Cloud Pub/Sub

A global service for real-time and reliable messaging and streaming data

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Scalable Messaging Middleware

Cloud Pub/Sub is a fully-managed real-time messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications. You can leverage Cloud Pub/Sub’s flexibility to decouple systems and components hosted on Google Cloud Platform or elsewhere on the Internet. By building on the same technology Google uses, Cloud Pub/Sub is designed to provide “at least once” delivery at low latency with on-demand scalability to 1 million messages per second (and beyond).

Scalable Messaging Middleware

Connect Anything to Everything

Use Cloud Pub/Sub to publish and subscribe to data from multiple sources, then use Google Cloud Dataflow to understand your data, all in real time. Use Cloud Pub/Sub to reduce dependencies between components of distributed applications. Cloud Pub/Sub is the same messaging technology used by many of Google’s apps, from Ads to Gmail.

Connect Anything to Everything

Push and Pull

Cloud Pub/Sub is designed for quick integration with systems hosted on the Google Cloud Platform or elsewhere, whether you need one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many communication, with push or pull delivery.

Improve Fault-Tolerance

Guaranteed Delivery

Cloud Pub/Sub is designed to provide “at least once” delivery by storing copies of messages in multiple zones to ensure that subscribers can receive messages as swiftly as possible. All message data is encrypted and protected on the wire and at rest.

Guaranteed Delivery

Global and Scalable

Cloud Pub/Sub is fully managed and global by design, automatically taking advantage of dedicated resources in every Google Cloud Platform region to ensure high-availability without degrading latency — even under heavy load. We even back our high availability with a Service Level Agreement.

Global and Scalable

Cloud Pub/Sub Features

Highly Scalable
Any customer can send up to 10,000 messages per second, by default — and millions per second and beyond, upon request.
Push and Pull Delivery
Subscribers have flexible delivery options, whether they are accessible from the Internet or behind a firewall.
Encryption of all message data on the wire and at rest provides data security and protection.
Replicated Storage
Designed to provide “at least once” message delivery by storing every message on multiple servers in multiple zones.
Message Queue
Build a highly scalable queue of messages using a single topic and subscription to support a one-to-one communication pattern.
End-to-End Acknowledgement
Building reliable applications is easier with explicit application-level acknowledgements.
Publish messages to a topic once, and multiple subscribers receive copies to support one-to-many or many-to-many communication patterns.
Simple, stateless interface using JSON messages with API libraries in many programming languages.

“ Pub/Sub makes it simple for us to decouple our background data and event processing from the code that handles user-facing requests. This lets us analyze data in real-time with lower code complexity and without impacting the performance of our site. ”

— Colin Fuller, Khan Academy

Cloud Pub/Sub Pricing

The more you use Pub/Sub, the cheaper it gets — with no upfront costs and no fees to create or maintain topics or subscriptions.

Monthly data volume1 Price Per GB
First 10GB $0.00
Next 50TB $0.06
Next 100TB $0.05
Beyond 150TB $0.04
1 For detailed pricing information, please consult the pricing guide.