Fairfax Media Network

Australia Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies

  • chart
  • SST
  • SST Anomalies
climate indicator

The sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) is the difference between the observed SST and the climatological SST. These anomalies are calculated on a weekly basis.

Positive SSTAs are usually correlated with increased regions of convection (cloudiness and rainfall) while negative SSTAs are usually correlated to reduced convection.

SSTAs can be used as an indicator of the phase of global climate fluctuations, such as the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

The data displayed in this map is the weekly average, centred on the date shown.

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West Australian farmers grow feed in refrigerated cabinet to keep stock fed during dry winter conditions

09:06 EST

Farmers in Western Australia's eastern wheatbelt are trying to drought proof their farm by growing sheep feed in large refrigerated cabinets on farm.

Winter takes a break in Qld, NSW

17:03 EST

It was a spring-like day in parts of Queensland and NSW today, although a return of wintry weather is just around the corner.

Another turbulent day in South Australia

14:11 EST

Strong winds continue to buffet South Australia today following the heaviest rain in more than a year in some parts of the state.