- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 8609741
Caraí is a Brazilian municipality located in the northeast of the state of Minas Gerais. Its population as of 2007 was estimated to be 21,530 people living in a total area of 1,240 km². The city belongs to the mesoregion of Jequitinhonha and to the microregion of Araçuaí. The elevation of the municipal seat is 750 meters. It became a municipality in 1948.
The economy is based on cattle raising, services, and subsistence agriculture, with the main crops being coffee (2,600 ha.), rice, beans, sugarcane, and corn. The cattle herd had 17,000 head in 2006. In 2005 there were 2633 rural producers but only 20 tractors. 8,700 persons were dependent on agriculture. As of 2005 there were 8 public health clinics, with none carrying out diagnosis and complete therapy. There was one hospital with 35 beds. Educational needs were met by 29 primary schools, 3 middle schools and 7 nursery schools. There were 231 automobiles in 2006, giving a ratio of 90 inhabitants per automobile (there were 525 motorcycles). There was 1 bank in 2007.
Juan Gabriel Caray ( Video Oficial )
carai borracha
Não sei q nome eu boto nesse caraio
Jorge, Mateus - Bebo Pa Carai
Vídeos Comédia do Zap Zap #32 Foi Pra Casa Do Carai !!!
Cachaça Carái!
Manu Silva - Ama é o carai
juan gabriel
poh borracha.. assim não mano ó como o borracha derruba os "puliça" hahaha só rindo mesmo, e ainda xinga o santo!
EM BREVE VERSÃO 2.0. INSCREVA-SE E AGUARDE! :)) Vídeo original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSWET9h072I
Music video by Jorge, Mateus performing Bebo Pa Carai. (C) 2009 Universal Music Ltda
Os Melhores Videos do Whatsapp, Facebook e Redes Sociais. Curtam Os Videos, Compartilhem E Comentem. Inscreva-se no Canal - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5-TOjBCMHVpem2tIomEig Link Deste Vídeo - https://youtu.be/2MwIOc3zWBM Link Do Vídeo # 29 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyKlvL85nOA Link Do Vídeo # 30 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNUzCv0AI2E Valeu Galera...
Veja toda a descrição clicando em "MOSTRAR MAIS". INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL► http://www.youtube.com/user/ADIELSILVA1000?sub_confirmation=1 . ►SIGA NOSSO INSTAGRAM➜➜ https://www.instagram.com/vcn_oficial/ . ►CURTA NOSSO FACEBOOK➜➜ https://www.facebook.com/VcnDivulgacoes/?fref=ts . ►ASSINE NOSSO CANAL➜➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/ADIELSILVA1000?sub_confirmation=1 . "MAIS DETALHES" É O TROINHA CARAI CD DE CARNAVAL 2017 . ►♫ ♪ BAIXE A MÚSICA ATRAVÉS DE NOSSA PÁGINA DO FACEBOOK (ATIVE AS NOTIFICAÇÕES PARA SER AVISADO) ➜➜ https://www.facebook.com/VcnDivulgacoes/?fref=ts . . (DEIXE SEU LIKE AQUI NO VÍDEO PARA NOS AJUDAR A TRAZER MAIS LANÇAMENTOS)
Traveling ke Luar Negeri tidak semahal yang kita kira. Dengan 3d/2n kami menghabiskan kocek sekitar 1jt termasuk tiket pesawat dan penginapan, serta makan. Mau tahu caranya? Coba deh lihat video ini. Informasi lainnya: - Pesawat pakai Airasia (saat Rp.0) hanya bayar sekitar 300rban PP - Tidak pesan Bagasi, ransel masuk cabin saja - Asuransi perjalanan, saya sarankan tetap harus pesan - Akomodasi 2 malam 90MYR termasuk makan malam - Transportasi kebanyakan jalan kaki dan pakai GoKL (bus gratis) - Tour yang paling jauh adalah Batu Caves - Lihat booklet kuala lumpur itinerary gratis, bisa di dapat di dipenginapan - Makan pagi dan siang serta cemilan, cari yang murah meriah tapi enak, lihat video kuliner kuala lumpur, itu yang kita makan - Cari tempat wisata yang gratis - Bahkan kita ikut Tou...
Finally! Your vacation is here, but the thought of packing all your stuff into one suitcase is freaking you out. Howdini Hacks shares some space-saving travel packing tips so that you won't have to leave anything behind -- except for the stress. - Fold and roll to save space: 0:09 - Stuff shoes with small items in resealable plastic bags: 0:25 - Use the overlapping layer formation technique for jeans, jackets and dresses: 0:42 - Pack blazers inside out ti avoid wrinkles: 1:05 - Refill travel-size bottles for shampoo and conditioner: 1:15 - Place plastic wrap over the bottles to avoid leaks and spills in the suitcase: 1:32 - Use prescription bottles for cotton swabs: 1:42 - Contact cases a great to store foundation or other makeup as well as little necessities: 1:50 - Keep delicate jewelry...
tips melipat baju dengan cepat cara melipat baju dalam 5 detik cara melipat baju agar tidak kusut cara melipat baju yang rapi cara melipat baju kemeja cara melipat baju lengan panjang cara melipat baju untuk hantaran cara melipat baju dengan kardus Tonton Juga Tips Traveling Lainnya : 1. Tips Praktis Packing Sebelum Bepergian | https://youtu.be/Ge2W4jE2PDI 2. Cara Menggulung Baju saat Traveling | https://youtu.be/hZMyqToYu8o 3. Trik Packing Koper untuk perjalanan panjang | https://youtu.be/70naEJqTQzw 4. Tips Packing Peralatan Mandi saat Traveling | https://youtu.be/icLFxijhC-U 5. Tips Menyetrika Baju Dengan Hairdryer Saat Traveling | https://youtu.be/hhmwslCfY1o 6. Tips Melipat jaket Kulit supaya tidak rusak | https://youtu.be/hfODx3c77E8 7. Cara Membuat Pelipat Baju Dari Kardus Bekas |...
Pertama packing baju untuk liburan rasanya pengen dibawa semua yang ada di lemari! Setelah dikeluarin dan nyusun ke dalam tas akhirnya malah bikin tas penuh sesak bahkan ga muat dan harus nambah tas. Sering pergi berlibur bikin aku belajar cara packing cepat dan hemat tempat. Malah sampe punya tas khusus buat barang-barang buat liburan. Melakukan to list barang yang akan dibawa berdasarkan detail perjalanan akan sangat membantu mempercepat waktu untuk packing. Barang bawaan untuk pergi ke daerah dingin akan berbeda dengan pergi ke daerah pantai. Tonton Juga Tips Traveling Lainnya : 1. Tips Praktis Packing Sebelum Bepergian | https://youtu.be/Ge2W4jE2PDI 2. Cara Menggulung Baju saat Traveling | https://youtu.be/hZMyqToYu8o 3. Trik Packing Koper untuk perjalanan panjang | https://youtu.be...
What to pack for 1 month plus backpacking and trekking travel trip! ☾ SUBSCRIBE: join the adventure! : http://bit.ly/hey-nadine ◂ ◃ ✘ Check out my blog post for the full list of items: http://www.heynadine.com/backpacking-trek-travel-packing-guide Travel Toiletries: Coming soon! Travel First Aid: Coming soon! ♥ Snapchat: nadinesykora ◂ ◃ ◅ FOLLOW ME ▻ ▸ ▹ http://www.heynadine.com ☪ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/heynadine → Twitter: http://twitter.com/heynadine ☯ Facebook: http://facebook.com/nadineesykora → Tumblr: http://etcnadine.tumblr.com ۞ Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4106313 ◂ ◃ - CONTACT - ▸ ▹ → Business: nadinesykora@gmail.com → Agent: mark.turner@abramsartny.com → Personal Questions: http://etcnadine.tumblr.com/ask ◂ ◃ ✦ SEND ME MAIL✦ ▸ ▹ Nadi...
Join us as we visit Singapore exploring the best 25 things to do in the city in this Singapore travel guide. Singapore is a city unlike any other in Southeast Asia. Known as the 'Lion City' or 'Little Red Dot' Singapore has transformed from being a former British trading colony to one the world's most advanced and prosperous countries featuring a chaotic port. How to describe the city in just a few words? Modern, clean, diverse, massive, green, sterile and efficient come to mind. With a blend of Chinese, Malay and Indian (Tamil) influences and distinct neighborhoods you'll find a melting pot of cuisines to tickle your every taste bud fancy. Whether you're shopping until you drop along Orchard Road or enjoying budget meals in one of the many Hawker Centres there is something for everybo...
Whether you're gone for a week or a year, the key to packing is the same. We take apart our bags to show you the gear we wear on the road. SUBSCRIBE for New travel videos every Tuesday and Saturday! http://www.youtube.com/user/vagabrothers?sub_confirmation=1 VAGABROTHERS: We're Alex and Marko Ayling, vagabonds, brothers, and vloggers on a mission to explore the world through its people. INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/Vagabrothers TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vagabrothers FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers WEB: http://www.vagabrothers.com SNAPCHAT: @Vagabrothers Featured clothing by: Patagonia Nano Puff: http://amzn.to/1ZjrgXT La Paz Official: http://www.lapazofficial.com/ Rip Curl Boardwalks: http://amzn.to/1Jmvgh9 Ex Officio Underwear: http://amzn.to/1ZjqHxm S...
KOMPAS.com- Beragam inovasi telah dilakukan oleh PT. KAI seperti pemberlakuan sistem Check-In dan Boarding Pass untuk penumpang kereta api. Penumpang yang telah membeli tiket saluran-saluran resmi, seperti minimarket terkemuka, kantor pos, dan agen perjalanan bisa melakukan check in di mesin check in mandiri yang terdapat di stasiun mulai 12 jam sampai 10 menit sebelum keberangkatan.
Bagi para backpacker peralatan mandi seperti sabun, shampoo, alat pencukur, dan pasta gigi, masuk dalam daftar hal penting yang harus dibawa. Namun terkadang kita berpikir dua kali, mengingat kemasan benda-benda tersebut cenderung memakan banyak ruang di dalam tas. Beberapa trick berikut bisa dilakukan untuk packing peralatan mandi anda. Tonton Juga Tips Traveling Lainnya : 1. Tips Praktis Packing Sebelum Bepergian | https://youtu.be/Ge2W4jE2PDI 2. Cara Menggulung Baju saat Traveling | https://youtu.be/hZMyqToYu8o 3. Trik Packing Koper untuk perjalanan panjang | https://youtu.be/70naEJqTQzw 4. Tips Packing Peralatan Mandi saat Traveling | https://youtu.be/icLFxijhC-U 5. Tips Menyetrika Baju Dengan Hairdryer Saat Traveling | https://youtu.be/hhmwslCfY1o 6. Tips Melipat jaket Kulit supaya ...
Vile forms of Necros lie rotting my mind
Feasting like maggots - maggots in flesh
So left your ruined cortex behind
Now the maggot knows glee as it nibbles on your spine!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Putrid pus-pools vomit blubonic plague
The bowels of the beast reek of puke
How to describe such vileness on the page
World maggot waits for the end of the age!
Beneath a sky of maggots I walked
Until those maggots began to fall
I gaped at God to receive my gift
Bathed in maggots till the planet shit
[Repeat chorus a lot]