Danny Yee's Book Reviews

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Latest reviews (all recent reviews)
The Future of Silence (Bruce Fulton, Ju-Chan Fulton)
Fiction by Korean Women
Wayfarer (Bruce Fulton, Ju-Chan Fulton)
New Fiction by Korean Women
We, the Navigators (David Lewis)
The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific
Spell It Out (David Crystal)
The Singular Story of English Spelling
Missing (Walter de la Mare)
- three modernist short stories
*Projective Geometry (H.S.M. Coxeter)
- an elementary approach emphasizing geometric intuition
Projective Geometry: An Introduction (Rey Casse)
- a formal, coordinate-based approach
Jenny Linsky and the Cat Club (Esther Averill)
- stories about a little black cat who lives in New York

Other: Publisher, Foreign Language, Random Review.

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