Home What we do Projects

In addition to our legal assistance and education, we are involved in a number of projects aimed at addressing social exclusion and promoting the health and welfare of the community:

1. Advocacy-Health Alliance with The Royal Women’s Hospital to address violence against women through a multi-disciplinary response involving doctors, nurses, midwives and lawyers

This is a joint project between IMCL and The Royal Women’s Hospital and is funded by the Legal Services Board major grants program. The project involves building the capacity and willingness of health professionals to identify family violence and provide basic information to patients on family violence complemented by a range of legal, health and social welfare assistance available at the hospital site. Advocacy-Health Alliances are a developing area in Australia and involve a healthcare delivery model that integrates legal assistance within patient care. Such partnerships often comprise three activities: legal assistance, health and legal institutions and practice transformation, and policy change.  For more information on the project, read our fact sheet here.

2. Preventing family violence through the local secondary school system

This project is funded by the City of Melbourne and seeks to instil positive behaviour and messages among secondary school students in relation to respectful relationships and family violence. It also aims to build the capacity and willingness of young people to act as information sources for their family and friends on family violence.

3. International Students Work Rights Legal Service

This project is a partnership between JobWatch Inc. and IMCL, funded by the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.  This funding is for six months from June - December 2016. 

JobWatch and IMCL lawyers are based at the Study Melbourne Student Centre each Thursday to provide free, confidential and independent legal advice about work-related legal matters and general law consultations (excluding migration).   

Free interactive community legal education seminars on a variety of legal topics are also available upon request, delivered at any location and can be tailored to suit each audience. Topics include:

  • Work-related topics, including: minimum employment entitlements, how to recover underpayment of wages, sexual harassment, discrimination, occupational health and safety, including workplace bullying, unfair dismissal and sham contracting. 
  • General law topics, including: tenancy and housing disputes, fines and infringements, criminal law, family violence and consumer complaints. 

For more information or to make an appointment:

Phone: 1800 056 449 (free call from landline phones)
E-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  
Drop-in to the office: 599 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
View the website: jobwatch.org.au/internationalstudents



For further information on our projects, please email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it