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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hideous Kinky - The soundtrack to the movie. [OST]

Oliver twisted his ankle!

Hello folks...we have gone from glorious sunshine here in South East England to one of those horrible grey days where you could almost be convinced that the whole concept of 'weather' has been aborted for a day. There is no weather. It is just a void.
It is due to this that I am sharing today's album with you.

You know when you ask someone their favourite album, it is always a hard question for anyone to answer. I hate the question myself and would rather avoid it. I just don't think you can, in your head, compare and contrast so many different genres and artists and weed it down to a single ONE. Out of all I have listened to and al I have heard, bring all of that down to just one single favourite?
Impossible right?
I can always say who I think is talented, who is great at singing, guitarists, overall performance etc but I don't think I can just say x is the best ever ever above all others.
Jimi Hendrix?
Hehe just kidding although he is one of the most talented.

Through the years I have noted that my girlfriend or she who must not be named, has a favourite in this album I posted today./
She loves the movie it is from - I have to admit I can't really remember much about it although I've seen it more than once! - and she just loves the whole 'freedom, 60's ideal' sort of atmosphere it gives.
I have to agree. I listened to it the other day and really got into it. It follows that an album that is focusing so much on the free love 60's time is also a great album to relax to with your favourite smokage.
As I always used to say around here; if you haven't listened to this before then DO IT NOW as it really is an experience worth visiting, though if you know all the artists and tracks then you may not want to bother but, even then, this is a great playlist of such tunes and, amazingly, one of the few albums that was bought and paid for in a shop that I have in my collection!

Enjoy, the soundtrack from Hideous Kinky.
If you can download freely from rapidshare and want to see this movie, you might want to have a look HERE.
If you are a torrent user and want to see the film then lookie HERE, and demonoid, HERE it's a torrent! I'll keep it seeding forever so jump on it and get it going... You know there are a very few versions of this online and they mostly have horrendous audio or are a VHS to PC rip and not good. I just got this one upped myself so take advantage if you want to see the film!!

1. On The Road Again - Canned Heat (5:04)
2. Here Comes The Sun - Richie Havens (3:49)
3. White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane (2:35)
4. Worlds They Rise And Fall - Incredible String Band (3:26)
5. Baba Baba Maktoubi - Jil Jilala (9:47)
6. Road - Nick Drake (2:02)
7. Tortoise's Song, The - Khalifa Ould Eide & Dimi Mint Abba (8:01)
8. Cortigiani, Vil Razza Dannata - Cornell MacNeil & Rome Opera Orchestra (4:23)
9. Follow - Richie Havens (6:24)
10. Wishing Well - Rabih Abou-Khalil (5:27)
11. Hideous Kinky - John Keane (7:05)
12. Somebody To Love - Jefferson Airplane (2:59)

Duration : 61:09

Total Size : 140.0 MB

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This is the end.


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Saturday, January 19, 2008

The L Word Season Two 2 Original Soundtrack [OST] [2006]

Just a quick post here to fill the latest request...
I don't know shit about this album.
I don't know shit about the TV show and I wish to know nothing.
Some crap US TV show no doubt. some friggin brainmelt shite.
There's just too much of it on TV nowadays. In fact just about every TV show is pure mush don't you think?
I watched a 'documentary' the other day and couldn't believe how fucking poorly made it was. It was from the discovery channel and I have to say, that stations really gone to the wall since I last saw it.
It was as if the 'documentary' was made for a teen with an attention span of no more than 4 seconds. Also the creators felt the need to intersperse and punctuate every bit of information or scene with some contrived or irrelevant bullshit just to keep you interested! Clip after clip of sensasionalist nonsense which just amounted to the real meat of the story being lost in a wash of noise.
They wouldn't know a fucking documentary if it came up and bit them on the arse.

They just pump out any old shit, call it a documentary if it will sell more, who cares anyway.
I used to care but nowadays TV sucks bigtime.
Well, unless The X-Factor is on.

Oh yeah Sarah..Enjoy your requested album won't you ;)

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