Community legal peak supports law reform and advocacy with new guide

The peak for Victoria’s 49 community legal centres has launched a guide supporting community legal centres’ law reform and policy work, showing centres how they can advocate effectively to change unfair laws, policies and practices.

‘We’re launching this guide today because we recognise – together with the Productivity Commission – that policy advocacy and law reform are an essential and irreplaceable part of the work of community legal centres. Continue reading

Community organisations congratulate Government on sexual offences changes but warn more is needed to make them work

Twelve peak and specialist community organisations have congratulated the Attorney-General, Robert Clark, on proposed changes to sexual offences law which return to Parliament for debate today.

‘We are delighted that the Government has listened to the views of many advocates and victim/survivors in redefining the offences of rape and sexual assault, and in proposing a new course of conduct offence,’ said Dr Chris Atmore on behalf of the Federation of Community Legal Centres. Continue reading