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Watchdog says $521,000-a-year rail boss got kickbacks from $2.2m training rort

A senior  V/Line manager who was paid an annual salary of more than half a million dollars, despite refusing to provide his resume, is alleged by Victoria's anti-corruption watchdog to have also profited from a $2.2 million training scam.

The Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission claims Alan Clifford, former general manager of rolling stock at V/Line used his senior position with Victoria's state-owned regional rail operator to involve his partner Nicola Spiers in the scam.

Covert footage presented by IBAC on Wednesday showed Mr Clifford joking about the prospect of his partner being jailed over the alleged scam, telling her it wouldn't be too bad for her because prisoners got to wear pink jumpsuits.

Mr Clifford was initially hired as a consultant at V/Line in September 2014 following a "captain's pick" by then-chief executive Theo Taifalos, the IBAC investigation heard.

One month later he was put on staff with a salary of $414,000 a year, which later rose to $521,700, plus a $16,000 bonus – a bigger pay packet than Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's.

This was despite his angry refusal over many weeks to provide proof of the tertiary qualifications required for the senior position or submit to a police check, the investigation heard.


When pushed to prove his qualifications, which he claimed "was in the to [sic] difficult box to get sorted from my end", Mr Clifford said in email he was "cheesed off" and threatened to resign that day, IBAC heard.

The matter was soon dropped at the insistence of Mr Taifalos, the investigation has heard.  

Mr Taifalos later resigned on the spot as V/Line chief executive, after he lost the confidence of Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan over his handling of a wheel wear crisis that grounded hundreds of rail services in early 2016.

Mr Clifford stayed on at V/Line, where he is alleged to have conspired with Rebecca Taylor, a close friend of his partner Nicola Spiers, to enrol rail staff in training courses run by Ms Taylor's company TayTell.

He recommended TayTell as training provider without going to competitive tender, and despite being given details of other V/Line-accredited providers with significantly lower rates, the investigation heard.

IBAC counsel assisting Ian Hill, QC, presented evidence of an alleged $18,513 kickback paid by TayTell into Mr Clifford's bank account.

Mr Clifford said under oath that he could not remember what the $18,513 invoice payment was for.

Rebecca Taylor, Alan Clifford and Nicola Spiers previously worked together at Metro Trains.

Ms Taylor has already given evidence to the IBAC investigation over allegations she took $2.2 million of taxpayers' money to enrol hundreds of students in sham TAFE courses at South West TAFE in Warrnambool and Kangan Institute in Bendigo.

She has denied any wrongdoing.

Mr Clifford brought Ms Taylor on board last year as a V/Line consultant for the Andrews government's $10 million next generation regional train project, the investigation heard on Wednesday.

She was paid $1200 a day, and $68,200 overall, for her work on the project.    

The pair spent time inside Mr Clifford's office discussing the fact that IBAC had recently begun to investigate their alleged conspiracy.

Covert video footage of some of their conversations was played on Wednesday.

"Even when it [the investigation] was first going to Nicky [Ms Spiers], I said, 'Look what's the worst that could happen, I said 'you have to pay the money back, sell the house, fucking move on'," Mr Clifford said to Ms Taylor.      

He joked that he told Ms Spiers jail would not be too bad for her because prisoners wear pink jumpsuits.

"I had to spend the next two hours calming her down again," he said on video.

Mr Hill said in his opening statement on Monday that "IBAC's investigations so far suggest a pattern of corrupt conduct at V/Line involving the deliberate circumvention of important employment and procurement procedures, for the purpose of securing valuable jobs and contracts for friends, family members and associates".