2016 Clique Challenge winners

Clique runs photography challenges and competitions to inspire our members to shoot more and experiment with different photography styles. Browse through some of our previous monthly Challenge finalists or read about the stories behind the winning images.

Click here to see what challenges and competitions are currently on.

The Clique Photographer of the Year 2016: Matthew Willmann.

“I just started taking documenting family life around that time and it went from there. Photography became this bottomless pit, I couldn’t get enough of it.”

Willmann, now 38, has been named Clique Photographer of the Year 2016 for the impressive images he submitted throughout 2016 as part of Clique’s monthly Challenges. His Clique portfolio showcased a broad and accomplished range of styles and subjects, from landscape, to environmental portraiture and human observation.

Read the full announcement article here.

2016 Monthly Challenges: February – November

February Challenge: “Portraiture
Winner: Makiko Iwakiri

“I didn’t want to distract them by using a flash so I worked with the natural light. I preferred that soft, warm light, with dark shadows, to show the mood, the emotion.”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

March Challenge: “Performance & Stage
Winner: Ben Nunney

“I’ve played around with long exposures and light painting for a while and I’d been talking to Omer about getting some dance photography of him, and then when this month’s challenge came up as a performance theme, I thought it was the perfect time.”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

April Challenge: “My Australia
Winner: Rosemary English

“I go down to Bronte Beach most mornings before the sun rises, I’m down there as often as I can. I always take some sort of camera with me. I’m looking through the lens the whole time. Sometimes I have to remind myself to stop!”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

May Challenge: “Buildings & Monuments
Winner: Matthew Willmann

“I had to think outside the box about what building would represent the architecture out here,” Willmann said. “This photo is really about the spirit of the building. It’s been a central meeting place for generations of people, to get together and have a laugh. It’s a safe place to unwind and get away from the daily grind.”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

June Challenge: “Long Exposures
Winner: Dave Stoelhorst

“It was torrential rain, flood water everywhere and debris all over the roads. Access to the tunnel was next to impossible, but I was interested to see if I could get a new perspective on it,”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

July Challenge: “Black & White
Winner: Una DeNeef

“They were playing out a ritual that’s been played out forever; it’s like a ballroom of romance, where you have boys on one side and the girls on the other,”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

August Challenge: “Sport & Action
Winner: Ryan Sleiman

“Accessing places that are rare for others to see, capturing an angle that’s new – that to me is exhilarating,”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

September Challenge: “Shoot the Chef
Winner: Julian Kingma

“I wanted to represent him as a person rather than as a chef. I chose this approach to show the many personalities of this guy. He is so complex, in the best way. I also wanted to show the trauma of being a chef, because it is traumatic!”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

October Challenge: “Emotion
Winner: James Vodicka

“It had been a really long point,” James said, “and I captured this photo of Nadal just as he lost it. I knew it was a raw moment as soon as I got the frame.”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

November Challenge: “Landscapes & Weather
Winner: Jonathan Armstrong

“I was hypnotised by the warm, golden glow,” Armstrong said. “I saw a woman using the railing to stretch. It was still raining lightly. I set my 24mm-70mm zoom on its widest setting and walked up as close as I could. I only managed to take a couple of shots before she walked away.”

Read the announcement interview and view the highly commended and finalist images.

Summer Herald photo competition winners: December 2016 – January 2017