Why 60 Minutes stitched up the Commonwealth Bank

Cairns Builder Roy Lavis on the Cairns Esplanade Boardwalk that was built by his company, CEC Group.
Cairns Builder Roy Lavis on the Cairns Esplanade Boardwalk that was built by his company, CEC Group. Brian Cassey

Ross Coulthart couldn't have been more scathing.

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia's "breathtaking arrogance" had reached a new low, the 60 Minutes reporter told one million viewers last Sunday.

In an authoritative but pained baritone, Coulthart laid out his case: Australia's biggest bank shoved money at a family-loving, job-creating battler from Cairns, Roy Lavis. When faceless city executives ditched him - on a dime with no fair reason - Lavis was forced into a fire sale that broke his company, CEC Group.

"Roy's business was so prosperous the Commonwealth Bank threw money at him and encouraged him to expand," Coulthart said on the show. "Everyone was a winner. Until the bank changed its mind."

There is one problem with Coulthart's tale: it doesn't seem to be true.

The stakes are far higher than a broke property developer. If bank critics like Lavis, Coulthart and Small Businessman Ombudsman Kate Carnell win the public debate, political momentum could shift in favour of tougher regulation of bank loans, which could reduce the amount of credit available in the economy. It could conceivably lead to a royal commission into banks, which would distract the industry for years.


CEC Group was caught, like many other property developers, in the contagion that swept the world from the US sub-prime crisis in 2007.

Using Commonwealth Bank credit, the company had bought prime land in Cairns, Townsville and Cooktown for speculative housing. The bank's exposure to the company rose from $66 million to $169 million eleven months, just before the crisis hit demand for houses almost overnight.

When CEC, which had been bullish about its prospects, revealed how badly it had been hit, its shares plunged from $1.69 to 60ยข in a few days.

Breaching its debt covenants and facing sceptical shareholders, CEC took rational, if painful action: it sold assets to reduce its interest bill. The Commonwealth Bank, its primary lender, rolled over its debts and supported the company until it finally failed in 2011, owing taxes, stamp duty and superannuation.

CEC had been a great company and had an experienced board. Its chairmen included former Queensland premier Robert Borbidge, former state treasurer Keith De Lacy and federal Liberal MP Warren Entsch.

The business was far from alone being caught by northern Queensland's volatile property market. One-time plumber Tom Hedley's Hedley Leisure and Gaming Property Fund was valued at $1.2 billion in 2008. It didn't survive. Glencorp and Glenwood Homes owner Udo Jattke shut his 30-year-old business owing $30 million.

"In Cairns we saw a lot of companies wound up," says Andrew Griffiths, a former spokesman for CEC Group. "It was a war zone."

Reliant on tourism, Cairns' economy was hit harder than most other places by the global slowdown. Unemployment rose from under 4 per cent in May 2007 to almost 10 per cent two-and-a-half years later. House prices took about six years to recover to pre-crisis levels, according to Herron Todd White, a property valuer.

Rewriting history

Today, the Commonwealth Bank argues that Lavis, Entsch and Carnell have misunderstood or are trying to rewrite history.

The bank is "without doubt" responsible for CEC's collapse, Lavis told this newspaper. "They forced us into a position where we had to pay back debt at an unreasonable rate."

According to Lavis, the bank coerced CEC into selling part of its land bank and other lucrative assets because it was desperate to reduce its exposure to the region. This reckless indifference to the company's fate - a claim supported by Carnell - cost CEC the cash flow it needed to survive, Lavis argues.

Carnell's confidential report was leaked to 60 Minutes. It squarely blames the bank for CEC's failure. Carnell, who gave Coulthart an extensive interview for his story, denied leaking the report, which was sent to the government and the bank.

Coulthart opened an interview with the Commonwealth's chief risk officer, David Cohen, with the kind of question the news magazine show is famous for: "Roy Lavis says CommBank, your bank, unfairly shafted his business. What do you say to that?"

He later accused the bank of offering CEC a huge loan after it had ordered CEC to cut debt - which played to Coulthart's argument the bank was urging CEC to spend and three days later ordered it to cut debt.

"Well firstly we didn't offer them," Cohen said before Coulthart cut in.

"You did," Coulthart said.

"$161 million on the 12th of February," Cohen said. "No."

"I've got it right here," Coulthart said. "This is a letter from the Commonwealth Bank dated 12th of February and it shows very very clearly $161 million."

"Yes," Cohen replied.

"Your facilities will now total $161 million."

"CEC already had a substantial amount of money borrowed. That was not an agreement to lend a new $161 million," Cohen said.

"The facts are here that CEC had a substantial amount of debt from Commonwealth Bank at that time and at the time when its financial performance started to deteriorate badly, realised that it needed further financial support to continue. CEC came to Commonwealth Bank in December, 2007, pointing out that it was experiencing difficulty and that it would need further financial support to continue. So Commonwealth Bank made a decision to continue supporting CEC."

Playing Gotcha

Coulthart was playing gotcha. He had accused the bank of offering CEC an extra $161 million when it had actually agreed to increase CEC's credit limit by $7 million at the request of the company, according to a document seen by the Financial Review. The section of the interview never made it to air.

Instead, Coulthart broadcast an answer a question to Cohen almost impossible to answer frankly: did the bank accept it made any mistakes? Cohen dead-balled the question. In a 16-minute, 13-second report, he was given one minute 30 seconds.

Challenged over his reporting, Coulthart called this writer a "lickspittle" for the Commonwealth Bank and said "I hope you can look at yourself in the morning".

The journalist said he relied on Carnell's report. "She had made findings that I think are very damaging and I am surprised the media hasn't given it the prominence it deserves up till now," he said in an interview Thursday.

Coulthart's most sensation quote came from Entsch, the former chairman who is one of the most vociferous bank critics in the Coalition.

"They could literally shoot you - take you out to the back of the shed and literally shoot you and they could argue successfully that its within their terms of agreement," Entsch said on the show.

Different story

When CEC was fighting for survival, it portrayed events much differently to today. On May 6, 2008, the board told the stock exchange it had decided to cut debt by selling assets in response to the economic slowdown.

"Owing to the collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market in late 2007, leading to adverse global and domestic credit market conditions, the consequent adverse impact on property amd finance markets in Australia and general slowdown in the Australian economy, the Board of CEC Group had resolved to significantly reduce its debt position," a statement to the share market said.

Three days later the board re-emphasised the debt reduction was its decision.

CEC's loans expired on May 31. The negotiations must have been stressful for Lavis and other CEC executives. Without the bank's support - and the entire global financial system was coming under acute stress - CEC would collapse on the spot.

The bank gave CEC another five months. It sent in McGrath Nicol to see how much money it needed. The corporate advisory firm calculated that CEC could sustain debt of $35 million to $40 million. At that point the debt was $80 million. CEC executives thought it could survive on $60 million, McGrath Nicol told the Commonwealth Bank.

Staying alive

Lehmann Brothers collapsed on September 15, 2008, threatening to set off a domino-like global bank collapse. The five major Australian banks were backed by the government and Reserve Bank, but the lending environment was extremely cautious.

On January 14, 2009, CEC told investors the Commonwealth Bank had granted a two-year loan extension. The board promised to cut debt to $65 million in a year, which it said would avoid a fire sale.

"It has been a challenging few months but we have worked closely with our financier and they have been very supportive in every way." Lavis said in January, 2009.

A year later CEC was still alive, and Lavis thanked the bank first in a list of crucial supporters. "We are very close to being back on solid ground and that is due in no small part to the support of our financiers, our suppliers, our contractors, our staff and of course out loyal customers," he said.


Today, Lavis says his praise of the bank and assertions the debt sale was the board's idea were fabrications by a vulnerable company.

"That's bullshit," Lavis said in a phone interview. "Everyone talks about cutting debt. They forced us into that position."

Asked if CEC's stock exchange announcements at the time reflected reality, Lavis said: "No, of course not."

"When somebody has got you on the ground with a big stick over you, you tell them they have big muscles. Of course you suck up to him."

Andrew Griffiths, CEC's spokesman at the tme, said the public statements were mostly approved by the board, Lavis and the company secretary. He said the situtation was awkward: the company couldn't concede pressure was coming from the bank, which CEC felt wanted to get out of the city.

"There was a moment when Cairns became a high-risk postcode," he says. "It become such a high-risk area."

Political campaign

CEC is the next stage of what appears to be the campaign by property developers and their political allies to use the threat of tougher regulation to seek compensation.

An independent advocate for businesses employing 100 people or less, Carnell is free to chose her own cases. But CEC was referred to her by the Coalition Government after its collapse was examined by a parliamentary committee into banks' lending practices.

The committee also investigated the Commonwealth Bank's actions towards creditors of BankWest, which it bought during the financial crisis. The Financial Review revealed in October that three property developers spearheading the BankWest campaign were active Liberal Party members in the electorate of Phillip Ruddock, who was their enthusiastic but undeclared political ally.

Roy Lavis says the Commonwealth Bank, which lost about $60 million on his company, should pay the shareholders, including himself, whose investments were worthless when CEC went broke. The amount he thinks is reasonable: $224 million.

"I want them put in a position where they can't do that to anyone else and pay compensation to us and all the people they have done this to," he said. "There are thousands of us."
