Mozart festival review: plenty of sparkle in Melbourne

This was published 3 years ago

Mozart festival review: plenty of sparkle in Melbourne



Richard Eggar leads the MSO through a sparkling program.

Richard Eggar leads the MSO through a sparkling program.Credit:Darrian Traynor



Melbourne Symphony Orchestra plays Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, the first concert as part of the Mozart Festival.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra plays Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, the first concert as part of the Mozart Festival.Credit:Darrian Traynor

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

Hamer Hall

July 14 & 15

This festival comprises three concerts, a few ancillary chamber music recitals, and Milos Forman's celebrated film. So far, so good; the MSO is showing plenty of sparkle under guest conductor Richard Eggar and most of the music-making, even of over-familiar works, has been engaging, momentarily spell-binding. Certainly, it makes a welcome change from the scatter-gun effect of other MSO programs; here, we're asked to concentrate on well-curated programs treating significant stretches of Mozart's brief, improbably productive creative life - a refresher course on this musician-genius who wrote his fair share of Western music's masterpieces.

Eggar opened his tour with the composer's first catalogued work: six short keyboard pieces – minuets, an Andante, an Allegro or two – that are amiable enough, deftly accomplished on Eggar's harpsichord, remarkable coming from the brain of a boy of five. The MSO then played the first symphony, Eggar leading from his continuo-keyboard; here, too, the material is fairly derivative but staggering in its assurance and drive from an eight-year-old musician.

After this juvenilia, Friday night vaulted into well-trodden ground with the Exsultate, jubilate motet for which soprano Jacqueline Porter made a fine exponent. As both of these concerts showed, Eggar's Mozart is no wilting violet; the speeds are brisk, instrumental attack is sharp-edged and those perfectly-balanced sentences are treated with sense, not sentimentality. Porter worked in this framework with an appealing mobile vivacity. Similarly, concertmaster Eoin Andersen's account of the Adagio in E spun out the solo violin line with elegance informed by a calm authority.

In both the Eine Kleine Nachtmusik serenade and the Paris Symphony No. 31, the MSO reached an impressively high interpretative level with near-faultless string articulation and excellent wind ensemble-work. Eggar's direction proved strong on line-shaping and dynamic bite, bringing a light-filled perspective to these treasures.

Saturday began with the Chaconne – Pas de Seul from Idomeneo and finished with the great G minor Symphony No. 40; the first, notable for its alternation between powerful full-orchestral passages and elegant intervening variants, the symphony enjoying a reduction in tragic over-painting as the players gave voice to that inimitable urgency in both outer movements. Kristian Bezuidenhout, recently heard with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, was soloist in the Piano Concerto In A, K. 488 which proved a model of restraint but often failed to travel, as though the soloist was playing in salon conditions. A disappointment, even if the orchestral support was full-bodied and clear.

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