Scaling up
Scaling up "YouthConnekt" initiative

From 19 to 21 July 2017, youth from all over the Africa are conveying to Rwanda for the launch of Youth Connekt Africa Summit. The summit will be hosted by the H.E. Paul Kagame, the president of the republic of Rwanda and is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and ICT, UNDP and UNCTAD alongside other partners from both government and private sectors.

Policy makers from Government institutions attend gender-environment economic policy training

While changes in the environment affect everyone, they affect men and women differently. Women’s and girls’ traditional responsibilities as food growers, water and fuel gatherers, and caregivers connect them closely to available natural resources and the climate, making them more likely to be impacted by environmental hardships.

BRIDGE workshop: Capacity Development of Political Parties

From the 12th – 16th of November, representatives from 11 political parties were trained on “Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections" – commonly known as the BRIDGE methodology. This training was organized by the National Consultative Forum of Political Organizations (NFPO) in collaboration with the National Elections Commission (NEC) of Rwanda. The training was supported by UNDP under its “Deepening Democracy and Accountable Governance” (DDAG) programme.

Civil Society Organizations making concrete impact at grassroots level

To strengthen the capacity of civil society, the One UN Rwanda/ UNDP, and the Government of Rwanda launched a Joint Program called “Strengthening Civil Society Organizations for Responsive and Accountable Governance in Rwanda,” in 2014. To date, 26 CSOs working in a wide range of areas have received support under the programme. In 2016, the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) joined the programme as a partner, providing funding to 3 CSOs.

How Civil Society Organisations are transforming lives of single teen mums

Life can be challenging for single mothers anywhere in the world, more so if they are teen mothers and living in poverty. In many parts of Rwanda, single teen mothers face financial challenges, and the majority of them that hail from rural areas usually lack specialized job skills, as well as the education required to get proper employment.The story talks about a civil society organisation named Tuvuge Twiyubaka that is transforming there lives for better.