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No More Deaths election campaign

No More Deaths election campaign

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Stopping family violence must be state election priority

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE | Friday, 22 August 2014

The No More Deaths campaign to put family violence at the top of the 2014 state election agenda is being launched today (August 25) on the steps of Parliament House.

Victoria’s leading family violence organisations are calling on the state’s political parties to commit to wide-ranging policies across housing, justice, police, health, education and other portfolios to keep women and children safe in Victoria.

Our hearts have been torn by the horrific violence we see devastating the lives of everyday Victorians,

said Fiona McCormack, Chief Executive Officer of Domestic Violence Victoria.

"Sometimes the issue can seem so big and complex that we despair about being able to do anything effective. But the reality is we can absolutely make a difference."

The No More Deaths election platform outlines 25 priority actions to:

  • Keep women and children safe and housed.
  • Make the justice system safe and supportive.
  • Hold violent perpetrators to account.
  • Break down the service silos that endanger women and children.
  • Prevent violence against women and children.

“Throughout the election campaign we will assess commitments on family violence for how they compare to other public safety and justice promises,” Ms McCormack said.

What we don’t want are promises of quick fixes or a focus on just one part of the problem.

Our political leaders have to stand up and be counted, to see where failure by governments to act – on safe housing, in the courts, on the status of women and across other areas of policy and practice – puts women and children at risk of family violence.

We are not just asking for money. We are asking for leadership and accountability.

The members of the No More Deaths coalition are:

  • Domestic Violence Victoria
  • Federation of Community Legal Centres
  • No To Violence
  • Women’s Legal Service Victoria
  • Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
  • Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service
  • Women with Disabilities Victoria.

Together they represent most statewide and local organisations working with women and children, community legal services and men’s behaviour change programs across Victoria.

Media Enquiries

Media can access the full election platform at For information or to arrange interviews, contact John Kelly on 0418 127 153.

Media Release

MEDIA RELEASE: Stopping family violence must be state election priority 25/08/14 (PDF | 2.4MB)

Key Asks

KEY ASKS: No More Deaths campaign (PDF | 1MB)

Campaign Fact Sheets

(All Fact Sheets are approximately 1MB PDF)

FACT SHEET 1: Keep women and children safe and housed

FACT SHEET 2: Make the justice system safe and supportive

FACT SHEET 3: Hold violent perpetrators to account

FACT SHEET 4: Break down the system silos that endanger women and children

FACT SHEET 5: Preventing violence against women and children

Related Links

No More Deaths - campaign update


jen dvrcv's picture
Submitted by jen dvrcv on
<p>Hi Anthony, thanks for getting in touch.</p><p>You can contact us via the details on our contact page:&nbsp;</p><p>Best wishes,</p><p>Jen (DVRCV Digital Projects Coordinator)</p>

Submitted by Barbara Roberts (not verified) on
I fully support this campaign. The practitioners know so much about how to prevent family violence and hold perpetrators accountable, but they cannot put their good knowledge into practice — and help ther be No More Deaths — unless the family violence sector is given more funding. It's all to easy to tut tut and shake our heads when we hear of another death. Pathos and dismay are good as initial responses , but the "key asks" of this campaign need to be heeded.

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