- published: 18 Sep 2016
- views: 1382
Štip (Macedonian: Штип [ʃtip]) is the largest urban agglomeration in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia, serving as the economic, industrial, entertainment and educational focal point for the surrounding municipalities. As of the 2002 census, the Štip municipality alone had a population of about 47,796. Štip is the largest textile production center in the country; Center of the fashion industry in Macedonia, as well as the location of the sole public university in eastern Macedonia, Goce Delčev University of Štip. The city of Štip is the seat of Štip Municipality.
The city is located at the intersection of the Lakavica, Ovče Pole, and Kočani valleys. Two rivers pass through Štip, the Bregalnica which is the second largest in the Republic of Macedonia, and the Otinja which divides the city center. The hill Isar, with its early medieval fortress on top, dominates the city and provides for the common reference as "The city under the Isar'. The area surrounding the city is suffering from deforestation which is contributing to the temperature extremes, summers being hot and dry with mean temperatures around 32 °C (90 °F) and days above 40 °C (104 °F) being common. Winters are short (less than 2 months usually) and mild (though considered cold for the area) with normals around −2 °C (28 °F), but with occasional drops down to −10 °C (14 °F). Spring usually comes in February, when most of the foliage is regenerating, although freak snow storms could appear as late as May.
Stip 2016 (Штип 2016)
Патот за Штип каде е?
Истражи ја Македонија - Плачковица и Штип
Телеком Наша Македонија епизода 2 - Сашко во Штип и Велес
KARMA.mk - ЗАДОЛЖИТЕЛНО ПОГЛЕДНЕТЕ: Вонземјани слетале во близина на Штип ...
Штип Водици 2017
Пренос во живо од митингот во Штип
Митинг на ВМРО ДПМНЕ и коалицијата во Штип
Водици во Штип - 2014
Штип — град во источниот дел на Република Македонија, по долината на реката Брегалница. Според пописот на населението од 2002 година, градот имал 40 016 (43 625) жители. Штип е седиште на Штипската Општина и центар на Источно-планскиот регион. Штип е еден од најстарите градови во Македонија. Во 2008 година, св. Никола бил прогласен за заштитник на градот. Штип е познат по тоа што првата опера во Македонија е прикажана токму во овој град. Тоа била операта "Палјачи", изведена во 1924 година од страна на рускиот музиколог Сергеј Михајлов. Почнувајќи од 1989 година, секој ноември, во Штип се одржува најголемиот фестивал на забавна музика во Македонија, “Макфест“. Исто така, почнувајќи од 1987 година, во градот се одржува "Штипско Културно Лето" - фестивал кој трае еден месец и се одржува од 1 ...
Истражи ја Македонија, Влада на Република Македонија. Кампања за промоција на Македонија како атрактивна туристичка дестинација. 2013. www.istrazijamakedonija.com.mk
Сашко Коцев ја сними втората епизода од серијалот Наша Македонија. Со помош на најдобрата мобилна мрежа, тој ги вкуси Штипската и Велешката пастрмајлија, ги запозна нивнните мајстори и ги дозна тајните на нивниот неодолив вкус. Доколку сакате Сашко да дојде и да ја сними и вашата приказна врзана за нашата земја, тогаш пишете, закачете слика или видео на интернет страницата www.NashaMakedonija.mk
Youtube channel - www.karma.mk
http://bookinghunter.com The Las Vegas Strip is an approximately 4.2-mile (6.8 km) stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard South in Clark County, Nevada. The Strip is not located within the City of Las Vegas but is in the unicorporated towns of Paradise and Winchester, which are south of the Las Vegas city limits. Most of the Strip has been designated an All-American Road, and is considered a scenic route at night, Many of the largest hotel,casino, and resort properties in the world are located on the Las Vegas Strip. Fifteen of the world's 25 largest hotels by room count are on the Strip, with a total of over 62,000 rooms. The most important places to visit in Las Vegas are: New York roller coaster, the Eiffel Tower, talking statues at the Caesar Palace, The Bellagio fountain show, The Mirage Volc...
Las Vegas is so much more than just The Strip and casinos! In this video I show you what to do in Las Vegas during a 72 hour city trip. From street art to down town Las Vegas! Looking for more Las Vegas tips? Then check out the city guide on Your Little Black Book: http://www.yourlittleblackbook.me/cityguide/las-vegas-2/. ------- Op YOURLBB.TV zie je elke week leuke video's over Amsterdam, city trips, verre reizen, mijn bucket list én travel tips. Met op iedere dinsdag en donderdag een nieuwe video. In de vlogs neem ik je mee naar de nieuwste hotspots in town en geef ik je een kijkje in mijn persoonlijke leven als professional travel blogger (mijn dream job!). Niets missen? Vergeet je dan niet te abonneren! https://www.youtube.com/c/yourlbb/ Zou ik super leuk vinden :-). With love, ...
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Weekly Vlog #5 - 7 days in Las Vegas: MGM Grand, breakfast buffets, shopping, casinos, exploring the Strip, Fremont and Neon Graveyard Find me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dejashu Find me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shulikesclothes I love Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/shulikesclothes I also blog: http://www.shulikesclothes.com ... and vlog! http://www.youtube.com/dejashu ...and talk about food! http://www.shulikesfood.blogspot.com
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http://www.expedia.com/Las-Vegas.d178276.Destination-Travel-Guides Step out of the ordinary world and into the glittering, wild spread of “Sin City,” better known as Las Vegas, Nevada. Test your luck in the numerous casinos lining the city and then indulge in some Las Vegas sightseeing – will you win big or head home empty-handed? The main drag, also called “The Strip,” is lined with exotic resorts sure to leave an impression on you. These gigantic venues aren’t just about the gambling, though you’ll find craps, poker, and other games running at all hours of the day and night. A trip to one of these extraordinary establishments is a journey unto itself, filled with luxury and excitement. Take in the dancing fountains at the Bellagio, or watch knights jousting at the Excalibur. Explore s...
--------------------------------------------- Click here: http://binaryoptionstradingz.com/best-way-make-money-with-binary-option-phuong --------------------------------------------- If all your activity is limited to the Las Vegas Strip, then taking a walk along the Vegas strip is ideal. This is probably the best way to really enjoy the Vegas Strip. There is a lot to see and do. Remember, however, that the Strip is a little over 4 miles long, so plan accordingly The one thing you must bring is the most comfortable pair of shoes you have. Make that two pairs! You are going to do more walking than you can even imagine. Shoes that are too high or tight will end your walk much sooner than you had planned. Make regular stops. Rest whenever you can to avoid getting tired quickly, maybe get ref...
Las Vegas, /lɑːs ˈveɪɡəs/ (locally, also pronounced as /lɑːs ˈvɛɡɨs/) officially the City of Las Vegas and often known as simply Vegas, is a city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of Nevada, the county seat of Clark County, and the city proper of the Las Vegas Valley.[5] Las Vegas is an internationally renowned major resort city known primarily for gambling, shopping, fine dining and nightlife and is the leading financial and cultural center for Southern Nevada. More info visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas Las Vegas las vegas hotels las vegas shows Las Vegas Nevada USA Las Vegas Strip Las Vegas Travel Video Guide free las vegas travel guide las vegas tourism Get more funny baby 168: Subscribe me: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCikDgZyuiy_ZNFfz3_qi_NQ ...