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Tony Abbott says he was advised against creation of home affairs super-ministry

Tony Abbott has revealed he was advised against the creation of a new British-style Home Affairs ministry when he was prime minister and implied his successor Malcolm Turnbull should produce any new advice supporting the "massive bureaucratic change".

Mr Abbott, who has just returned from a week-long holiday in Croatia, took to the airwaves on Wednesday to criticise the creation of the super-ministry, which won't be in operation until next year. 

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No more radio silence from Abbott

Tony Abbott is back from his holiday and didn't take long to hit the airwaves, questioning a Malcolm Turnbull decision.

In an interview with 2GB's Ben Fordham, Mr Abbott said the same idea was put to his government but officials advised against it.

"The advice back then was that we didn't need the kind of massive bureaucratic change which it seems the prime minister has in mind," he said.

"I can only assume the advice has changed since then - no doubt the Prime Minister will give us more information in due course about the official advice that he's had on this," he said.

He defended his ongoing criticism of the Coalition, saying it is his "right" and "duty" as a former prime minister to speak out.


On Tuesday Mr Turnbull announced the creation of a Home Affairs portfolio combining immigration, border protection and the domestic security agencies.

The jumbo department will include the Australian Federal Police, spy agency ASIO, the recently created Border Force, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre or AUSTRAC and the Office of Transport Security.

Peter Dutton was announced as the minister-designate to oversee the changes due to come into effect by July 1, 2018.

During his interview on Wednesday, Mr Abbott also took aim at the timetable. 

"It seems that he's going to have to wait many months to actually be the minister, at the moment he's minister-designate rather than the actual minister which is a bit of an awkward position to be in," he said.

Relations strained

Senior Liberals are running out of patience with the frequent interjections from Mr Abbott, who promised when he lost the leadership that "there will be no wrecking, no undermining, and no sniping".

Liberal Party president Nick Greiner this week reminded Liberals that "disunity is death in Australian politics" and urged them to "behave accordingly".

He said he would speak to Mr Abbott and urge him to make peace with Mr Turnbull, who in a recent media interview refused to call his predecessor by his name, referring to him instead as "the gentleman".

Mr Abbott refused to say whether he had spoken to Mr Greiner.

"I'm not going to hand over my phone log if that's what you're asking for," he said. 

And he insisted that if he needed to speak with Mr Turnbull, they have each other phone's numbers. "When we need to talk to each other we do."

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Originally published on smh.com.au as 'Tony Abbott says he was advised against creation of home affairs super-ministry'.


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