ACT News


Love Your Sister's Connie Johnson facing final days at Clare Holland House

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A Facebook post on the Love Your Sister page has confirmed Connie Johnson is now being cared for in Canberra's Clare Holland House and is 'actively dying'.

Posted by Connie's brother actor Samuel Johnson, the update shows a photo Connie's view from her bedroom at the hospice, overlooking the Molonglo River.

"Con's needed a lot of quiet time lately to try and comprehend the total headf***ery that 'actively dying' brings," Samuel says in the post.

"No phones, no social media - all too overwhelming right now.

"She just rang from the Hospice ... and admitted that this is the most difficult thing she's ever had to face, but in true Connie style she's been colouring in to keep the nasty thoughts at bay! She said to tell you that there's life in the old dog yet."

Mother-of-two Connie is finally succumbing to the breast cancer that has racked her body for seven years.


It's just eight weeks since Love Your Sister - the fundraising organisation she and Samuel started together - raised an incredible $2.2 million for breast cancer research at the Garvan Institute through the Big Heart Project.

The event - which Connie described as her "last hurrah" - was an emotional goodbye and thank you to Connie, who has been the public face and quiet force behind Love Your Sister. The organisation now has hundreds of thousands of supporters or "villagers" around Australia.

"I will be retiring," Connie said after the event in May.

"I will be focusing on my children. And spending the time with them that they need and what I'm desperately longing for."

Thousands of Australians have commented on last night's Facebook post, sending their love to Connie and her family. Samuel has responded personally to many of those comments.

In an interview with Mamamia, Samuel described the moment Connie realised she wasn't going to make it.

"In a moment that changed my life I said 'what do you want your legacy to be'?," he said.

"And Connie breathed in with what I like to say was more gravitas than the Queen of England and decided then and there that she wanted to remind every young mum in the land to check their boobs.

"Because mums just forget about their health - your children just come first - and you end up putting your own health issues further down the line."