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Animal Life

A Taste for Change: Brooklyn Food Conference Organizers Step up to the Plate

Aron Guy | In many areas of Brooklyn, you can get a cheeseburger at 2 a.m. but you have to get on a bus to buy a head of lettuce. For Park Slope resident Nancy Romer, this is not acceptable. more...  1 Comments

We're too many people

press update | We're too many people more...  3 Comments

About that ad in NYT attacking the Humane Society

oak | Did you see that full-page ad against the Humane Society in today's New York Times? Wonder who was behind it? more...  0 Comments


Thomas Riggins | Scientists are thinking about bringing the mammoth back to life. more...  3 Comments

Tree of Life - Coconut Oil

Karen Smith | Coconut Oil SLAMMED – Soybean Growers make a KILLING
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Nuclear Waste Dumped into Hudson River

Cathy Garger | Internationally renown radiation scientist and researcher Dr. Chris Busby speaks about the radioactive waste dumping into New York's Hudson River.
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Novartis Knock Down Day

anonymouse | Novartis Knock Down Day is a call for actions against Novartis on Monday, October 27th for being one of Huntingdon Life Sciences’ (HLS’s) largest customers.
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New book: No Innocent Bystanders

Mickey Z. | As Rosa Luxemburg sez: “The first revolutionary act is to call things by their true names.” more...  0 Comments

300 Year Old Tree in Connecticut: Can He/She Be Saved?

Tree Rights | Does a voiceless immobile tree have rights? more...  5 Comments

Sarah Palin: A Champion for Brutal Aerial Hunting

Wolves | As Governor, Sarah Palin has championed aerial hunting of wolves and bears. Please watch our new video, learn more about Palin's record and help us spread the word about her awful record… more...  2 Comments

The Criminal Cruelty to Animals of Gov Sarah Palin

ARC | the small town mayor who received 616 votes was fasttracked to the governor's
chair by big oil, vote fraud, trophy hunters, and war profiteers more...  5 Comments

McCain picks for his running mate prowar, pro Alaska drilling, moose huntress

Animal Rights Coalition | McCain picks for his running mate prowar, pro Alaska drilling, moose huntress who has lobbied to
remove polar bears from the endangered species lists and who has not
responded to the world's animal rights community re aerial hunting with helicopters
of Alaska wolves. more...  7 Comments

Tuesday, August 5th. Join the Anarchist Black Cross for Dinner!

NYC ABCF | The deal, as always, is that you come bringing only yourself (and your friends and comrades), and we provide you with a delicious vegan meal, information about a Political Prisoner or POW or group of prisoners as well as the letter-writing materials and prisoner-letter-writing info you could ever want to use in one evening. In return, you write a thoughtful letter to a political prisoner or prisoner of war of your choosing or, better yet, keep up a long-term correspondence. more...  0 Comments

Action Alert: HLS Shareholder Barclays

Smash HLS | Target: Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd, a part of Barclays Bank
Detail: HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR) more...  0 Comments


moo | The Memory Hole has the feasability study & plans for the proposed Plum Is. II to be built near some unsuspecting farm community. Details on the doings at Plum Is. (off the end of Long. Is.) more...  0 Comments

Executive Signing Statements

Ann Ikemann | Pharaoh Bush - Let My People Go
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Lee Hall Speaks Out on Climate Disruption and the Animal Advocate’s Leadership R

Lee Hall | Lee Hall Speaks Out on Climate Disruption and the Animal Advocate’s Leadership Role

At this year’s vegetarian Summerfest (18-22 June in Johnstown, Pennsylvania) Friends of Animals legal director Lee Hall will present a plenary talk on vegetarians as the perfect leaders in an era of climate disruption.
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