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Nicole Stoll | Tuesday, July 20th, 2010 actor Ephraim Benton and his “Chillin on da Corner & Beyond” screening series present award winning documentary “Malcolm’s Echo: the Legacy of Malcolm X” directed by Dami Akinnusi. “Malcolm’s Echo”, a festival favorite is a powerful and timely discussion on how Malcolm X's thoughts and philosophies are being used as a foundation to create a new vision. The film looks beyond the stereotypes of Malcolm X and attempts to understand the real message of his legacy echoed through those who knew him. more...  2 Comments

Rally for Justice for the Central Park Five

by Amadi Ajamu | Without any physical evidence, the NYPD and the District Attorney's office, namely fiction crime writer Linda Fairstein, railroaded five young boys to further their own careers. They spent a total of forty years in prison. more...  2 Comments

Bloomberg’s Dilemma: What if the Numbers Don’t Work?

Billy Wharton | Whether it is policing or educational testing, political policy cannot be made by numbers alone. And statistics cannot be used to justify the level of violence that was unleashed on African-American and Latino communities in this city in the 1990s. The names of the victims remain with us – Baez, Diallo, Dorismond, Louima and many more – and so to do the policing strategies that produced them.
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Days 1 and 2: Eyewitness Reports from Port-au-Prince

Weekly News Update | [The author was in Port-au-Prince with a delegation when the January 12 earthquake struck the city. Because of limited electricity and internet connection, he was only able to send the first report out before he got back to New York the morning of January 18. ] more...  3 Comments

Running Up That Hill (and Out of This Town): NYC Humiliates David Irving

Some Friendly NYC Antifa | Once we were alerted to the whereabouts of Irving's talk, hilariously booked at the Times Square Doubletree Hotel as "The Real History Conference," we activated our network of shadowy agents. A little reconnaissance goes a long way, and we quickly found the best route onto the sixth floor of the hotel. Once there, thirty pissed off anti-fascists rushed the door. Of course Irving and his protectors quickly closed and dead-bolted themselves inside, stranding both his personal assistant, Jaenelle Antas, as well as self-described "next Hitler" Alex Carmichael. more...  18 Comments

How David Irving Spent Friday the 13th

One People's Project | Friday the 13th doesn't always mean Jason is going to come out and slash you up. If you're Holocaust denier and Hitler apologist David Irving (that's starting to be his name around here) that might have been preferable to his New Jersey experience that day. Jersey doesn't like Nazis, and will do something about them when given the chance. That is probably why this was the first stop on his East Coast tour that Irving saw opposition. He held his speaking engagement at a Best Western in Pompton Plains, NJ, and antifa, who were told that another venue canceled him but went to check it out just to be sure, found out that the true location. If that wasn't bad enough, hackers zeroed in on his websites, giving antifa everywhere an early Holiday treat - information on all of his supporters. Today he is supposed to be in New York City, but he has to find another place there too. The original spot closed his doors to him once they learned who was coming his way. Antifa did good - damn good this evening, and even if you can't find what venue Irving duped into hosting him, you can most certainly now find a lot of the folks down with him. Works for us! David has his spin going on this one, saying, "We are puzzled that they (antifa) are so frightened by historical debate." Well, we are puzzled about you being puzzled, Dave. Debate can only be had when you have those you are debating in the same room with you, which you tried so hard to avoid and always do. This time it was in vain, and now a lot of you-know-what is going to hit the fan. See what happens when black (clad) cats cross your path on Friday the 13th, Dave? more...  56 Comments

Victory! Holocaust Revisionist Event Canceled in NYC!

New Yorkers Against David Irving | It wasn't difficult to figure out where David Irving, under a fictitious name, reserved space to spew his holocaust revisionism. And it didn't take too much explaining before the venue manager decided to cancel to event. Only a bigot would want this filth associated with their venue! more...  6 Comments

Who's Gonna Run This (Nazi Out Of) Town?!?

New Yorkers Against David Irving | David Irving is a notorious pro-Nazi history writer. He has made repeated anti-Semitic, Holocaust Denial and racist statements over the years, including that "no document whatsoever indicating the Holocaust occurred" has been found, and "the holocaust of the Germans of Dresden was real. The holocaust of the Jews in the Auschwitz gas chambers is a fabrication." Although he has retreated from some of these statements, Irving has continued to blame Jews for what the Nazis did to them; he attempts to minimize the scope of the Holocaust; and he publicly praises Adolf Hitler. more...  12 Comments

Black is Back Coalition March: Photos

Stanley W. Rogouski | After a marathon rally in Malcolm X Park lasting over 5 hours, the Black Is Back Coalition led a march to the White House. more...  16 Comments

Open Letter to the Labor Research Association: Don't Honor Israeli Apartheid

Michael Letwin, NYCLAW | As discussed below, "TULIP," initiated by Stuart Appelbaum, is a "progressive" mouthpiece for the Histadrut, the Zionist labor federation that has spearheaded -- and whitewashed -- apartheid, dispossession and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians since the 1920s. more...  9 Comments

New York Activists to Leonard Cohen: "Don't Play Apartheid; Don’t Play Israel!"

Adalah-NY | New York activists gathered in front of Radio City Music Hall Sunday night during a Leonard Cohen concert to call upon the singer/songwriter to cancel his scheduled September concert in Israel. The protesters sang songs, chanted, handed out leaflets to concert attendees and produced sidewalk art. The call comes in support of earlier calls by Jews, Palestinians, Israeli citizens and residents of the UK, and coincides with the publication of an open letter by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) calling for protests throughout the cities Cohen is touring. more...  16 Comments

The Indypendent: "WBAI Showdown: Power Struggle Escalates"

John Tarleton / The Indypendent | By early April, the station had fallen $128,000 behind on rent for its office space at 120 Wall Street and owed another $75,000 in back payments for its transmitter atop the Empire State Building. According to Lavarn Williams, WBAI’s then General Manager Anthony Riddle renegotiated the lease with Silverstein Properties without notifying Pacifica’s national leadership. Riddle, the station’s fifth general manager in seven years, was removed from his position May 6. Under the revised agreement, Williams said WBAI (and by extension the Pacifica Foundation) faces making two rent payments totaling almost $60,000 in May, two more payments totaling $75,000 in June and two more rent payments by July 25 totaling $45,000 or be subject to immediate eviction if it misses a single payment.

The first check for $29,444.30 is due May 18 and another check for the same amount is due May 25.
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Black U.S. Delegation Attends Racism Conference to Demand Reparations

Amadi Ajamu | The follow up to the World Conference against Racism (WCAR) 2001 and the Durban Declaration dubbed "Durban Review" will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, April 20 - 24, 2009. The December 12th Movement International Secretariat, a non governmental organization (NGO) with consultative status to the United Nations, will lead the "Durban 400" delegation and defend Black peoples' right to reparations for slavery.
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JFAV Represents Filipino American Community in Big Events

Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) |
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) continues it unrelenting advocacy even in the advent of the Christmas season 2008.

While the Filipino Veterans Support Bill, SB 3689 hangs in the balance like SB 1315, different JFAV chapters continued it activities everywhere. more...  0 Comments

Human Rights Require International Freedom of Movement and Residence

Joseph Nevins | Sixty years ago this week the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration has helped legitimate the supposed right of nation-states to regulate immigration, thus denying freedom of international mobility and residence, and undermining basic human rights in the process. more...  0 Comments


NYCLAW -- New York City Labor Against the War | If there is a happy ending to the Groundhog Day of repeated wars and plunder, it may well be found in the very mass movement whose enthusiasts registered voters and knocked on doors and brought Obama to power. Will they now be satisfied as spectators to the cynicism of "continuity"? more...  0 Comments

Human Rights Begin in the Home

DAMAYAN Migrants Workers-NY | On December 10th, 2008, DAMAYAN Migrant Workers Association celebrates the 60th anniversary of United Declaration of Human Rights with the domestic workers, women, im/migrants, people of color and all oppressed people whose human rights are under attack and are struggling for justice, dignity and liberation. Filipino im/migrant women workers continue to face the brunt on the deepening global economic crisis and are subjected to rampant human rights violations perpetrated by bad employers, diplomats, governments. We demand that individuals and institutions be accountable for upholding the basic rights of all people as recognized in the United Declaration of Human Rights and the need to develop additional protection for domestic workers. more...  0 Comments

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