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West Yorks

As of November 2013 there is no active West Yorks local.

Saturday 20 April Anti-Bedroom Tax demo, Leeds

Members of Solidarity Federation West Yorkshire and Calderdale Locals and Leeds Anarchist Federation joined over 1,000 marchers at the Leeds Anti-Bedroom Tax demonstration called by Hands Off Our Homes - Leeds on 20 April 2013.

Protesters assembled outside Leeds City Art gallery before a short march round the city centre, finishing with a rally and speakers.

SF opposes all government austerity measures as despicable attacks on the living standards of our class. Working class solidarity and direct action like strikes and eviction-prevention are what is needed to beat back the rich scum in power.

Saturday 20 April Anti-Bedroom Tax demo, Leeds

Members of Solidarity Federation West Yorkshire and Calderdale Locals and Leeds Anarchist Federation joined over 1,000 marchers at the Leeds Anti-Bedroom Tax demonstration called by Hands Off Our Homes - Leeds on 20 April 2013.

Protesters assembled outside Leeds City Art gallery before a short march round the city centre, finishing with a rally and speakers.

SF opposes all government austerity measures as despicable attacks on the living standards of our class. Working class solidarity and direct action like strikes and eviction-prevention are what is needed to beat back the rich scum in power.

Newcastle Holland and Barrett Picket

Picket outside Holland and Barrett, Saturday 31st March. We managed to
turn away a good proportion of customers, handing out leaflets at the
door and to passers by. Despite being a Saturday in the Bigg Market -
a popular drinking haunt for stag and hen parties - the picket went
down well.

Anti Workfare Poundland Picket (Wakefield)

WYSF and SRSM were joined by members of AFed in the picket at Poundland. Although it started slow we distributed 250 leaflet well within the hour. Reception seemed pretty good and we retired to the pub to discuss future actions. Between the 3 groups it was decided to continue to picket such p[laces as Poundlandand to include A4e and BEST in future pickets. Thanks to everyone who turned out, keep tuned for future actions!

Holland and Barrett Picket in Halifax

Members of West Yorkshire Solidarity Federation were joined by Huddersfield Anarchists to picket Holland and Barrett in Halifax today as part the anti workfare campaign in conjunction with the IWA days of action.
We were met with a good response overall and gave out 250 leaflets. H&B had a member of staff on the door to "welcome shoppers" which shows they were worried we'd have an impact.
One person who we gave a leaflet to took it to the local Job Centre and handed it round. It apparently went down well. Other feedback included an ex member of staff at H&B who stated that they were a rubbish employer and leaving was the best thing she'd ever done.
This isn't the end, we will continue to hold pickets at various H&B branches (as well as other slave labour companies ) until they stop using unpaid slave labour.

Thousands of disabled people and people on "sick" to lose benefits on the 30th April

As part of the Governments Welfare Reform Bill (now an Act), Contributory Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) will be limited to 12 months.  This comes into affect from the 30th April 2012 and for the first time is to be aplplied retrospectively.  This means that anyone who has been on Contribution based ESA for a year or more by April 30th will lose this benefit on April 30th.  For many this means relying on a partners income for others it means taking a cut in income while having to go on income based ESA.  The biggest losers are couples.

Cops try to cause trouble at Tory Local Government Protest in Leeds

Police tried to cause trouble so they could make arrests yesterday as a group of about 50+ protesters broke away from the TUC to protest at the Tory Local Governemtn Conference to show the public what was going on. The TUC meekly hid away in City Square in Leeds, the breakaway (inc WYSF) moved to the edge of the square were people could see us. The police tried to stop this even claiming they'd "provided a space for us". They were informed they couldn't stop us so did a sort of weak kettle (stopping any group of people leaving or joining but not really individuals). Most of the cops tactics was intelligence gathering, which when disrupted "accidentally" with flags etc really seemed to piss them off. As far as we are aware there where no arrests.

Tory Party Local Government Picket Leeds

Picket of the Tory Local Government Conference Queens Hotel, Leeds:
WYSF were joined by Leeds AFed, the Save REMPLOY Factories Campaign (GMB/Unite) and the SWP picketing the conference. Approx 20 of us took part (supported by even more police inc horses :) ). Had a great response from the public with busses, taxis, council workers, private workers and individuals all honking horns in support as they passed. Big thanks to all who turned out and prob see you all tomorrow for the TUC rally.

Newcastle ADECCO Picket (3rd and 4th Feb)

Members of the Solidarity Federation supported by TSol (http://www.tynesidesolidarity.org.uk/) picketed the Adecco offices in Newcastle on the 3rd and 4th of February.

Wakefield Adecco picket

WYSF held a picket of Adecco today in Wakefield as part of the international campaign against Adecco's strike breaking practices. Despite the extreme cold and snow approx 100 leaflets where given out. Thanks to all the comrades who turned up.

N30 Reports from WYSF

WYSF attended pickets and demos across the north:

Leeds report:

In Leeds WYSF joined a picket of a public sector building (name omitted to protect the individual member), before joining the march and demo.  An estimated 10,000 took part, the biggest demo in Leedsin a long while.  SF were joined by AF and quite a few people came up and took papers and expressed support for the Red and Black flags.  Lots of support from the public and the march was “clapped” all the way into the city centre.


N30 report from Hull:

Hardest Hit Demo in Leeds (22/10/11)

WYSF took part in the "Hardest hit" demo in Leeds against benefit cuts today. Overall a good turn out, and we were well received. We gave out "poverty pimps" leaflets against ATOS and the other companies as well as a leaflet about Scope and their attack on smaller disability organisations. Speeches were the usual with 2 exceptions, PCS union rep asked people to join the Nov 30th strike and pickets, and a young man who spoke passionately about the affects of the cuts, criticising all politicians including Miliband, this got a loud cheer. All in all a good day

Scope to shut down DIAL UK, make all staff redundant

West Yorkshire Solidarity federation has been passed the following information which directly affects one of the locals members.

News has just come in that Scope (essentially a national non advice giving organisation) is going to shut down DIAL UK following an earlier merger.  This will affect disabled people’s advice services at a time when the need is greater.  Added to this experienced staff are being dumped.  Scope will claim that it has no option following cuts in funding, but they are still managing to pay their chief exec thousands.

We have been told the following:

Hull Vodafone leaflet

On Saturday 2nd July WYSF held a leafleting session outside Vodafone in Hull as part of a campaign against tax dodging and anti union practices. We gave out 500 leaflets and had a pretty positive response.   This included one person asking about groups in Nottingham, who was refered to the National Website.


Newcastle Office Angels Picket (13/05/11)


Comrades! belting success - dished out 200 leaflets, could have been
more. LOADS of messages of support from public. Was issued with a
statement from OA as soon as we landed saying Dan had been paid. I
think we've picked up on a real burning issue to people. 6 + me from
local anarchist group attended.
Statement taken from Newcastle Evening Chronicle, fingers crossed..


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