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Chief Magistrate refers Facebook photos of DV court to police

Amy Mitchell-Whittington

Published: July 18 2017 - 5:51PM

Queensland's Chief Magistrate will refer photos taken from inside a domestic violence courthouse precinct to police after the pictures emerged on a men's rights Facebook page on Monday.

Leith Erikson claimed he was at Southport Courthouse, where domestic violence matters were heard, on Monday as a "volunteer" when he allegedly photographed people inside the courthouse.

Unauthorised photography is not permitted inside the courthouse.

A spokesperson for the Chief Magistrate said the man did "not appear to have a designated volunteer role at the courthouse" and had not been given authorisation to take photos.

Mr Erikson shared to his Facebook page two images he claimed to have taken while inside the precinct.

"I wanted to show you how Qld (sic) state government treats male victims of domestic violence," he wrote to his page.

One of the images was also posted to a Facebook men's rights page Mr Erikson runs, which Fairfax Media has chosen not to name.

In Mr Erikson's post, he pointed out a man he claimed to be a victim of domestic violence and went on to discuss the courthouse facilities.

"You seriously couldn't make up the level of gender bias on display in DV matters in Qld (sic)," he wrote.

The Chief Magistrate's spokesperson said security officers had been informed and the photos referred to police.

"It is understood he has attended as a support person in domestic violence matters," the spokesperson said.

"Unless formally authorised, photographs are not permitted inside the courthouse and public signage cautions visitors accordingly.

"As it appears these photographs were not authorised, they will be referred to police for appropriate investigation and action."

Mr Erikson said he felt men were "being betrayed" because of their gender.

"I believe the domestic violence system in Queensland is failing male victims," he said.

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