david wroe


Defence and National Security Correspondent with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald

Liittynyt maaliskuu 2009


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  1. uudelleentwiittasi
    26. maalisk.

    Be like Australia - and I met with 13-year-old Makenzie Hymes last year during a rally outside the White House demanding tougher gun laws shortly after a mass shooting at a Florida high school

  2. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. maalisk.

    In light of Home Affairs boss Mike Pezzullo warns right-wing extremists in Australia "you are on our radar" and "scrutiny will only intensify"

  3. uudelleentwiittasi
    16. maalisk.

    1/2 Earlier today I called Senator Anning and asked him not to make any public comment today. Inciting a volatile situation is not in anyone’s interest. His statement yesterday has been rightly condemned.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  4. uudelleentwiittasi
    15. maalisk.

    Earlier this year under the threat of legal action I had to apologise to Fraser Anning. I withdraw that apology. He is in my view the sickest bastard ever to sully our parliament by the length of the straight. How anyone could not react with unadorned horror to today is beyond me

  5. uudelleentwiittasi
    13. maalisk.

    This is getting interesting .... Home Affairs calls in auditors to examine the $423 million in contracts awarded to Paladin on Manus Island

  6. 10. maalisk.

    Thanks to RAAF folks who gave our kids an absolute buzz this morning by landing their balloon out the back of our place and handing out posters, "tattoos" and the like. Canberra Day peaked early!

  7. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. maalisk.

    A real boats story: Defence chiefs forced to reduce anti-terror operations to pick up Border Force slack via

  8. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. maalisk.
    Vastauksena käyttäjälle

    But it isn’t. Today the cheapest form of new dispatchable or base load energy is renewables plus storage. We are now able to have lower emissions and lower prices but we need to plan it using engineering & economics rather than ideology and innumerate idiocy

  9. 7. maalisk.
  10. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. maalisk.

    Frustration is growing inside Australia's Special Forces, as the war crimes inquiry drags on

  11. uudelleentwiittasi
    6. maalisk.

    Very much agree w . We are inadvertently accepting and promoting IS narrative that nation states are illegitimate, nation state identity does not matter for Muslims and caliphate is only way by revoking citizenships

  12. 6. maalisk.
  13. 3. maalisk.
  14. uudelleentwiittasi
    1. maalisk.

    I am raising my kids to always clean their own messes so if they ever put their signatures on a list to overthrow the government they know they have to stick around and pay the piper and not run away when they realised they may have miscalculated.

  15. uudelleentwiittasi
    28. helmik.
    Näytä tämä ketju
  16. 26. helmik.

    The use of language here is just staggering. Border Force didn’t cut patrols, it “took a more risk-based approach”. Really. Great story by

  17. 26. helmik.
  18. 26. helmik.

    I can never quite get used to the word ‘defrocked’.

  19. 22. helmik.

    Going off Tveeder ... new US ambo to Oz has made strong remarks to ABC on China: 'It is a threat, a serious threat. The biggest threat? I'm not quite sure I'm willing to go that far, but it is a serious threat. It's a country that had so much promise ... but it's turned a bit.'

  20. uudelleentwiittasi
    22. helmik.

    Here’s the moment ’s censors pull the TV feed this morning as I’m speaking about the visiting crown prince of and the possibility of him raising the mass extra-judicial detention camps holding many 100s of thousands of ethnic Uighurs in the west...

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