670), masterpieces of French classical prose.]
The books under the bridge included Verlaine's "Sagesse", Bossuet's "Oraisons Funèbres," the second half of Las Cases' "Memorial de Sainte-Hélène," and an old issue of "La Presse Médicale." [1962-CLO]

Botanical Gardens. [Brussels] M walked behind the couple in the Botanical Gardens. [1936-pei]

Bottin. Lassagne's article said the better part of Dr Philippe Jave's patients were listed in the Bottin Social Register. [1956-AMU]

Boubée, Louis. Louis Boubée, the doorman of the Lotus, was the last one to have seen Émile Boulay. He was a little man, no bigger than a jockey, better known in Montmartre by the nickname Mickey Boubée. [1962-COL]

Boubée, Mickey. Louis Boubée, the doorman of the Lotus, was the last one to have seen Émile Boulay. He was a little man, no bigger than a jockey, better known in Montmartre by the nickname Mickey.... M had still been a fairly young inspector when Mickey Boubée was already working as a doorman in Montmartre. He was the size of a child of 12 or 13, skinny, with big ears, a long pointed nose, and india-rubber mouth. He had no eyelashes or eyebrows. [1962-COL]

Boucard. Dr. Boucard was the head of the department where Maria was being kept at Laënnec. [1947-MOR]

Bouchardon. Dr. Bouchardon was a peasant, the son of peasants. M recognized the doctor, but nobody recognized him. [1932-FIA]

Bouchers, Rue des. (Brussels.)

[Brussels] Jef Van Damme had been with a woman in a café on the Rue des Bouchers at the time Janvier was shot. [1951-MEU]

Bouches-du-Rhône. [dept, SE France pop. 1968: 1,470,271.]

They listened to the news on the car radio. A little girl had been kidnapped in Bouches-du-Rhône. [1969-TUE]

Boué. The concierge at Arlette's building, Mme. Boué, was the wife of a policeman. [1950-PIC]

Bouet, Martine. Nicole Prieur said she'd gone to see her friend, Martine Bouet, the daughter of a doctor, on Boulevard Saint-Germain. [1964-DEF]

Bougainville, Boulevard. [Concarneau] The ancestral home of Yves Le Guérec faced the sea on the Boulevard Bougainville. After their father's death, he had built a villa at the end of White Sands Beach. [1956-AMU]

Bougival. [commune, N France, Seine-et-Oise dept. pop. 1959: 4,300. [Seine-et-Oise dept. was abolished in 1968] near Versailles.]

Oscar said he'd started with a guy he'd met at the Bastille. He remembered a car loaded with plate stolen from a villa at Bougival. [1931-NUI]

1,000-franc notes had been found floating in the Seine at the Bougival lock the day after the murder. Some were found at Mantes as well. Edgar Martin had thrown the stolen money into the Seine. [1931-OMB]

Dédé said to M that hearing that the marriage idea came from the old man was worth the ride to Bougival for lunch. [1948-PRE]

Paul Martin borrowed a car and got into an accident near the Bougival bridge, in which his wife was killed instantly. [1950-noe]

Fred Alfonsi had a house in Bougival where they went when the club was closed. [1950-PIC]

The head lock-keeper at Suresnes said De Zwarte Zwaan should have been at Juziers, or at any rate beyond Poissy, depending on how long they'd had to wait at the locks at Bougival and Carrière. [1962-CLO]

Jean-Claude Ternel had gone with Marinette Augier to Coq Hardy in Bougival once for lunch. [1963-FAN]

Bougrat. The only case M could remember of a lawyer killing a client was that of Bougrat. [1962-COL]

Boulanger, Olga. Three weeks earlier, Olga Boulanger, an 18-year-old Breton girl who had worked for Dr. Armand Barion, had died mysteriously. [1936-lun]

Boulard. Mme. Mme. Boulard, widow across the street from Mlle. Clément's, husband had been employed by the Ministry of Transport, had a small pension. [1951-MEU]

Boulay, Émile. Antonio Farano was Émile Boulay's brother-in-law. He managed one of Boulay's cabarets, the Paris-Strip, in the Rue de Berri. [1962-COL]

Boulay, Lucien. Émile Boulay had a ten-year old son, Lucien, and a little girl of ten months. [1962-COL]

Boulay, Marie. see: Pirouet, Marie

Boulay, Marina. Émile Boulay's wife, Marina, Antonio Farano's sister, had called to ask if he'd seen Émile. He didn't often come down to the Champs-Élysées, where the Paris-Strip was. [1962-COL]

Boule Blanche. More than a year later M received an invitation to the Anthropometrical Ball, in the Boule Blanche to launch his series of detective stories. Georges Sim had become Georges Simenon. [1950-MEM]

Boule Verte. M said that Germain Cageot owned the Pélican and the Boule Verte, and probably one in Nice as well. [1934-MAI]

The girl M. Louis was with in the Clou Doré was Louise Pégasse, nicknamed Lulu the Torpedo . [Lulu la Torpille], the name she appeared under in a striptease club, the Boule Verte on Rue Pigalle. [1965-PAT]

Boulogne. A sailing boat from Boulogne was made fast to the piles of the jetty, waiting for the gates to open. [1932-POR]

Boulogne. [seaport city, N France, Pas-de-Calais dept. pop. 1968: 49,276. [Boulogne-sur-Mer]. on English Channel 61 mi. NW of Arras.]

. Jean Liberge's real name was Jean Évariste Darchambaux, born at Boulogne. [1930-PRO]

M brought up the letter the concierge had, and he recognized Albert Marcinelle's writing. It was from Boulogne. [1937-38-ber]

Boum-Boum. M found himself thinking of Saint-Fiacre, the school playground, the fat boy nobody liked and whom they called Boum-Boum or sometimes Jujube: Ferdinand Fumal. [1956-ECH]

Bourbon. Aurore Gallet's father, secretary of the last Bourbon prince, was editor of the Legitimist paper Le Soleil. [1930-GAL]

Bourbonnais. Philippe Bellamy asked M what province he came from, and M responded the Bourbonnais, delighted with the word 'province' rather than 'department'. [1947-VAC]

Bourbonnais, Rue du. [Vichy] The "lady in lilac", Hélène Lange, found strangled in her room, lived in the Rue du Bourbonnais.... Mme. Vireveau said she almost bumped into a man at the corner of Boulevard de LaSalle and Rue du Bourbonnais. [1967-VIC]

Bourbon, Quai de. [Paris. 4e, Hotel-de-Ville. from Rue des Deux Ponts to Rue Jean-de-Bellay]

M had Lucas check on Amorelle and Campois, on the Quai Bourbon. Gravel pits along the Seine, tugboats, etc. Lucas said he'd put Janvier on it. [1945-FAC]

The Englishman's flat was on the Quai de Bourbon (Île Saint-Louis). [1958-TEM]

They walked along the Quai de Bourbon as far as the Pont Marie, and as they crossed the bridge they could see a grayish barge with the red and white triangle of the Compagnie Générale painted on the bow of the Le Poitou, being unloaded of sand by a crane. [1962-CLO]

Bourboule, La. see: La Bourboule The past season Joseph Daumale was in La Bourboule, where he'd built a villa. Married to Anne-Marie Penette, of Les Sables-d'Olonne. three children. [1946-NEW]

Bourboule, La. see: La Bourboule Arlette had been sent to La Bourboule for her tonsilitis. [1950-PIC]

Bourcier. Mme. Bourcier was the concierge at 61, Place des Vosges, who had called M to report Raymond Couchet's murder. [1931-OMB]

Bourcier, Jojo. Mme Bourcier, the concierge's young son at 61 Place des Vosges. [1931-OMB]

Bourcier, Lili. Mme Bourcier, the concierge's young daughter at 61 Place des Vosges. [1931-OMB]

Bourdeille-Jaminet. The Public Prosecutor, M. Bourdeille-Jaminet, was extremely tall. M set up in the council chamber of the Town Hall, spacious, freshly whitewashed, clean, flag in the corner, bust of the Republic on the chimneypiece... [like at Porquerolles...]. [1940-JUG]

Bourdet. Dr Bourdet, the medical examiner who had replaced Dr Paul, got out of a taxi grumbling. [1971-IND]

Bourdon. Victor Lamotte appeared with his lawyer, Maître Bourdon, one of the leading lights of the legal profession, President of the French Bar, whose name had been put forward for membership in the Academy. [1968-ENF]

Bourdon, Rosalie. Janvier called that they'd traced René Lussac's phone call to a villa outside Corbeil, on the Seine, belonging to Rosalie Bourdon, "La belle Rosalie" Near 50, she'd started young near the Place des Ternes, at 25 running an establishment with distinguished clients. Moved to the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette and opened a night-club call La Cravache. Her last lover had been Pierre Sabatini, a member of the Corsican gang. [1961-PAR]

Bourgeois. Dr. Bourgeois had been the doctor who'd attended Lili Godreau. [1947-VAC]

Bourges. [commune, C France, capital, Cher dept. pop. 1968: 70,814. 126 mi. S of Paris.]

Tiburce de Saint-Hilaire told M his mother died soon after he was born. Father died when he was 12. Went to college in Bourges till he was 19. Received a legacy from a second cousin in Indo-China when he was 28, a Duranty de la Roche. [1930-GAL]

Gautier said Jean Métayer was from a good Bourges family.... The stone hand told M the type was Cheltenham 9 point, that most linotypes used it. There were other linotypes at Nevers, Bourges, Châteauroux, Autun... [1932-FIA]

Viviane La Pommeraye had found a cab to take her to Bourges, where her aunt lived. [1937-38-noy]

Émilie Mosselet said her father had bought the Anneau d'Or in Villecomtois. It was about 43 km from Bourges. [1937-38-man]

Bourges, Louise. Louise Bourges, Ferdinand Fumal's private secretary, who had a flat on the Quai Voltaire, came to say that he'd written the letters himself. [1956-ECH]

Bourget, Le. see: Le Bourget

Bourget, Paul. [Paul Bourget, French writer, born at Amiens, 1852-1935, author of stories, essays and analytical novels: Le Disciple, Mensonges, Cruelle Enigme, André Cornélis, L'Etape, le Démon de midi, etc.. Acad. Franç.]
Georges Sim said Paul Bourget had been able to watch the proceedings in the Special Infirmary, where criminals were given mental tests. [1950-MEM]

Bourg-la-Reine. [commune, N France, Hauts-de-Seine dept. pop. 1962: 17,908. suburb of Paris.]

After Bourg-la-Reine M fell asleep in the back of the taxi. The driver woke him up at Arpajon, in front of the old market with the thatched roof. [1931-NUI]

Cécile Pardon lived at Bourg-la-Reine, about a mile beyond the Porte d'Orléans, on the Route Nationale, just opposite the fifth stop. Big, five-story brick building with shops on the ground floor, a bicycle shop and a grocer's. Lived on the fifth floor. ... Juliette Boynet's husband had been a building contractor at Bourg-la-Reine.... The police superintendent from the Bourg-la-Reine division, overawed, arrived. [1940-CEC]

Bourgogne, À ma. see: À ma Bourgogne

Bourgogne, Rue de. [Paris. 7e, Palais-Bourbon. from Quai d'Orsay to Rue de Varenne]

M and Janvier were lunching in a restaurant in the Rue de Bourgogne. They'd picked it on account of its terrace, and soon noticed it was patronized by ministry officials, especially from the Premier's department, and a few officers in mufti from the War Office. [1960-VIE]

Bourniquel. Mme. One of the tenants in Cécile Pardon's building. Husband a commerical traveler with a small car. 4 children expecting a fifth. Husband away for months at a time, in the wine business. [1940-CEC]

Bourrages. The butcher, Marcellin Rateau, said he still had to go to Bourrages. He'd once opened a butcher shop at La Rochelle. [1953-ECO]

Boursang, Éléonore. 30. widow. Came to see M in the Hôtel de la Loire, looked nearer 35 than 30. Father had been a chief accountant in a spinning factory. At 20 married a textile engineer, killed by a machine accident within a year. Currently a cashier with a firm in Rue Réaumur. Two years ago finally won the case against the textile company. Henri Gallet's mistress. Henri gave M her address. 27, Rue de Turenne. Was on holiday staying at the Pension Germain boarding house on the road from Sancerre to Saint-Thibaut. Henri said he had been visiting her there the day he met his father there by chance. [1930-GAL]

Bourse. The man said at that time of day Oscar Laget was likely to be at the Bourse, or in some neighborhood restaurant. [1936-fen]

The Superintendent of the Finance Squad [Financial Section] was as stiff as a poker. If he was in his office it meant there'd be trouble in the Bourse the next morning. [1946-mal]

Bourse. Ruel was keeping an eye on Émile Blaise, who would be on his way to the Bourse at that hour. [1941-SIG]

Bourse, Quai de la. [Rouen] Fernand Courcel occupied the whole of an old house on the Quai de la Bourse, a stone's throw from the Pont Boïeldieu. [1968-ENF]

Boursicault, Désiré. Désiré Boursicault, 60 next year. M. Tenant on the first floor opposite Mlle. Clément's. Always called M. Désiré. Purser for the United Steamship Company for 20 years. For the past year had been on the Asie. Now on his way to Pointe Noire, in Equatorial Africa. Hardly ever in France. The man M had seen with a large suitcase had leaving in the morning by taxi for the Gare Montparnasse, from the house opposite Mlle. Clément's. Had arrived from Gare Montparnasse after midnight the night Janvier had been shot. All his ships sail from Bordeaux. His mother comes once a month to visit his invalid wife. First wife died of pneumonia after they'd been married 7 years. Parents had been poor and lived at Bordeaux. Father a drunkard - he a teetotaler. Learned 5 or six languages, some native dialects. [1951-MEU]

Boursicault, Françoise. Mme. Françoise Boursicault, 48. Married 15 years earlier. Told M her husband smoked a pipe. Before she met him was an assistant in a men's shop on Boulevard Saint-Michel.... Fell ill about five years ago. Born in Le Havre. Maiden name Françoise Binet. Father a seaman. One of nine children. Only 3 or 4 left. Mother and father dead. Was a children's nanny at 14, with a family who spent their summers at Étretat. Came with them to Paris where they lived in the Avenue Hoche. She went to dressmaking school in the Avenue de Wagram. At 16 had a boyfriend, and her employers threw her out. Became a waitress. Lived in a room at 48, Rue Monsieur-le-Prince when she worked in the men's shop.... Report came in. She'd lived in the Rue des Dames, in a little hotel, where a man... M told Lucas to tell Lapointe he'd hear the rest later. [1951-MEU]

Bousquet. Bousquet, the shoemaker opposite Frans Steuvels, after Les Caves de Bourgogne. It was he who probably wrote the anonymous note which started the investigation. [1949-MME]

Boussard. Mme. M had Mme M look in the directory to see who was listed at 17, Avenue de Châtillon. Apartment House, meaning there was a phone in the lodge, and Mme. Boussard, midwife. [1957-SCR]

Boutang. M saw a face he knew, Boutang, Superintendent of the Criminal Police in Toulon. [1971-IND]

Boutant. Proprieter of the Bonne Fourchette, elderly man, wearing a chef's jacket and hat, remembered Marcel Vivien Nina Lassave. [1971-SEU]

Bouteille. The Examining Magistrate was Bouteille, about 50. M had known him a long time. [1971-IND]

Boutelleau et Fils. Fouad Ouéni said he'd been at the shooting range of Boutelleau et Fils, Rue de Rennes. [1966-NAH]

Boutigues. Boutigues, the young detective who greeted M at Antibes; pearl-grey suit, boots with half-cloth uppers, red carnation in his buttonhole. [1932-LIB]

Boutin, Anne-Marie. Oscar Chabut's companion was called the Grasshopper, as she was tall and thin with unusually long arms and legs. Anne-Marie Boutin, his private secretary. [1969-VIN]

Boutros. The Petit Beyrouth was in the Rue des Bernardins. The owner's name was Boutros. Lapointe was to check if Félix Nahour had eaten there. [1966-NAH]

Bouvier. Maître. M called Maître Bouvier to check on what he knew about Émile Parendon. M had known him more than twenty years, and his son was also a member of the bar. [1968-HES]

bowls. Two old men were playing bowls, pétanque style, without sending the jack more than a few yards from their feet. One was Ferdinand Galli, the patriarch of the Gallis, who kept a café on the square. His partner, retired, natty, deaf, railwayman's cap; another octogenarian sitting on the PO bench. [1949-AMI]

M and Mme M went regularly each day to the bowling club, where M especially liked watching the one-armed man, and the dignified old gentleman they called "Senator".... M told Lecoeur he used to plays bowls a bit years ago at Porquerolles. [1967-VIC]

M and Marella stopped at a little bistro, painted blue, in Sanary. Outside 4 men played bowls. [1970-FOL]

bowls. Had they been in the Midi, M would have played bowls, or in Lille, skittles... [1938-ceu]

Arsène Vadibert, the Superintendent's secretary, was watching a game of bowls outside, in his shirtsleeves. He leaned forward a little to watch Grêlé, crouching in preparation for a spectacular throw... [1942-FEL]

Gaston Meurant finally got a lead on where Alfred Meurant was at a little café outside of which men were playing bowls. [1959-ASS]

Boxer Jo. One of Albert Rochain's friends was Boxer Jo, small and sturdy, with a broken nose and drooping eyelids over light blue eyes, always dressed in check suits and loud ties, usually found at apéritif time in one of the small bars in the Avenue de Wagram. M had had him in his office at least 10 times. [1947-MOR]

Boynet, Joseph. Juliette Boynet's husband, had been a building contractor at Bourg-la-Reine, died before he was 50, 6 months before Charles Dandurand had moved in. Etienne (Henri Monfils) Monfils sent M a telegram that he'd found a letter in frame of the the portrait had sent him showing that Juliette and Dandurand had killed him. [1940-CEC]

Boynet, Juliette. (Juliette Marie Jeanne Léontine Boynet née Cazenove). 59. Born Fontenay-le-Comte, Vendée. Cécile Pardon's partially bed-ridden aunt who'd been strangled. Her husband had been a building contractor at Bourg-la-Reine, died before he was 50, 6 months before Charles Dandurand had moved in.. About twelve years before her sister had died at Fontenay, and Juliette sent for her three children. ... Cécile had sent a note to M that "something terrible happened last night" and was waiting for him in the waiting room when she disappeared. She first come about six months earlier, to report that she'd noticed things had been moved in her Aunt Juliette's apartment during the nights..... M found her strangled on her bed when he went there searching for Cécile. A fat old woman with a painted face and stringy hair, heavily peroxided, showing white at the roots, in a red dressing gown with one stocking on. She owned many houses of prostitution, with Dandurand's assistance. [1940-CEC]

BA  BE  BI  BL  BO  BR  BU  



Branchu, Émile. Émile Branchu, known as Mimile. Had set up his picture framing shop in the Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Antoine about two years earlier. Apparently came from Marseilles. Said to be separated or divorced from his wife. Had a green 6 CV [six CV].... Émile Branchu lived a long times in Marseilles, but came from Roubaix. [1969-TUE]

Brand-Lussac, Baronne de. Stationery M had seen in the window of Papeterie Roman. [1968-HES]

Braquement. M. Braquement was Hector Balthazar's lawyer, in his 80s, the only one, according the Germaine Baboeuf, who knew what would occur when Lise Gendreau-Balthazar turned 21. [1948-PRE]

Brasserie Clichy. Justin Minard was second flautist in the Concerts Lamoureux, but played eveings at the Brasserie Clichy in the Boulevard de Clichy.... M took the métro to Place Blanche and went into the Brasserie Clichy to look for Justin Minard. He ordered a plate of sauerkraut and a beer. [1948-PRE]

Brasserie Cyrano. Place Blanche, in the Rochechouart [Boulevard Rochechouart] neighborhood. Hardly 200 yards from Marcel Vivien's workshop. Next door was the Moulin Rouge. Proprieter was under 30. His father, the former proprieter, had retired to the country. One of the waiters there, Julien, recognized Vivien's photo. Vivien had disappeared Dec. 23, but had been at the Cyrano after that. Had seen him at least ten times in January/February 1946, always with a very young, pretty, dark-haired girl, with a small strawberry mark on her left cheek (Nina Lassave). She had always worn black, plain black silk dress, black coat, fur collar. They came on foot, were always holding hands. He always ordered mineral water, she a Cointreau. They arrived after the last movies closed, between 11:00 and 11:30. M. went there alone, to speak with Julien in person. [1971-SEU]

Brasserie Dauphine. see The site of "La Brasserie Dauphine" by Peter Foord

see Simenon guides TV in the footsteps of Chief Inspector Maigret (Simenon guide la TV sur les pas du Commissaire Maigret)

The waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine came in with six glasses of beer and four thick sandwiches. [1929-30-LET]

The waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine brought in beer and sandwiches. [1936-bea]

When M, Lucas and the Chief went to the Brasserie Dauphine, M suddenly remembered he'd left Janvier in his waiter's job on the Rue de Birague. [1937-38-sta]

They had beers sent up from the Brasserie Dauphine, and hadn't forgotten M. [1939-MAJ]

M considered ordering sandwiches from the Brasserie Dauphine but decided to go to the little bar opposite the statue of Henri IV, in the middle of Pont-Neuf, where he ordered a ham sandwich. A game of belote was in progress at a table near the bar.... M went with Mr. Spencer Oats to the Brasserie Dauphine, leaving Charles Dandurand in his office, and ordered two beers, "Bumpers" - special glass, reserved for regulars - held a full liter. [1940-CEC]

No one would have been surprised to have seen the waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine arrive with a tray of sandwiches and beer. [1940-JUG]

The waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine, who knew the Police Judiciaire as well as if he worked there, brought M the two beers. [1941-SIG]

In M's own office, Rondonnet, a recent addition to his staff, was sitting in M's personal chair, and smoking a pipe just like his. He'd even ordered beers sent up from the Brasserie Dauphine. [1942-FEL]

M hadn't left his office even to go to the Brasserie Dauphine for a beer. [1945-pip]

M went with Lucas to the Brasserie Dauphine for a beer. [1945-FAC]

Michael O'Brien reminded M of a time they been in the Brasserie Dauphine, and he'd said "I never think".... M remembered the beers that Joseph, the waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine had often brought up. [1946-NEW]

M was sitting on the terrace of the Brasserie Dauphine, in the shade of the red and yellow striped awning. M called out to Joseph to ask what he owed. It was four francs. [1946-pau]

Joseph had been a waiter for 10 years at the Brasserie Dauphine, had become friends with Janvier, and had married his sister-in-law. [1946-obs]

M had some beer and sandwiches sent up from the Brasserie Dauphine. [1946-mal]

At the Brasserie Dauphine the tables were already set ou on the terrace, but M decided to wait for another call.... M and Lucas went into the Brasserie Dauphine for a drink, somewhat surprised to find life going on as usual. [1947-MOR]

M went to the Brasserie Dauphine, where there were always a few detectives from the Quai des Orfèvres having a drink. [1948-PRE]

M thought Lucas' sandwiches looked good, so instead of going home for lunch he had some sent up from the Brasserie Dauphine. [1949-MME]

Lucas said to M one day on the way to the Brasserie Dauphine, "So you're in a novel now..." [1950-MEM]

If M had had time he would have stopped in the Brasserie Dauphine for a beer. [1950-PIC]

M had them send up two Pernods, one for Boissier as well, since he had been reminded of the day 17 years ago on the Rue de la Lune.... M looked through the whole menu at the Brasserie Dauphine, ended up ordering a sandwich and a glass of beer. [1951-GRA]

M and Lucas left the Quai des Orfèvres together and had their first apéritif at the Brasserie Dauphine. They parted at the Châtelet, Lucas bounding down the steps to the underground.... M called the Brasserie Dauphine and asked Justin to bring up two beers for M and a coffee for Julien Foucrier.... M went with Lucas to lunch at the Brasserie Dauphine after seeing Émile Paulus' father. [1951-MEU]

M called Janvier and Lapointe. Before giving them instructions he called the Brasserie Dauphine to have them send up beer and sandwiches. [1951-LOG]

M and Lourtie went there for a pastis. They stood at the bar where there were several other inspectors.... A waiter brought sandwiches and beer from the Brasserie Dauphine while M was talking with Pierre Delteil. [1952-REV]

M lunched alone at his usual table in the Brasserie Dauphine, his own special table near a window from which he could watch the Seine.... M called the Brasserie Dauphine, spoke to Joseph, told him to send up six ham sandwiches for M and Albert Jorisse. [1952-BAN]

In the Place Dauphine, M and Lucas decided to stop for a pernod, so they went into the Brasserie Dauphine. [1953-ECO]

M walked over to the Brasserie Dauphine, where he stood at the bar. He ordered a Pernod.... M called the Brasserie Dauphine and had them send up beer and sandwiches for Albert Falconi's interrogation. [1954-JEU]

M said he'd had dinner with the Boss and Lucas and Janvier at the Brasserie Dauphine. [1954-MIN]

M stomped off, stopping at the bar for an apéritif. The distinctive smells were the Pernod from the bar and coq-au-vin from the kitchen. One or two of his colleagues lingered over coffee and Calvados. M ordered a sandwich, had another and coffee. M went for lunch at the Brasserie Dauphine. On his way he stopped in the Inspector's Duty Room for Lapointe... "the little restaurant in the Place Dauphine". [1955-COR]

At 6:00 a waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine brough a trayful of mugs of beer.... M went to the Brasserie Dauphine, had the stewed veal, because it smelled like home cooking, while Lapointe interrogated Marcel Moncin. [1955-TEN]

M wondered if Janvier was having beer and sandwiches sent up from the Brasserie Dauphine.... M caught sight of the waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine with a tray covered with a napkin. [1956-AMU]

M and Lucas went for a quiet meal at the Brasserie Dauphine. A heavy smell of cooking, like that of a country inn, the wife at her stove, husband behind the counter, daughter helping the waiter serve. [1957-VOY]

M and Lapointe didn't order beers, which seemed unseasonable, but apéritifs.... M told Lapointe they had time to go to the Brasserie Dauphine for a pint before Xavier Marton showed up. [1957-SCR]

A waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine appeared at M's office with beer and sandwiches. [1959-CON]

M had a feeling it wouldn't be long. He'd ordered sandwiches from the Brasserie Dauphine. [1959-ASS]

M told Lucas to stop at the Brasserie Dauphine to have them send up some beer and sandwiches and coffee, and some mineral water for Jaquette Larrieu. [1960-VIE]

The waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine was arriving with yet another tray of rolls and coffee. [1961-PAR]

M had lunch at the Brasserie Dauphine with Lucas after interviewing Léonard Planchon's employees. [1962-CLI]

Mme M was wearing a dress with pink flowers when M went home for lunch, rather than going to the Brasserie Dauphine. [1962-CLO]

He'd suddenly felt an urge to go to the Brasserie Dauphine, and in spite of the advice of his friend Dr Pardon.... The patron had been there thirty years before, when the chief-inspector had started at the Quai des Orfèvres, but at that time he had been the son of the house. Now there was a son too, wearing a chef's white hat in the kitchen. A connoisseur would have identified the rather tart scent of the ordinary wines of the Loire, and tarragon and chives from the kitchen. On the menu was mackeral from Brittany, foie de veau en papiloottes. [1962-COL]

The waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine was putting down a tray filled with sandwiches when the call came in about the Jaguar. [1963-FAN]

The waiter from the Brasserie Dauphine came in with M's lunch while he was reading Nicole Prieur's statement.... M drank a mandarin-curaçao with a squirt of lemon at the Brasserie Dauphine. It had been a new drink when he had first been in Paris, and it'd been his favorite for a few years. [1964-DEF]

M's longest interrogation, 27 hours, was still being discussed. During that time the waiters from the Brasserie Dauphine never ceased bringing up beer and sandwiches. [1965-PAT]

M set off towards the Place Dauphine, went into the Brasserie Dauphine. The proprieter said they had andouillette, with mashed potatoes. M started with a carafe of Sancerre. [1966-VOL]

M told Dr. Rian about his drinking, thinking of the Brasserie Dauphine, where it wasn't the drink itself, but the clubbably atmostphere, the cooking smells, the aroma of aniseed and Calvados... [1967-VIC]

M lunched at the Brasserie Dauphine before going to see Émile Parendon. Treated himself to a pastis at the bar. (Had told a small lie to his wife, that he was held up at work and couldn't come home for lunch.) [1968-HES]

Lapointe had followed Léon Florentin into the Place Dauphine where he went into the Brasserie Dauphine. [1968-ENF]

M had lunch at the Brasserie Dauphine with Janvier and Lapointe.... M and Janvier went to the Brasserie Dauphine after talking with the anonymous caller. M ordered a brandy, as the caller had said he'd drunk. [1969-TUE]

M and Lapointe went for lunch at the Brasserie Dauphine. They went into the dining room. The proprieter said they had his favorite for lunch, blanquette de veau. Told M he didn't stock Vin des Moines, offered him a Bourgueil. The blanquette de veau was tender and beautifully cooked, with a fragrant golden yellow sauce.... M gulped down two beers at the Brasserie Dauphine. The Châtelet was ablaze with Christmas lights. [1969-VIN]

M had decided against stopping at the Brasserie Dauphine and was on his way home when Léontine Antoine came up to him. M said he was going towards Pont Saint-Michel and they walked together.... M decided on the spur of the moment to lunch at the Brasserie Dauphine. [1970-FOL]

M treated himself to an aperitif there before taking a taxi home for lunch, after hearing the report of the waiter from the Brasserie Cyrano.... M planned to slip out to the Brasserie Dauphine for a quick beer before Louis Mahossier's interview with the lawyer present.... M and Torrence went there, 'the bar they knew so well,' for a beer after the interrogation of Mahossier. M: "A long beer, in the tallest glass you've got." He drank it down in almost one gulp and held it out for another. [1971-SEU]

M had lunch with Janvier at the Brasserie Dauphine. Janvier's wife was at her mother's. The proprieter came over. Over the years he'd gone completely bald. They ordered andouillettes. M had his seat by the window, from which he could watch the Seine. [1971-IND]

It was good to be in the atmosphere of the Brasserie Dauphine again, with its mingled smells of cooking and drink. The proprietor suggested a pastis to greet the Spring. Sweetbreads and mushrooms. [1972-CHA]

Brasserie de la République. Lucas told M that Lapointe had called from the Brasserie de la République to say he'd found the room rented by Louis Thouret.... M told Lapointe that as soon as he was relieved he should join M and Arlette at the Brasserie de la République. [1952-BAN]

Brasserie de Remblai. M followed his usual route, like a circus horse. It was time for the Brasserie de Remblai. In the back were the rich men of the town, who gathered every afternoon to play bridge. [1947-VAC]

Brasserie des Artistes. M rushed to the telephone exchange. Charlotte had just put through a call to Jean at the Brasserie des Artistes in Cannes, Cannes 18-43. M listened in.... Walking down a little street towards the Croisette [Boulevard de la Croisette] M saw a sign, Brasserie des Artistes. [1939-MAJ]

Brasserie des Suisses. [Dieppe] M was thinking of taking his wife's advice and going down to the Brasserie des Suisses, where at least there would be a little life and activity. [1937-38-man]

Brasserie des Ternes. The letter Marcellin had from M was on letterhead from there. M knew the place -- "very comfortable and the sauerkraut is excellent." [1949-AMI]

Brasserie du Croissant. Lapointe found a letter in Jules Piquemal's room from Joseph Mascoulin, saying he'd meet him in the Brasserie du Croissant, Rue Montmarte, apparently about the Calame report.... Joseph Mascoulin had met Jules Piquemal in the Brasserie du Croissant. [1954-MIN]

Brasserie Flamande. Mlle. Clément had had the boarding house ten years. A native of Lille, more accurately, Roubaix. Her father had been a waiter at the Brasserie Flamande at Roubaix for nearly forty years. She'd started as a cashier there at twenty. [1951-MEU]

Brasserie Lorraine. Antoine Batilles' voice on his tape recording told where the recording had been made: the Brasserie Lorraine, Boulevard Beaumarchais. [1969-TUE]

Brasserie Pigalle. The driver told M the drunk they'd just passed was Dutilleux, a pal of his, who loved dressing up, especially as a drunk. M told him to stop outside the Brasserie Pigalle. [1955-TEN]

Brasserie Suisse. M lunched alone at the Brasserie Suisse in Versailles. He had charcroute, sausages... not quite what the Sun King might have ordered... [1940-JUG]

Brau, Grégoire. Grégoire Brau, known as Patience, also as the Canon, had been at his game for years without ever being caught in the act. Only once, 12 years earlier, he'd been nabbed because he overslept. A fat man of 43, fresh complexion. [1958-TEM]

Brault, Désirée. M recognized the charwoman, Désirée Brault. She'd been arrested a number of times, but now was 50 or 60. [1953-TRO]

Brault, Jules. Désirée Brault's husband, Jules, was asleep in the next room. [1953-TRO]

Braun, Hilda. The dossier said that Jean Bronsky, had married Hilda Braun in Berlin. [1947-MOR]

Braun, Otto. The dead man was a German , Otto Braun, according to his passport. 58, born at Bremen, a former banker from Stuttgart. He was portly, well-to-do, sprucely dressed, closely cropped hair, pronounced Jewish type. He'd given up his financial activities after the National-Socialist (Nazi) revolution. A hotel bill from the Kaiserhof hotel in Berlin, where he'd stayed for three days, was found in his pockets. [1936-arr]

Bray, Rue. [typo for Rue Brey] [1939-MAJ]

Brazil. One of Jeanne Grosbois' old friends spotted her in the Place Clichy [Place de Clichy]. She said she'd soon be leaving for Brazil. [1942-FEL]

Lemke and his wife fled to Spain and sailed for South America, Argentina. One day they took a plane to Brazil and it crashed, killing them both. [1962-CLO]

Brazilian. Mrs. Mortimer-Levingston had been drinking in the Majestic Hotel bar with a Brazilian couple. [1929-30-LET]

At the bar they squeezed in between a Brazilian family and some pilots speaking French with a Swiss or Belgian accent. [1957-VOY]

Brazillian. Walter Carus desk was an immense Brazillian rosewood one. [1966-VOL]

Bréa, Rue. Alfred Meurant had been living on Rue Bréa, near Place des Ternes. [1959-ASS]

Bréauté-Beuzeville. M left the Paris-Le Havre train at a small, depressing station, Bréauté-Beuzeville, where he waited for his connection to Étretat. [1949-DAM]

Bréauté, La. see: La Bréauté

Bréjon, Clémentine. The doctor asked M if he'd met Clémentine Bréjon, or Tine as she was called, Louise Naud's mother, 82. She was a La Noue, one of the great families in the Vendée. [1943-CAD]

Bréjon, Louise. Victor Bréjon said his wife's maiden name was Lecat. His sister, Louise Bréjon, married Étienne Naud. [1943-CAD]

Bréjon, Marthe. Victor Bréjon's wife. [1943-CAD]

Bréjon, Victor. Examining Magistrate Victor Bréjon, a delightful, shy man of old-fashioned courtesy had asked M to see his brother-in-law, Étienne Naud. Goatee beard. [1943-CAD]

Brême, Justin. The bookkeeper, Justin Brême, about 50, bald shiny head. [1958-TEM]

Bremen. [Commercial city, capital of Bremen state, Germany, on Weser river 59 mi. SW of Hamburg. pop. 1969: 606,500.]

A coded telegram from Interpol read, To Sûreté Générale, Paris. Police Cracow report Pietr the Lett passed through on way to Bremen.... M read another telegram in polcod, from Bremen: Pietr the Lett reportedly making for Amsterdam and Brussels.... On the wall behind M's desk was an enormous map. His eyes traveled from Cracow, to the port of Bremen, then to Amsterdam and Brussels.... Pietr had registered under the name Oswald Oppenheim, ship-owner, Bremen, at the Majestic Hotel. [1929-30-LET]

A man about 30, threadbare clothes, ill-shaven face, had shown a ticket for Bremen. [1930-31-PHO]

Otto Braun, according to his passport, 58, born at Bremen. [1936-arr]

Brénéol. Dr. Brénéol and his wife and daughter had visited Judge Forlacroix's on Jan. 11, to play bridge. The next morning Justin Hulot saw a man lying on the floor in the bedroom. [1940-JUG]

Brénéol, Françoise. Françoise Brénéol was Dr. Brénéol's step-daughter. [1940-JUG]

Bresselles, Armande. Dr. Xavier Bresselles introuced himself, a small, thin, lively man, who must have been over 40. His sister, Armande Bresselles kept house for him since his wife died. [1953-ECO]

Bresselles, Xavier. Léonie Birard wasn't on speaking terms with her niece, nor with Dr. Xavier Bresselles -- she said he'd tried to poison her with drugs.... There was a light in the house at the corner, where M read the nameplate, Xavier Bresselles, M.D.... Dr. Xavier Bresselles introuced himself, a small, thin, lively man, who must have been over 40. His sister, Armande Bresselles kept house for him since his wife died. He had two sons, one in Niort, at the Lycée, the other doing his military service. [1953-ECO]

Bressuire. [commune, W France, Deux-Sèvres dept. pop. 1962: 8,520. 38 mi. N or Niort.]

Everyone was surprised when, a few weeks before the German retreat they arrested Auguste Point, and took him to Niort, then somewhere in Alsace. They caught three of four others at the same time, one a surgeon from Bressuire. [1954-MIN]

Brest. [Finistère, NW France, fortified seaport commune dept. pop. 1968: 154,023. on Atlantic Ocean 32 mi. NW of Quimper.]

Emma said that people said Jean Servières went into Brest to play around. [1931-JAU]

Yves Joris had kept in touch with his fellow-cadets of the Brest training ship. [1932-POR]

Blanc had a men recently come in from Brest, Le Goënec, unknown at the Eucalyptus, so he send him there. [1959-ASS]

The station staff remembered Hélène Lange had gone to Strasbourg, Brest, Carcassonne, Dieppe, Lyon, Nancy, Montélimar, always a fairly large town. [1967-VIC]

Brest Beacon. Jean Servières, a plump little man, editor of the Brest Beacon. [1931-JAU]

Bretagne, Hôtel de. see: Hôtel de Bretagne

Bret, Maxime Le. see: Le Bret, Maxime

Bret, Maxime, Le. see: Le Bret, Maxime Until that time he had always accompanied his chief, Maxime Le Bret, the most worldly of all Paris superintendents.... Maxime Le Bret was probably the only superintendent in Paris to keep a carriage and live on the Plaine Monceau, in one of the new houses in the Boulevard de Courcelles. [1948-PRE]

Breton. Waitresses in Breton dresses were setting the tables for dinner. [1931-JAU]

A sailor who couldn't have been more than 20 edged up to P'tit Louis and started talking in Breton. [1931-REN]

M found a photo of Yves Joris at 25, a typical Breton. [1932-POR]

Three weeks earlier, Olga Boulanger, an 18-year-old Breton girl who had worked for Dr. Armand Barion, had died mysteriously. [1936-lun]

Julie, the slatternly Breton serving girl, was kneeling on the floor wiping the legs of the table at Marina's. [1936-pig]

On board the Alcyon were two Breton sailors, middle-aged men who never mixed with the locals, went for a drink from time to time at Morin-Barbu's. [1949-AMI]

Bretonneau, Hôpital. Rue Etex, running alongside the Montmartre Cemetery, nearly opposite the Hôpital Bretonneau, Monique Juteaux, stabbed three times. [1955-TEN]

Breuker. M had Lucas call Breuker at Orly. An Alsatian, Superintendent of the airport. His assistant, Assistant-Superintendent Marathieu answered. [1966-NAH]

Brey, Rue. [Paris. 17e, Batignolles-Monceau. from Rue Montenotte to Avenue de Wagram]

Prosper Donge had lived in the Rue Brey, near the Étoile, his first year in Paris. [1939-MAJ]

Vanel said Bob d'Anseval was at the Hôtel du Centre, Rue Brey, just behind the Étoile. [1948-PRE]

Charlie Cinaglia and Tony Cicero had arrived in Paris from Le Havre, and gone to the Hôtel de l'Étoile, Rue Brey. [1951-LOG]

Nathalie Frassier had lived in a little hotel in the Rue Brey. [1972-CHA]

bridge. Marcel Basso said he'd heard M was a bridge player. M was Feinstein's partner, and earned more than one reproof from him for his playing. [1931-GUI]

The doctor and the pharmacist, both young, one blond, the other brown-haired, played their billiards, and later in the evening met with their wives for bridge. [1938-ceu]

Dr. Brénéol and his wife and daughter had visited Judge Forlacroix's on Jan. 11, to play bridge. [1940-JUG]

Joseph Mascouvin played bridge every evening at a club on Rue des Pyramides, run by the Countess. [1941-SIG]

Joseph was sure Raymond Auger knew chess and bridge, for he watched the games at the Café des Ministères intently.... [1946-obs]

It was time for the Brasserie de Remblai. In the back were the rich men of the town, who gathered every afternoon to play bridge. Although he'd been watching for six days M still didn't understand the game. [1947-VAC]

M said he never played bridge, but liked to watch. Said he knew the rules.... [1953-PEU]

Dr. Bloy had been playing bridge with friends when Claire Marelle called him to say that Nathalie Sabin-Levesque had cut her wrist. [1972-CHA]

Bridges and Highways. Félix Jubert explained to M that they'd be the only people at the Léonards who weren't connected to the Bridges and Highways Department. [1950-MEM]

Georges Dennery's Citroën had been stolen on Feb 18. He was a municipal engineer [Bridges and Highways] who lived in the Rue La Boétie. [1972-CHA]

Brigade criminelle. As if a man of 55 would suddenly be unable to run the Crime Squad [la Brigade criminelle]. [1965-PAT]

Brigade Financière. see: Financial Section

Brigade Mobile. For the past month M had been assigned to Rennes to reorganize its mobile unit [Brigade Mobile]. [1931-JAU]

Brigade Mobile. see: Flying Squad

No doubt someone from the Brigade mobile of Orléans would be waiting. [1938-ceu]

M told Joseph Daumale that if he had nothing to say he might find a visit from an officer of the Brigade Mobile. [Flying Squad] [1946-NEW]

Brigaud. Mme M said Mme Brigaud had phoned about the furniture. She'd said the weather was lovely and the cherry trees white with blossom. The goat wasn't for sale, but the owner would give them a kid if one came during the year. [1933-ECL]

Brisson. Before Gilbert Négrel, Philippe Jave had employed Dr. Brisson, but he'd started a practice in Amiens and was no longer available. [1956-AMU]

Bristol. John Arnold had gone to a hotel in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré, the Bristol, where the English solicitor, Donald Philps was staying, opposite the British Embassy. [1957-VOY]

Bristol Hôtel. see: Hôtel Bristol

Britanny. The painter who'd been mentioned as one of Christine Josset's "protégés" was now in Britanny. [1959-CON]

British. The Saint-Michel had gone to British and Dutch ports before returning to France. [1932-POR]

It was a British plane, BEA, [BOAC] flight 312. [1957-VOY]

British Airways. Philippe Jave had said he was going for a drive to Monte Carlo, but the staff at the Nice Airport had noticed his car. He'd taken a British Airways Viscount, delayed by engine trouble, to London, where he'd got a plane for Paris, returning the following morning by the 7:55 Blue Train from the Gare de Lyon. [1956-AMU]

British Army. Manessi said Norris Jonker had an Oxford degree, stayed in England many years, had attained the rank of colonel in the British Army. [1963-FAN]

British Embassy. John Arnold had gone to a hotel in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré, the Bristol, where the English solicitor, Donald Philps was staying, opposite the British Embassy. [1957-VOY]

British Intelligence Service. Some of the papers thought they could detect the hand of Cheka in William Brown's death, others that of the British Intelligence Service. [1932-LIB]

British Museum. Gérard Gassin had pointed out to Motte that his #33 in his catalogue was a German copy, which the British Museum confirmed. [1937-38-not]

Brittany. [(Bretagne) Historical peninsular region of NW France; bounded anciently on N by English Channel, NE by Normandy, E by Maine and Anjou, SE by Poitou, S and W by Atlantic Ocean. Exactly equivalent to modern deparments of Ille-et-Vilaine, Loire-Atlantique, Côtes-du-Nord, Morbihan, Finistère.]

Dr. Ernest Michoux never practiced medicine, owned some of the best building lots in Concarneau, if not all of Brittany. [1931-JAU]

Léon, who'd been a pilot, said there weren't enough fishers in Fécamp for all the trawlers -- they got them from Brittany. They're superstitious and talk of the evil eye. [1931-REN]

Olga Boulanger's parents, typical peasants, had come from Brittany for the funeral, learned somehow that she had been four months pregnant, and got in touch with Barthet, an acrimonious lawyer. [1936-lun]

The only rub would be that he'd have to leave these wonders to go to the funeral in Brittany where, in March, there was nothing but rain. [1938-owe]

Louis Fillou thought Alban Groult-Cotelle had relatives with a castle in Brittany. [1943-CAD]

The Sébastopol district, which, particularly in the Les Halles area, was frequented by the lowest class of women. There young servant girls of sixteen, newly arrived from Brittany, served their apprenticeship. [1950-MEM]

Boissier told M he was off to Brittany the next day. [1951-GRA]

Étienne Gouin had taken his wife, when she was his nurse, to a restaurant in the Faubourg-Saint-Jacques. She'd told him her father was a fisherman in Brittany. [1953-TRO]

During the winter they had talked of going to Brittany, Beuzec-Conq, near Concarneau, but as happened almost every year, his vacation was delayed.... One of the victims was from Brittany. [1955-TEN]

Torrence, who'd recently bought a second-hand car, was touring Normandy and Brittany.... The movie house put up the photo of Éveline Jave on the Brittany beach.... Down in Brittany, the little troupe had invaded the Hôtel de l'Amiral, in the Quai Carnot, which M knew through having in the past once conducted a case there which had caused quite a stir. [1956-AMU]

At the age of 41 Grégoire Brau had suddenly married Germaine, from Brittany, 20 years his junior, who'd worked the Avenue de Wagram for a short time past. [1958-TEM]

In the old days they were known as truck-driver's restaurants. They were all owned by people straight from the provinces - Auvergne, Brittany, Normandy, Burgundy. [1961-PAR]

On the menu was mackeral from Brittany.... One of Jean-Charles Gaillard's cases was Hippolyte Tessier, forgery, acquittal. The former manager of a casino in Brittany who tried to start a secret gaming club in Paris. [1962-COL]

Manuel Palmari's other maid had gone back to Brittany to look after her sick mother. [1965-PAT]

M told François Ricain that Sophie Ricain's parents would probably want to have her body brought back to Brittany. [1966-VOL]

The man from the "happy couple", Bébert, greeted M. His wife, Bobonne, was from Brittany. [1967-VIC]

Jeanne Chabut said she thought Jean-Luc Caucasson had a cottage in Brittany, in one of those villages where all the artists congregate. [1969-VIN]

Britt, Muriel. Mrs. Muriel Britt, the old Englishwoman, had chosen to disappear. She'd come to Paris with 52 others, a group the travel agents assemble in England, America, Canada or elsewhere, and take to Paris for a week. [1956-ECH]

Broadway. Pozzo's was like a restaurant on Broadway. [1951-LOG]

Broadway. On 49th St., two steps from Broadways' lights, he walked down into a French restaurant, red and white checked cloth, which recalled the cafés of Montmartre and the Paris suburbs, was on the tables, and a ziinc-covered bar. [1946-NEW]

David Ward's third wife, Muriel Halligan, the daughter of an overseer [foreman] in Hoboken, had been selling cigarettes in a Broadway nightclub when Ward had fell in love with her. [1957-VOY]

Broderie. Broderie anglaise table-mats at the Berthe Swaan house. [1929-30-LET]

Broken-Tooth, Gustave. The inspector told M they were going to Victor's, the café close to the fish market, to see if Gustave was the Gustave Broken-Tooth he knew. [1937-38-man]

bromide. Cécile Pardon always had a cup of herb tea at night. She gave hers to Gérard Pardon the night of the murder, and thus he took the "massive dose of bromide" Juliette Boynet had put in the tea, and Cécile was awake. [1940-CEC]

Broncard. Broncard asked Lapointe what to do. Soon Janvier showed up. Told Lucas on the phone only ten tailors had ordered the cloth. [1955-TEN]

Bronsky, Jean. Francine Latour's boyfriend, Bronsky, whom everyone called M. Jean, was the leader of the Picardy gang, a Czech.... The dossier said that Jean Bronsky, 35, had been born in Prague, studied at the University of Vienna, then lived a few years in Berlin. There he'd married Hilda Braun, but when he came to France at 28 was alone. His first address had been a hotel in the Boulevard Raspail. [1947-MOR]

Bronx. Michael O'Brien said it was too bad M didn't know the Bronx. Findlay, 169th St... O'Brien said there was still a tailor shop opposite the house. [1946-NEW]

Brooklyn. Léon Le Glérec said he'd worked in Brooklyn, to earn passage to France. [1931-JAU]

Pozzo said he'd lived in Chicago, St Louis, Brooklyn. [1951-LOG]

The letter to Louise Laboine from her father told he to go to Brooklyn and look up a Polish tailor who name was Lukasek, 1214 37th St. [1954-JEU]

Brosse. see: Desjardins and Brosse

Brown. The Browns were the biggest wool people in Australia. One in Sydney took care of the shipping. Harry Brown traveled to the places they shipped to, mostly Liverpool, Le Havre, Hamburg or Amsterdam. [1932-LIB]

Brown, Harry. Harry Brown was William Brown's son. [1932-LIB]

Browning. Michel Goldfinger's gun was a Browning, 6mm 38 calibre. [1946-mal]

François Ricain had a 6.35 Browning automatic made in Hertal in his room, the gun used to kill his wife, Sophie Ricain. [1966-VOL]

Browning. The doctor said Carl Anderson had been shot with a Browning at point blank range. [1931-NUI]

Émile Ducrau showd M the Browning he had in his pocket. [1933-ECL]

Dr Paul had extracted the bullet from Martino's body, a Browning 6 mm 35. [1936-pig]

M asked Dr. Tudelle if he'd sent the bullets to Gastinne-Renette. A .301 bullet in a nickel-plated copper envelope, probably from a Browning automatic. [1960-VIE]

Véronique Fabre looked for her father's gun, automatic, flat, bluish, Belgian trademark. Herstal was engraved on it. Possibly a Browning 6.35. [1961-BRA]

Véronique Fabre looked for her father's gun, automatic, flat, bluish, Belgian trademark. Herstal was engraved on it. Possibly a Browning 6.35. [1961-BRA]

Norris Jonker told M there was an automatic in his drawer, a Luger, and that he kept a Browning .635 in the bedroom. [1963-FAN]

Fouad Ouéni said the Browning 6.35, pearl-handled, was missing.... [1966-NAH]

Émile Parendon kept an old Browning in his drawer. [1968-HES]

Gastinne-Renette said the bullet was from a small-caliber gun, like a Browning 65, as might be made in Belgium. [1972-CHA]

Brown, Teddy. Baron knew an American trainer, Teddy Brown. [1951-LOG]

Brown, William. M's instructions had been to "tactfully handle" the case of William Brown, who'd been murdered in the Cap d'Antibes. During the war he'd worked for French intelligence, the Deuxième Bureau.... Had been living in Cap d'Antibes at least ten years.... M examined the photo of William Brown... he resembled M himself. [1932-LIB]

Bruart. Dr Pardon's daughter Alice Bruart's husband. Recently certified vetinary surgeon. [1959-CON]

Bruart, Alice. The Pardons' (Dr Pardon) daughter Alice Bruart, whom they had known as a schoolgirl and who had been married a year ago was seven months pregnant.... Alice and her husband had to go home to Maisons-Alfort. [1959-CON]

Bruce, Betty. Betty Bruce was an acrobatic dancer at Picratt's. 28. Belgian, from Anderlecht, near Brussels, Had been in an acrobatic troupe. Had been married to a juggler, who left her. She and Arlette usually separated at the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette at the end of the evening. [1950-PIC]

Brugnali. Brugnali was the driver of the gray 403 taxi that had picked up Adrien Josset at the taxi stand by the Auteuil church. [1959-CON]

Brune, Boulevard. [Paris. 14e, Observatoire. from Place Porte-de-Vanves to Avenue Général-Leclerc]

René Josselin's daughter, Véronique Fabre, lived in the Boulevard Brune, near the Cité Universitaire. [1961-BRA]

Brunel, Rue. [Paris. 17e, Batignolles-Monceau. from Avenue de la Grande-Armée to Boulevard Pereire]

Torrence called from the apartment of Adrienne Laur, 28 bis Rue Brunel. Still the same neighborhood, not far from the Avenue de Wagram, probably 300 yards from where the car had been stolen.... M told Lucas to meet him at the corner of Avenue de la Grande-Armée and Rue Brunel. Janvier was at home. It would take too long to get him, as he lived in the suburbs in the opposite direction. [1951-LOG]

Brünn. Johann Radek, 25, born at Brünn, Czechoslovakia, father unknown. Had lived in Berlin, Mainz, Bonn, Turin, Hamburg. [1930-31-TET]

Brussels. [city, capital of Belgium and of Brabant prov. on Senne R. pop. 1970: 161,089. met. area: 1,071,194. commercial and political center.]

M read another telegram in polcod, from Bremen: Pietr the Lett reportedly making for Amsterdam and Brussels.... M read the final telegram in polcod, from Brussels: Confirm Pietr the Lett passed through Brussels 2 p.m. in North Star compartment as reported by Amsterdam.... On the wall behind M's desk was an enormous map. His eyes traveled from Cracow, to the port of Bremen, then to Amsterdam and Brussels.... Hans [Hans Johansson] got on the train at Brussels, waited for Pietr in the bathroom and killed him, after he'd heard he was coming to Paris. [1929-30-LET]

It was not the skipper of the Providence, but his wife, a fat Brussels woman with peroxide hair and shrill voice, who was handling the wheel.... Hortense Canelle, the wife of the bargee of the Providence. Plump, buxom, from Brussels, spoke with a musical accent, like of the south of France. [1930-PRO]

It had started the previous evening in Brussels, where M had been conferring with the Belgian CID [Criminal Investigation Department], about some Italian refugees who had been expelled from France. [1930-31-PHO]

The Examining Magistrate was worried that the Brussels and Antwerp papers would make a big thing of it. [1931-NUI]

M thought that Germaine Piedboeuf might as well be in Brussels, Rheims, or Paris as dead. [1932-FLA]

Mme. Martini said they'd have gone anywhere... Brussels, London... [1932-LIB]

Jef Bebelmans had been a waiter in Brussels and Berlin. [1936-arr]

The couple bought second-class tickets to Brussels, as did M. [1936-pei]

One of the guests said he was a respectable resident of Béziers, had to be in Brussels by midday. [1937-38-eto]

M told Berthe there was no way he could stop her from going off to Brussels... [1937-38-ber]

Étienne Jolivet said Prosper Donge sent a notice requesting a check payable to the bearer at a Brussels bank. ... A man named Jaminet, a bookmaker, had presented a check at the Brussels office of the Société Générale, for 280,000 francs. [1939-MAJ]

The crime of Jan 19 was at a farm belonging to the widow Mme. Rival, called Les Nonettes, probably as it was built on the ruins of a former convent, about 5 km from the village of Goderville, which has a railway station at which slow trains stop, on the Paris-Brussels line. [1947-MOR]

Théo Besson might suddenly take a plane for Cannes, Chamonix, London or Brussels. [1949-DAM]

Alfred Moss had been arrested in Manchester, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris.... In Moss's trunk was a set of tails and a dinner jacket with the label of a big London tailor, another dress suit made in Milan. Shoes from Paris, Nice, Brussels, Rotterdam or Berlin.... Not only in Paris and in France, but in Brussels, Amsterdam and Rome they were trying to pick up Alfred Moss' track. [1949-MME]

A few days after Lorilleux had left the money with Loraine Martin he suggested she cross the frontier into Belgium with him. She promised to join him in Brussels as soon as there was no danger. [1950-noe]

Arlette sometimes received a letter from Brussels, a woman's writing, not educated.... Philippe Mortemart said he'd been to Brussels several times. [1950-PIC]

Boissier told M he'd call Brussels to look for Alfred Jussiaume. [1951-GRA]

M expected Jef Van Damme to be picked up in Brussels.... and in fact he was later located in Brussels after he went to the US Embassy. [1951-MEU]

Albert Falconi said the American had asked the best way to get to Brussels. He'd told him to leave by way of Saint-Denis, then to go through Compiègne... He';d told him the best hotel was the Palace, opposite the Gare du Nord. [1954-JEU]

A newspaper reported that Arthur Nicoud had been away at his hunting lodge in Sologne. When the police went to talk with him, he had left the night before for Brussels, where he occupied a luxurious suite in the Hôtel Metropole. [1954-MIN]

Josset & Virieu was setting up a branch in Brussels, so Adrien Josset sent his secretary there and replaced her with Annette Duché Duché.... Adrien Josset couldn't picture Annette Duché with him in Brussels, London, or Buenos Aires. [1959-CON]

Philippe de Lancieux moved to Bordeaux where he claimed to be married. He left there for Brussels. [1961-BRA]

René Rousselet was at a conference in Brussels. [1962-CLO]

Each of those people in Vichy lived quite a different life somewhere else, in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Rome or Philadelphia... [1967-VIC]

Line Marcia was born in Brussels, father worked in a bank. Took a job as a salesgirl in a shop on the Grands Boulevards. [1971-IND]

Bruyère, La. see: La Bruyère Mlle. Irène thought the girl[Louise Laboine]'s name was Louise, possibly something similar to La Montagne or La Bruyère. [1954-JEU]

Bruyère, Rue, La. see: La Bruyère, Rue Jean-Charles Gaillard lived in the Rue La Bruyère, in a little private house about the middle of the street. Barely 500 yards from the Lotus. To get there you simply had to go down the Rue Pigalle, cross the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, and a little further down, turn to the left. [1962-COL]

Bruyère, Rue, La. see: La Bruyère, Rue Mme. Blanc said Joséphine Papet's car was in a garage in the Rue La Bruyère. [1968-ENF]

Bruyère, Square, La. see: La Bruyère, Square Manuel Mori had a luxury apartment in the Square La Bruyère. [1971-IND]

Bryan. the Scotland Yard man Inspector Pyke assigned to help M in the Savoy. [1952-REV]

BA  BE  BI  BL  BO  BR  BU  



Bucharest. [city, capital of Romania, on Dîmbovita river. administrative district, pop. 1969: 1,525,591.]

M imagined a letter from Samuel Meyer. "To Mr. N.A. Levy, Bucharest. I am dispatching 200 rare stamps of Jugoslavia, Rumania and other countries... I hope to shortly find the Greek ones you were asking about." Of course, they wouldn't be postage stamps... Samuel Meyer had had a network of agents in Vienna, Bucharest, Warsaw, all over. [1932-FOU]

When Germaine Laboine was around 30, before the war, she made her round of Near East clubs, Bucharest, Sofia, Alexandria. Several years in Cairo, even Abyssinia. [1954-JEU]

Maria was a queen still reigning at the time, the Queen of Rumania. The letter was from Bucharest. [1960-VIE]

Buchet. Vacher asked if he could come, said that Buchet was in the office. [1951-LOG]

Buci. After leaving Angèle Louette's, M and Lapointe stopped at the bar on the corner for a beer. They were not far from the Buci market, of which M was particularly fond. [1970-FOL]

Budapest. Between Budapest and Odessa, between Tallinn and Constinatinople, there were large tracts of country where the population was too dense. In particular there were hundred of thousands of hungry Jews whose only ambition was to seek a better existence in some other land. [1932-FOU]

Buenos Aires. [City, capital of Argentina, and itself constituting the Federal District (77 sq mi.) on estuary of the Rio de la Plata, EC Argentina, about 130 mi. from the sea. pop. 1970: 2,972,453 (met. area: 8,352,900).]

Alain Courmont, Anne-Marie Point's fiancé, had appointed to Buenos Aires. [1954-MIN]

Adrien Josset couldn't picture Annette Duché with him in Brussels, London, or Buenos Aires. [1959-CON]

Armand de Saint-Hilaire was French Minister in Cuba, then Ambassador in Buenos Aires. Isabelle de V-- worried about Spanish women... [1960-VIE]

Gaston, the concierge at the Raphael Hotel. M had to wait for an old lady to check a flight arrival time from Buenos Aires before he could talk to him. [1966-VOL]

Buffet. Superintendent Buffet, and old colleague from the 'other branch', the Sûreté Nationale, taller, broader, and more thick-set than M, with a red face and sleepy-looking eyes - yet one of the most efficient men on the force. [1961-PAR]

Bugatti. Éliane Paget's friends' Bugatti had broken down, 5 kilometers from nowhere. [1942-men]

Hervé Peyrot had a big business on the Quai de Bercy. He had three cars, including a Bugatti. [1949-DAM]

Bulletin des Mandataires, Le. see: Le Bulletin des Mandataires Oscar Laget published trade journals, Le Journal de la Boucherie, Le Bulletin des Mandataires, Le Moniteur des Cuirs et Peaux, and others, in the Rue Beaubourg. [1936-fen]

Bureau of Missing Persons. M reached Inspector Maniu at the Bureau of Missing Persons to give Octave Le Cloaguen's description. [1941-SIG]

Bureau of Registry. One of M's uncles, his mother's brother, had a mania. Whenever he went into a room with a clock in it, he had to wind it. He worked for the Bureau of Registry. [1949-CHE]

Bureau, Robert. Robert Bureau, who had killed Antoine Batille, came to M's house. Lived in Rue de l'École de Médecine. Worked in an insurance company in the Rue Lafitte. Was from Saint-Amand-Mont-Rond, on the Cher. Father worked at Mamin et Delvoye there, a big printing firm. Lived in a small house near the Berry canal.... Robert Bureau was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. [1969-TUE]

Burgundy. [[Bourgogne]. region of varying limits in E Gaul and pre-Revolutionary France. Originally applied to a kingdom in Rhone valley and W Switzerland.]

Someone called out to The Simoun at the lock at Vitry-le-François where some 60 boats were lined up: Your sister-in-law at Chalon-sur-Saône said she'll see you on the Burgundy canal... the Christening can wait... Pierre sends his regards. [1930-PRO]

Then comes the Upper Seine, which takes you to Burgundy, the Loire, Lyons, and Marseilles. [1933-ECL]

In the old days they were known as truck-driver's restaurants. They were all owned by people straight from the provinces - Auvergne, Brittany, Normandy, Burgundy. [1961-PAR]

Francine Lange said her son was born in Mesnil-le-Mont, a hamlet in Burgundy. [1967-VIC]

Butte. Joséphine Simmer, born at Mulhouse, midwife, 43, lived on Rue Lamarck, had just delivered a woman at the top of the Butte, stabbed once in the back. [1955-TEN]

Butte Montmartre. The Grasshopper called Fred Alfonsi from Chez Francis, up at the top of Butte Montmartre. Said Lognon was there. Philippe Mortemart went there regularly. [1950-PIC]

Butte Montmartre. They'd just found the body of Maurice Marcia on the sidewalk of the Avenue Junot, right at the top of the Butte Montmartre, not far from the Place du Tertre.... M. Sorel was one of the oldest artists on the Butte in Montmartre, a sculptor. He said he'd seen them come and go, starting with Picasso. [1971-IND]

Buvette de la Marine. see: Sailor's Rest

Buzier, Gaston. Under the captain's bed Marie Léonnec found names carved: Gaston [Gaston Buzier], Octave [Octave Fallut], Pierre [Pierre Le Clinche], Hen... The young man with Adèle Noirhomme was Gaston Buzier, Anneau d'Argent hotel, Le Havre. He said he sold and let villas, but was a real estate agent.... Buzier, Gaston. The woman, Adèle Noirhomme, called out, "Gaston!" [1931-REN]

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