JustPaste.it - paste text and share with your friends

The quickest way to share text with other people - 5 million users around the world know about it

Why is JustPaste.it so special?

Easy to use text editor with text formatting feature
Just paste text from another webpage or a word processor. The text formatting and images will be preserved.

Pictures, movies and audio files
By using the "Upload images" module, you can easily add new images in your notes. You can paste the images directly from the clipboard into the editor. Embed videos using the [video] tag, e.g., [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOXvdfcct8g[/video]. Embed audio files using the [audio] tag, e.g., [audio]http://www.domain.com/anyfile.mp3[/audio].

Short URLs with jpst.it
Each note has a good-looking, short URL that can be used on social networking sites.

Secure content publishing - that even NSA won't be able to break
Protect your text with password and show it only to your friends, or save is as private so only you have access to it. Notes and included images will be encrypted with modern AES-256 GCM algorithm. The web site also uses a secure SSL connection, to ensure that no one between you and the server is able to capture your traffic.

Importing from file
If you originally wrote your note in a word processor (Microsoft Word, MS Works, Open Office, or even Adobe Acrobat), simply upload it to the server using the "Import from file" function. The text formatting and images will be preserved.

Code highlighting
Want to show your application code? Set note content type to "Source code", and your code will be colored appropriately. You can also use [code][/code] tags.

Mathematical formulas
You can add professional-looking mathematical formulas to the notes.
Simply, use LaTeX: [tex]m = \frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}[/tex].

Automatic text backup
Every 3 minutes your currently written text is saved to server. Never ever lose your notes by browser crash again.

Save notes as PDF
Your notes can be downloaded as PDF files.

What you can share with it?

  • longer comments on Twitter or Facebook
  • selected parts of websites
  • favorite pictures
  • articles on social sites
  • school notes
  • ideas and appeals

Want to share your thoughts and ideas? Contact us:
by email at justpaste[at]protonmail.com, on Twitter or Facebook.