Diaspora for the economy of the Srebrenica region

The roundtable session “Diaspora for the economy of the Srebrenica region” emphasized the need for a more intensive participation of the diaspora in the development of the municipalities of Srebrenica, Bratunac, Milići, Vlasenica, and Zvornik

The “First Job” project will benefit 320 unemployed people in the Birač region

UNDP BiH and Embassy of the Netherlands in BiH signed an agreement for the “First Jobs” project worth almost 655,000 US dollars, which will support 320 unemployed people in the Birač region, especially women and youth, to attain their first job.

EU STAR Begins – 3,000 tonnes of unsafe ammo to be destroyed by the end of 2019

The EU-funded EU STAR project, worth EUR 2.8 million, will enable destruction of 3,000 tons of unstable ammunition in specialized domestic and international demilitarization plants in order to reduce the risk that excessive ammunition supplies represent to safety of people and communities in country.

ILDP project: 11 new municipalities in BiH were selected for support in development management

Within the scope of the ILDP project, 11 new municipalities in BiH have been selected for receiving technical support in creating development strategies and introducing systemic approach in implementation, monitoring and reporting about implementation of development priorities.

EU, UNDP and BiH mark International Gun Destruction Day

On the occasion of the International Gun Destruction Day - 9 July, the Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Coordination Board of BiH organised destruction of more than 1,450 pieces of small arms and light weapons and more than 1,070 pieces of arms components at Jelisingrad smelter in Banja Luka.

Grants for cooperation with diaspora signed with ten municipalities

Development strategies of municipalities of Jajce, Ključ, Laktaši, Ljubuški, Maglaj, Nevesinje, Posušje, Prijedor, Sanski Most and Velika Kladuša now include cooperation with diaspora as one of the important objectives, and the grants will allow for the implementation of concrete projects contributing to better cooperation with the diaspora and development of local communities. Some of the projects include the development of professional training programmes for CNC operators, medical teams for oesophagus surgeries or integrated agricultural production for access to the EU market.

KM 1.2 million allocated to energy rehabilitation projects of four public buildings in Sarajevo Canton

Sukhrob Khoshmukhamedov, the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in BiH and Čedomir Lukić, Minister of Spatial Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection of the Sarajevo Canton, signed the Cost Sharing Agreement for the “Green Economic Development” Project for the part which refers to “Increasing of Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Sarajevo Canton.”

Energy efficiency projects generate new jobs in BiH

Sezin Sinanoglu, Resident Representative of UNDP CO in BiH, and Srebrenka Golić, Minister of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of RS, by revealing a plaque officially marked the completion of thermal insulation works on one of the oldest buildings in Banja Luka. The faculty building is renovated within “Green Economic Development” Project.

Tuzla and Doboj are richer for an online platform DRAS that tracks threats of floods and landslides

DRAS is an online platform, developed by UNDP, that provides accurate information to citizens and decision makers on exposure to floods and landslides. Currently the platform is available for Tuzla and Doboj cities. The development of DRAS platform was financed by the Government of Turkey. Publicly available parts of DRAS can be accessed via https://dras.undp.ba/

Via Dinarica supports development of rural tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Via Dinarica project organized two training sessions for strengthening the capacities of rural households who offering bed-and-breakfast services and for those with the potential to be developed as rural tourism facilities, located along the Green Trail- the lower belt of the Dinaric Alps and encompasses the forest area of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)- of “Via Dinarica” rails.

UNDP BiH and Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH support growth of wood industry in BiH

UNDP BiH and the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to support growth of wood industry as the strongest export oriented sector in BiH.

MEG project: Improving water supply services for more than 60,000 citizens in municipalities of Kalesija and Žepče

Signing of Public Service Agreement between municipalities and utility companies in Kalesija and Žepče, for the first time systematically regulated all the rights, obligations and responsibilities of municipal bodies and water supply utility companies, which will result with the improved quality of public water services for more than 60.000 citizens who live in these municipalities.

200 ideas for a better local community

Over 200 business ideas from various areas with a social responsibility component were presented during six Start-up Days #Kreni, which were held in Tešanj, Zenica, Sarajevo, Ljubuški, Bijeljina and Banja Luka, gathering more than 1,000 participants from 25 partner local communities on the project Strengthening the role of local communities in BiH, a joint project of the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Sweden, implemented by UNDP.

UNDP and the EU continues to support the development of small and medium enterprises through grants: a million BAM for 250 new jobs in BiH

Within the scope of the LID project, which is funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP BiH, grants have been awarded to 19 SMEs for supporting technological development and implementation of new investments.

Demining returns land back to the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the last two decades, more than 3,000 km2 of land has been freed from mines, but another 1,000 km2 of woods, meadows, and agricultural land are still suspected of contamination. 22 years after the war mines cover a bigger amount of land than all parks and protected natural areas in the country.

Exchange of experience on development of wood biomass and renewable energy sectors

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Project „Biomass Energy for Employment and Energy Security“, financed by the Czech Development Agency, organized the study tour for BiH representatives of respective ministries and trade chambers to the Czech Republi

Study visit to Bursa (Turkey): Transfer of Knowledge and the Establishment of Vocational Training Centre in Northern Bosnia

UNDP BiH and UNDP IICPSD in cooperation with the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), organized a study visit to Turkey for 12 representatives of private sector and local government of the Gradačac Municipality.

Being LGBTI in BiH – Equal Rights for All

Human rights must be respected in Bosnia and Herzegovina without exception and without discrimination and hence every citizen, regardless of the population he/she belongs to, must enjoy equal rights. This is one of the conclusions of the joint thematic session entitled “Being LGBTI in BiH - Recommendations for Institutional Actions“, held in the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to mark the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT) on 17 May, 2017 at the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More than 120,000 citizens benefited from Financing Mechanism for supporting local development in RS

The results of the Financing Mechanism in Republika Srpska showed that more than 120,000 citizens benefited from 18 projects implemented during its first two cycles with the investment of almost 2 million BAM.

Better conditions for kids in energy efficient Center Los Rosales and Radobolja kindergarten in Mostar

The Green Economic Development Project, implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), officially marked the completion of the works on improving energy efficiency of the Center for children and youth with special needs Los Rosales and Radoblja kindergarten in Mostar.

Network of cantonal practitioners contributes to development planning and management in Federation of BiH

The significant contributions by the Network of cantonal practitioners to the implementation of the creation of a strategic approach to Planning and Managing and the implementation of development projects in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), were highlighted on the three-day seminar in Orašje.

UNDP Executive Board welcomes appointment of Achim Steiner as new Administrator

The President of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today welcomed the appointment of Achim Steiner as the Organization’s new Administrator. Mr Steiner’s nomination for UNDP Administrator was forwarded by Secretary-General António Guterres to the General Assembly, which today confirmed him as the Administrator of UNDP for a term of four years.

ReLOaD project – a new EU and UNDP 10 million euro initiative launched in Sarajevo

The Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD), a new 10 million euro initiative by the EU and the UNDP will benefit 38,000 citizens across the Western Balkans.

LID project: support for 145 soybean producers in BiH

Within the scope of LID project, the seeds of soybeans have been provided for 145 soybean producers from 5 municipalities and cities in BiH - Bijeljina, Domaljevac-Šamac, Odžak, Orašje and Šamac - which will raise soybeans plantations on an area of 660 hectares, during this year’s agricultural season.

EU awarded 8 grants for 8 amazing stories: Your voice, your story is heard!
EU awarded 8 grants for 8 amazing stories: Your voice, your story is heard!

Award ceremony for small-scale media outlets took place at the UN House in Sarajevo today, granting the winners of “Imaš priču?” contest which was published under the framework of the “Building and Consolidating National Capacities for Conflict Prevention” project, funded by the EU with the amount of 43.000 euros, and implemented by UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The activity is coordinated by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in BiH.

Playgrounds opened at the initiative of citizens of Mošćanica and Sedrenik

Starting with today, more than 500 children from the MZ Moščanica and MZ Sedrenik (local communities) will be able to spend time playing and having fun on two new, fully equipped playgrounds. Construction of the playgrounds was a priority for the citizens of these local communities, which they defined as a conclusion at the forum held in the framework of the project Strengthening the Role of Local Communities in BiH, which is a joint project of the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Sweden, implemented by UNDP.

Our Stories: Wickerwork in Posavina – return to tradition and homemade business

To start successful business in your own home, has been a dream of many who wish to become entrepreneur or simply to be self-employed. That dream has become a reality for those who participated in the project “Self-employment through wickerwork” in Posavina.

Human Development Report 2016 -Risk-Proofing the Western Balkans: Empowering People to Prevent Disasters

The report focuses on recent flood disasters that struck Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, and Kosovo*.

Kupres Cheese Seizes Local Market

Thanks to the donation of milk cooling tanks through the UN TFHS agro-trade cooperative "BH Milch" boosted production of the unique “Kupres cheese”, while the purchase of milk was guaranteed to the farmers enabling them regular income.