
Village Roadshow backs anti-piracy tech

Village Roadshow is waging an ongoing war against piracy.

Village Roadshow and its co-executive chairman have jointly invested $1.5 million in Linius Technologies, a firm whose primary product makes digital video files easier to manipulate.

Nintendo's latest handheld is great value

The new Nintendo 2DS console

Nintendo's 3DS line might only have a year or two of vitality left with the advent of the hybrid Switch console, but that hasn't stopped the company loosing yet another iteration of the hardware: the slick-looking and budget friendly New Nintendo 2DS XL.

Is the government's cybersecurity strategy failing?

We have been overtaken by other countries when it comes to certain aspects of our policy.

Citing a UN report that says Australia is lagging on cybersecurity cooperation, Labor's spokeswoman on cyber security and defence says our fall from fourth place to seventh is 'a direct result of the Turnbull government's failure to effectively implement its own cyber security strategy and engage with international partners'.

AR brings smart city of the future into focus

Dr Mowlam says AR is 'an amazing tool for taking ideas off the drawing board and dropping them into the real world'.

Local residents and potential investors can stand in Werribee's main street and view the revitalised city centre, while proposed buildings are still on the drawing board, thanks to the WynLens augmented reality project.

Mario Kart VR is a real thing from tomorrow

Mario Kart VR

Anyone planning a trip to Japan over the next couple of years, take note: the VR Zone at Shinjuku is officially open now. And while that means you can see people lose their minds at VR horror experiences, it also means you'll be able to peg bananas and green shells at people in VR.