DoubleClick by GoogleDoubleClick by Google

The Goals

  • Build audience segments to allow more targeted online advertising.
  • Use DoubleClick Rich Media Dynamic Ads to drive better experience for consumers through increased creative relevancy.
  • Effective management of data to streamline targeting.

The Approach

  • Use of DoubleClick based on a single cookie.
  • Dynamic Ads within DoubleClick Rich Media solution means increased relevancy for each user.
  • Extensive and intelligent use of data analytics to analyze, define and continuously improve campaign KPIs.

The Results

  • 53% increase in conversion-rate.
  • Cost-per-Lead 9x cheaper than average performance campaigns.
  • Higher relevancy and better user interaction through audience targeting and cheaper lead generation.


Published February 2016

This article is part of a collection on data-driven creative. Explore the collection to see what's possible when data and creative come together to build more relevant and effective campaigns.  

ŠKODA builds a more relevant and engaging online customer experience with targeted creative, achieving a 53% increase in conversion rate and 9x better cost-per-lead.

Our aim is to create advertising that is as relevant as possible for the user. With this campaign we’ve retargeted users based on behavior, with dynamic and automized ads. It was a totally different creative approach, because we were able to create really personalized ads.

Marc Bislin, E-Commerce Manager, ŠKODA Switzerland


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