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Ian Johnston Why are right-wingers really outraged about BBC salaries?

If the BBC was to become a subscription service, as many right-wingers would like, it would be so much easier for media barons to add even more money to their vast fortunes. The best way to attack an organisation is to cherry-pick shocking stories and give them prominence, while downplaying anything good it does

From Russia with lies: Trump Jr and a very modern conspiracy

This week’s astonishing Trump Jr/Russia revelations continue a conspiratorial trope stretching back through 9/11, JFK, Thomas Becket, Judas... In fact, argues Andy Martin, isn’t all history a conspiracy? All religion? Are even conspiracy theories a conspiracy?

The Brits abroad cashing in on fake travel insurance claims

Unscrupulous claims companies have stirred an epidemic of ‘food poisoning’ insurance scams by British – and it is always British – holidaymakers. The problem is so bad that some European hotels may now ban UK visitors from all-inclusive deals

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