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Since 1924 the foreign affairs community has relied on AFSA – the voice of the Foreign Service. By joining AFSA, you will be adding to the collective strength of the only organization dedicated specifically to preserving and enhancing the integrity of the U.S. Foreign Service.

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of member interest

benefits of membership

  • Events for AFSA Members

    AFSA organizes regular member events, ranging from happy hours to book discussions, and panel discussions to film screenings. Read More...

  • Legal and Grievance Assistance

    AFSA's dedicated legal staff offers assistance to our members free of charge, whether it relates to security clearances, grievances, EER/AEF issues, tenure problems, etc. Read More...

  • All Other Benefits of Membership

    Read about the wide variety of benefits available to members of the American Foreign Service Association, ranging from magazine discounts to lower rates at various retailers and service providers. Read More...