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Time for our children to put down the devices and participate in sport

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It seems like every parent is thinking and talking about the same issue.

As too many of our youth spend more and more hours in a zombie-like trance on their video games and electronic devices, parents are beside themselves.

Our kids don't want to exercise, let alone do their school work. A phone or computer screen is their best friend as they contact whoever knows who on the internet. How did we allow ourselves to lose control of their development?

And, more importantly, how do we get our children back and pointed in the right direction?

We all know of our proud national sporting history. We have seen the highlights of Laver, Rosewall, Newcombe and Roche triumphing in the Davis Cup and numerous grand slam tournaments. We remember Nick Farr-Jones next to the Queen lifting the Rugby World Cup or Ian Thorpedo and Grant Hackett winning gold at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Historically, cricket's Ashes have usually been ours.

But today the stereotypical Australian youth is more likely to be obese and unfit from too much screen time rather than looking like a future sporting hero.


Not only are too many of them overweight, but the technological isolation of modern youth is an impersonal and often lonely place. Professor Gordon Parker of the Black Dog Institute is alarmed by the connection between online bullying and youth suicides. In addition, parents are observing characteristics familiar to other addictions in children obsessed with online games.

But the community village that a sporting club can be does provide hope. The social aspect of sport can never be overstated. It has the capacity to bring different people together. The involvement of adult coaches and youth working together develops intergenerational trust and positive role models. Sporting competition is a window into our diverse community as sports participants leave their local area to compete in another suburb, town or city.

In this year's state budget, parents are being given a $100 rebate per child to defray some of the cost of playing sport. As great as that is, it is only the first necessary step to getting our kids to be more active.

We need to reactivate and inspire our youth to play sport again. Our local grass roots sport infrastructure is often inadequate for this task and frequently it has not kept up with changes in our society. The state government has started to partner with local councils to open up our schools to develop new sporting facilities for community as well as school use.

Most of the sporting infrastructure in my area is of a genre and presentation that reflects the 1950s. There is an emphasis on golf, tennis, cricket and rugby facilities and a recently built expensive aquatic centre is far away from public transport and inaccessible to teenagers wanting to be independent of their parents.

Representatives from a number of sports have come to me in the last two years saying that grass roots participation in their sports is being drastically held back by the nature and lack of facilities. If you ask a group of kids today who their favourite sportsman or woman is, you are likely to be told the name of a professional soccer, basketball or netball player at least as much as a golfer, swimmer, rugby player or cricketer.

The Ku-ring-gai Council's area has inadequate soccer, athletics, hockey and netball facilities and no indoor basketball facility – which is especially curious, given the great international success of these sports and the local demand to participate in them. Thankfully, the council has started to recognise the problem but money has yet to be set aside to see real improvement for these sports.

We have a once-in-a-generation NSW infrastructure program taking place, building public transport, schools, hospitals and roads. We drastically need that investment to make up for the poor provision of past governments.

But our local councils and state and federal governments must also ensure that they improve the nature and extent of their investment in social infrastructure – especially the recreational facilities that contribute to the quality of life and human society experienced by children and adults now and in the future. Our investment must also take account of our changing sporting tastes.

It is time that NSW established a fund to invest in grass roots sports infrastructure similar to the programs that the Victorian Government has had for many years. Any NSW parent who has taken their children to Victoria to compete in sport is embarrassed by how inadequate our facilities are by comparison. For six of the last seven years, I have travelled to Victoria to watch my son compete in the June long-weekend junior basketball tournaments held there. A single suburb like Nunawading in Melbourne probably has more indoor basketball courts than our entire state.

Our greatest chance to get our children active is to involve them in organised sport. If we want well-socialised young people with healthy minds and bodies who spend time away from their electronic devices, we need contemporary facilities to draw them into playing the sports that they want to play. Let's build many more community sporting facilities and put the "social" back into social infrastructure.

Not only will our youth be happier and healthier, but we may get back on top of the sports world again.

Alister Henskens SC is the state member for Ku-ring-gai and has been a director of NSW Basketball and the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Basketball Association.

Originally published on as 'Time for our children to put down the devices and participate in sport'.