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City of Perth reveals it's looking at ways to revitalise Perth CBD's old buildings

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  One of Australia's top architects says "it's inevitable" that Perth will get a high rise primary school, as the City of Perth reveals it's investigating ways to revitalise old high rise buildings in the CBD, including as so-called 'vertical education facilities.'

In recent years Perth's civic leaders have been seeking ways to increase the city's density, halt urban sprawl, and make the CBD a more modern place.

In a short space of time we've seen the rise of scores of apartment buildings, co-operative workspaces, rooftop and small bars, and in the inner suburbs there are development precincts mixing high rise housing, office space and retail areas.

And all these efforts to make the city more liveable kindled a push by interested parties in the business community to create a high rise primary school in the CBD, with proponents arguing it would add even more layers of life to the Perth and revitalise its surroundings.

Perth's only high-rise school, St George's Anglican Grammar School, has a rooftop basketball court.

Perth's only high-rise school, St George's Anglican Grammar School, has a rooftop basketball court. Photo: Supplied

While there are now higher education facilities in high rise in the CBB, so far efforts to bring primary school aged children to the centre of Perth have been fruitless.


But Sarah Ball, head of the Global Education Sector at architecture firm Woods Bagot, believes Perth is changing its attitudes to space - and that a vertical primary school in the Perth CBD will come sooner than we think.

"Early in my career I worked in England and it's just taken for granted there that schools are multi-level, with classrooms and playing spaces in a concentrated area," she said.

"In Australia we have so much space and we have had the great chance to build outward, which is great but really not usual anywhere in the world. In Asia most schools are built up, even in the US.

"As Australia continues to grow, the need to go up increases. And yes, it's inevitable that primary schools will follow that. They can work brilliantly."

So could a vertical primary school be a catalyst for even more radical change in the city and the rest of Perth? There are plenty out there who think so.

City of Perth investigating high rise revolution

There are more than 180 tall buildings in Perth's CBD, with at least nine classed as C-Grade Office structures - buildings at least 20 years old which have older finishes, services and utilities compared to newer buildings, which are usually rated as B or A-Grade.

In the post-boom economy these low end spaces are increasingly becoming empty as rents fall and tenants flock to better digs.

But this decline has a silver lining, presenting Perth's civic leaders with a rare opportunity to repurpose the buildings, adding services and features that will make Perth even more of a place to live rather than just work and play. 

For Lease advertising for commercial office space on St Georges Terrace, Perth. This is for a story on how Perth's vacancy rate continues to climb at is at the highest level since the early 90s. CBD Perth, WA. 3rd August 2016, photographed by Philip Gostelow

For Lease advertising for commercial office space on St Georges Terrace, Perth. Photo: Philip Gostelow

And now, the City of Perth has revealed to WAtoday it's actively seeking ways to inject more life into the CBD by ushering in new uses for Perth's old building stock.

"The current commercial vacancies in lower grade buildings in the City of Perth have been identified as a key priority for the City," a City spokeswoman said.

"As such, the City of Perth has been investigating reuse of older office buildings (C-Grade Office) and is undertaking design options and feasibility of six options, including: An upgraded 'A-Grade' office; Residential Apartments; Student Accommodation; Vertical Education Facility; A Mixed-Use Demonstration project; and A Health and Wellness Hub.

"The outcome of the study is expected to be finalised in August."

This development will surely excite those seeking to establish more vertical schools in Perth; a common point the idea's proponents make is that schools bring layers of life wherever they are established.

And behind the scenes, efforts to create more high rise schools and mixed-use spaces for Perth are simmering away.

The hunt for Perth's high rise primary

In recent years universities, colleges and secondary schools have moved into tall buildings in the centre of Perth, including St George's Anglican Grammar School, which boasts a basketball court on its high rise rooftop.

But it seems a primary school for the CBD is a bridge too far, for now at least.

A concerted effort to bring one about was begun in 2016 by a group of interested parties corralled together by Damian Stone from Perth-based Y Research, who spotted a rare chance amid the post mining boom slump in office vacancies for smaller industries to break into the CBD.

"Similar to the East Coast, and to office markets globally, four industries are the focus of growth in Western Australia's post resources boom economy – education, medical, technology and shared work spaces," Mr Stone said.

"In the future, we are likely to see classrooms instead of cubicles in Perth's CBD office buildings. Since 2012, education providers have been the stand out sector in terms of office space occupancy - collectively occupying nearly 40 per cent more CBD office space."

The broad concept of high rise education was a hot topic, with WA Labor promising during this year's state election to establish a high rise academic college in the CBD, moving students from Perth Modern to the Perth City Link.

But after winning government and copping severe criticism from Perth Mod's alumni, Labor scrapped that plan, and is now focussed on building a new multi-level secondary school next to Subiaco Oval.

Artist impressions of the new school near Subiaco Oval.

Artist impressions of the new school near Subiaco Oval.

So it would seem high rise schools in the CBD are on the back burner, for now at least. 

Lachlan Ottley from Altegra Property Group was involved in the original search for a suitable site for a vertical primary school in Perth, and he believes the increasing need for a local primary school by CBD residents will tip the scales.

"The apartment boom of the last 15 years has placed great pressure on suburban primary schools surrounding the city," Mr Ottley said.

"Crowded schools don't make for a positive student or teaching staff experience. So, given the circumstances, it would seem to follow that a CBD school could serve as an alternative option for families as well as accommodating CBD residents. It's an innovative solution to a real and current problem."

Mr Ottley said the key to establishing a high rise primary school in Perth is to find the right building and win support from parents and powerbrokers - a very delicate mix to get right, but one well worth pursuing.

"Despite Perth's record level of office vacancy, finding a building that meets all the requirements of schools has its challenges but generally, older, lower grade office buildings of scale are best suited. These buildings are no longer front of mind for office tenants and we need to repurpose them.

"You want buildings that offer options for natural light and have safe space for pick up and drop off capacity, which is key in a primary school. One of the benefits of an inner city primary school is the ability for parents to drop their kids off, or walk in to class with younger kids, on the way to work.

"Whilst the need is recognised, finding the will to actually create a school in the city has been challenging. I'm optimistic that the idea will take hold and we'll see a school in the not too distant future."

New school vs old school

Most if us who went to primary school in Australia will have fond memories of playing on vast ovals fed by ticking sprinklers in the summer, and of classrooms that seemed big enough to hold the school fete in.

And the Australian dream of the big house endures strongly in the west, with the recent Census revealing 44 per cent of people in WA claim to have a home with four or more bedrooms compared to a national average of 32 per cent.

Space is perhaps the biggest hurdle those seeking to build high rise schools in Australia face - the questions of where will the kids play? and how will they all fit?

But Sarah Ball from Woods Bagot said once people see what can be done, they'll see it's not such a big chance after all.

"Vertical schools open up the possibility of learning on multiple levels, where the school itself becomes more than just a sprawl of classrooms, it's an integrated space that allows for variety and connection."

Sarah Ball

Sarah Ball Photo: Woods Bagot

"There are some really exciting schools over in Melbourne for example where the learning environment is dynamic, each floor is different but open to the rest, which creates more of a learning experience for children.

"And for green space, you can create rooftop play areas, devote whole floors, or seek our partnerships with local ovals or sports stadiums. The school becomes part of the city's life, and the kids get to be part of that."

Ms Ball's expertise combines architecture and pedagogy - the method and practise of teaching - so her passion is creating environments that foster better learning experiences than simply building four walls and a digital blackboard.

To her mind, the chance to create a high rise school is one that will allow architects and educators to create modern schools that will do more than just fit classrooms into tall buildings.

Kids in the city

If demography is destiny, then Perth's need for a high rise school can only increase as more people move to the city.

There are around 6,000 apartments from Victoria Avenue to the Causeway with many more on the way, and to Altegra's Lachlan Ottley it stands to reason that people living in them will eventually have children they want educated locally.

"Cities benefit from schools on a number of levels. They serve in an anchoring capacity – parents need secure localised schools which are close and convenient. Parents want certainty; they will invest in an area for that certainty.

"So good schools draw families and all the attendant benefits. Primary schools become feeder schools for secondary schools and the cycle continues and you generate an urban heart if you will.

Vertical primary schools are taking off in other Australian cities like Melbourne.

Vertical primary schools are taking off in other Australian cities like Melbourne. Photo: David Allan-Petale

"In the CBD area east of Victoria Avenue, which is presently over-represented in office vacancy, where there are some 6,000 apartments, there is an obvious need to increase the social and cultural activity which is achieved by introducing alternative types of social infrastructure, schools being a key one of these."

Mr Ottley believes having primary schools in the Perth CBD will also boost local business, make the city a more attractive place to live and even give people who live outside the city the option of combining their commute and school run.

"I've met a number of people during my involvement with this who have been educated in CBD schools and have expressed very positive associations with the experience. For parents it helps with work life balance and having work, school and home all in close proximity cuts down on time spent commuting."

So, can it be done?

More and more cities around the world, not just in Australia, are looking to embrace new ideas like high rise education to make their centres more vibrant and more in line with how people live now.

With the City of Perth now seeking ways to revitalise the CBD's C-Grade building stock, Perth could in the future see scores of high rise buildings combining education and living spaces with retail and office areas, bringing life to the centre of town.

"The future of our cities is bright and the more ways we can find to make our lives work within them the better," Sarah Ball said.

"Rethinking our urban spaces and seeing their potential beyond what they do now is key. Vertical schools are just one thing we can do. The future is bright."