No More Deaths campaign seeks an end to family violence

On Monday 25 August, family violence advocates gathered on the steps of Parliament Victoria to launch the No More Deaths campaign. The campaign aims to make ending family violence a key issue at the 2014 Victorian State election. Last year in Victoria, 29 women and eight children died due to family violence.

Addressing the launch were Fiona McCormack, chief executive officer of Domestic Violence Victoria, Federation Senior Policy Adviser, Dr Chris Atmore, speaking on behalf of the parents of family violence murder victim, Kelly Thompson, and Wendy Phillips, sister of Lynette Phillips, who was killed by her former partner in early 2007.

The launch attracted strong media attention, and was followed by a 7.30 report on flaws in the police investigation into the murder of Kelly Thompson.

Media coverage

No More Deaths campaign launch, Parliament of Victoria, Monday 25 August 2014

No More Deaths campaign launch, Parliament of Victoria, Monday 25 August 2014

Key asks and fact sheets are available at the website of Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

Campaign members: Domestic Violence Victoria, Federation of Community Legal Centres, No To Violence, Women’s Legal Service Victoria, Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria, Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service, and Women with Disabilities Victoria.

Twitter posts on the No More Deaths campaign can be found at #NoMoreFVDeaths

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