
Police State & Prisons News

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Tuesday Jul 11
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This timeline mapping state violence in Stockton, CA was collectively generated as part of a larger ongoing convivial research effort to expose low intensity war across the Bay Area and state. The timeline was produced through a collaboration between the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy (CCRA) and the efforts of families and grassroots groups in Stockton and beyond. It is a tool that remembers, counts, mourns and honors our dead. The timeline is a collaborative effort of documentation over time that makes visible the many resistances that have refused erasure.
Northern California Anti-Racist Action writes: On May 24, the Berkeley Police Department arrested Eric Clanton in Oakland regarding alleged assaults that occurred during an April 15 confrontation in Berkeley between antifascists and a coalition of far-right groups. In weeks preceding Clanton’s arrest, members of 4chan’s politics forum called /pol/, the alt-right and all around disgusting and hate-filled internet message board, had been collecting what they considered to be evidence in the case. Threads about Eric Clanton’s alleged behavior could be seen wedged between other discussions such as anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jewish world domination and the biological inferiority of people of color.
Sun Jun 4 2017 (Updated 06/06/17)
Stay Vigilant, Stay Strong, and Fuck Snitches
On May 5, someone presenting themselves as federal informant Andrew Clark Darst tried again to establish communication with organizers he informed against in the lead-up to the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN. Most of the RNC 8 write: We are bewildered, dismayed and angered by the bizarre entitlement of the email. The author, apparently the same person who spent a full year lying to people to gain their trust, all the while sharing all the information he gathered with the FBI, dares to ask us for privacy. He points out that our shining a light on his actions may damage his career options.
The hunger striking Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons suspended their hunger strike on May 27 at dawn, after a 20-hour session of talks between the Israeli Prison Authority and imprisoned legislator Marwan Barghouthi and other senior political prisoners. Issa Qaraqe, the head of the Palestinian Detainees’ Committee, and Qaddoura Fares, the head of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, said in a press release that the detainees reached an agreement with the Israeli authorities regarding their demands and officially suspended their strike. “A substantial transformation has been achieved by this strike,” Qaraqe declared.
Tue May 30 2017 (Updated 05/31/17)
Fuck Trump at the Oakland Coliseum
From the open-publishing newswire: Don the Con has admitted to obstructing justice, and he should be impeached. We tried to project just that on a billboard next to Oracle Coliseum, after a Warriors game (victory!). IMPEACH didn't fit the sign as well as Fuck Trump. As fireworks went up so did the chant, "Fuck Trump! Fuck Trump!" Security noticed. A policewoman asked us to leave, and we packed up. As we were on our way out, we were surrounded and seized by coliseum security. Some of us were handcuffed. Our projector tripod was broken. The coliseum security did not wear badges and refused to give their names.
Thu May 25 2017 (Updated 06/22/17)
Hunger Strike Begins at Folsom State Prison
The men at Old Folsom State Prison in the ASU and Ad-Seg will begin a hunger strike on May 25 due to ongoing issues with the conditions of confinement that violate the Eighth Amendment. All the prisoners held in Folsom’s ASU and Ad-Seg are without food bowls, therefore having to eat out of ziplock bags. They have no cups, needing to drink water from an old milk carton. They have no TVs, no property at all. The mail is sometimes withheld for no reason — up to a month for some prisoners, for others even longer. All they’re asking for is to be given day-to-day necessities. So, in order to have their voices heard, they feel they have no choice but to hunger strike.
At a meeting between representatives of the Santa Cruz chapter of ACLU of Northern California; Sanctuary Santa Cruz; Peace United Church of Christ and the Public Defender’s Office on April 19, Santa Cruz County Sheriff Jim Hart was presented evidence of the ongoing arrangement whereby the Sheriff’s Office notifies ICE of release dates of arrested but non-convicted undocumented locals. When confronted with this evidence Hart confirmed the jail policy of cooperation and agreed to consider the information presented to him about other jurisdictions who refused to cooperate with ICE. At a meeting on May 10, however, Hart said that he would not change Santa Cruz County's jail policy.
A new study released by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, Paying More for Being Poor: Bias and Disparity in California’s Traffic Court System, shows that Californians pay some of the highest fines and fees in the country — more than three times the national average for running a red light. And new Bay Area data reveals that African-Americans are four to sixteen times more likely to be booked into county jail on a charge related to inability to pay a citation. Two bills before the California Legislature (SB 185 and AB 412) seek to address many of the disparities
Defund OPD writes: The process of allocating Oakland’s 2.6 billion dollar budget for 2017-2019 has begun. We believe that the scandal-ridden and dysfunctional Oakland Police Department consumes far too many of our city's resources. It’s time to audit police spending and performance, and redirect wasted funds to community-building, constructive strategies for making Oakland a safer and better place to live. The people of Oakland know that policing is the wrong framework for bringing true security to our communities. Oakland’s budget needs to reflect our values and our priorities.
Mon May 15 2017 (Updated 05/20/17)
Standing Rock Copwatchers in the Bay Area
Standing Rock Copwatchers write: In 2016, we left our families, our homes, our lives to go defend the water at Standing Rock, North Dakota. We stood in struggle with hundreds of tribes from across the country and continent. Our fight was for mother earth, and it was for our people, our history, and for our future. We have been traveling from city to city connecting with other people, sharing our stories, speaking about the fight for our earth, and conducting know your rights trainings. Many of us are currently in Oakland. We are fundraising to get the clutch on our bus fixed and for a NoDAPL / Copwatch food truck.
The City of Santa Cruz is considering a number of new policies that would impact local homeless people. There is an effort by a handful of property owners and their allies at City Hall to end the Food Not Bombs meals outside the downtown Post Office. Officials may implement a number of new restrictions and architectural changes to make the lives of those without housing more painful. One unhoused person, Greg Mercado, died of complications from an old surgery twelve hours after the police kicked him out from the City Hall grounds and gave him a ticket for being in a park after hours.
Ongoing clashes erupted across the occupied West Bank on April 28 in support of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners who entered the 12th day of a hunger strike. Palestinians are calling it the Day of Rage. Israeli forces fired tear-gas bombs, rubber-coated steel bullets and live fire, during the clashes, which broke out following Friday prayers in cities, villages and refugee camps in various districts of the West Bank. Numerous Palestinians were injured. Detainees started their hunger strike on April 17th, which also marks the Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, demanding basic, internationally-guaranteed rights.
iCal feed From the Calendar:
6PM Tuesday Jul 11 Kick ICE Out Of Oakland
Timeline of Stockton, CA killings by law enforcement, 2007 - present Center for Convivial Research & Autonomy Monday Jun 26th 3:13 PM
Kick ICE Out Of Oakland Oakland Privacy Monday Jun 19th 9:42 AM
Sanctuary Transit - Keep Immigrants Safe On BART Oakland Privacy Monday Jun 19th 9:38 AM
Justice for Philando Castile - Rally and March Justice (1 comment) Friday Jun 16th 9:03 PM
New Restrictions on City Hall Access Must Be Reviewed by Council Steve Pleich (3 comments) Sunday Jun 11th 8:42 AM
Folsom Hunger Strike: Solidarity Rally Reportback Burn the Plantations (1 comment) Friday Jun 9th 3:33 PM
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*Informant Alert* - Round 2 (please circulate widely) most of the rnc 8 (2 comments) Sunday Jun 4th 12:41 PM
Philippines: Martial Law is Not the Answer! various groups Monday May 29th 7:04 PM
Chelsea Manning is Free Power to the People (1 comment) Wednesday May 17th 7:37 AM
This Week in Palestine, May 5, 2017 IMEMC Sunday May 7th 9:17 PM
Detained Immigrants on Hunger Strike in Northwest Detention Center NWDC Resistance / Resistencia al NWDC Wednesday May 3rd 2:44 PM
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SF Police state terrorism; Housing Crisis, Nuclear Contamination of Pacific Ocean Register Peace & Freedom or Green Monday May 8th 8:01 PM
Are We Ready for Body-Worn Cameras in Santa Cruz? Steve Pleich Sunday Apr 16th 4:12 PM
California bill to eliminate bail system clears first hurdle Katy Murphy, Mercury News (1 comment) Thursday Apr 6th 11:10 AM
Cower or Continue? Bob Lamonica (1 comment) Wednesday Feb 22nd 9:07 PM
The Long History of Human Incapacitation by Politics and the Press Wolfgang Jungmann (2 comments) Tuesday Feb 21st 6:14 AM
Art of War : Executive Order K. Larmee Saturday Feb 18th 11:06 PM
Please Say No To Serially Executing Neil Gorsuch Universal Abolition Thursday Feb 9th 4:35 PM
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