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Parents are left in the dark over the quality of childcare. It's not good enough

They say it takes a village to raise a child. But what if you don't have a village?

What if your tribe members live in other cities? What if the high cost of homes in your particular village means most of your fellow villagers – men and women – are forced to do paid work and simply aren't available to care for your children?

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Young parents these days have little alternative but to pay strangers to perform that most precious of services, caring for their little ones. It's an emotionally fraught process.

As Australian women have stormed the workforce, governments have largely left the growing business of caring for infants, toddlers and preschoolers to private industry, which today extract $1 billion a year in profits from Australian parents.

Amid shortages of places in some areas, many parents are simply forced to grab the first spot that comes up and hope for the best.

Inevitable feelings of sadness and anxiety about leaving your child come with an added sting of fear and anxiety from not knowing the quality of care that will be provided.


Many parents worry about the rising cost of childcare, but ask any parent what matters most and it's quality of care that counts.

But parents today are woefully ill-informed when it comes to the quality of care on offer.

Some progress has been made.

It was former Labor politician and journalist Maxine McKew, who as parliamentary secretary to Kevin Rudd began work on a National Quality Framework for childcare, which was later overseen by then childcare minister, Kate Ellis. 

Anyone who questions the importance of having women in Parliament should think on that.

The National Quality Framework includes national standards for childcare and a national system for rating centres. The ratings process is overseen by a little-known government agency, the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority, which displays the ratings on a similarly little-known website,

Centres are rated on 58 different criteria, including the quality of education programs and facilities. Centres are rated on a scale from "significant improvement required" to "exceeding".

While ACECQA oversees the process, assessments are done by state government employees. Inconsistency is rife.

And assessments are way behind schedule.

The framework has been in place for about five years and still only 90 per cent of centres have been rated. Of those that have been completed, the vast majority have been visited only once.

A child could start at a daycare centre, progress through all its rooms and leave without that centre ever having been assessed.

A review released in January by the Education Council of the Council of Australian Governments considered the need for more regular reviews of centres to ensure quality care.

It found that "due to underestimated costs associated with the assessment and rating process, and a longer than expected timeframe involved in providing initial ratings for all services, subsequent assessments are not being conducted as anticipated, and there are concerns from governments and the sector about the length of time between quality assessments".

It found more regular reviews would give greater incentive for centres, particularly those with low-quality ratings, to lift their game.

Centres have no idea when they'll be assessed again and little incentive to lift their game and prevent being exposed again.

"More frequent assessment may drive more rapid quality improvement in services with lower quality ratings, ensuring the flow-on effects to children's outcomes are realised sooner," the ECCAG review said.

"This would be anticipated to result in a more timely improvement of service quality and increased outcomes for the safety and wellbeing of children."

Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

But, despite this, the council has decided against implementing more regular reviews.


"More frequent assessment can only occur with additional funding."

Sorry kids, there's simply no money in the tin to make sure you're being cared for properly.

This. Is. Not. Good. Enough.

The Turnbull government has set aside $16 million to run an advertising campaign spruiking its revised childcare payments when they finally pass the Senate – more than ACECQA's entire annual budget of $14 million.

The government could scrap the ads and fund consistent and quality ratings for childcare for an entire year.

Something's gotta give.

Childcare is a service like no other. It is inherently hard to measure the level of care, attention and genuine connection provided to a child by their educator.

As a market, the provision of childcare services suffers from a lack of information for consumers and a lack of ability to shop around to get the best product at the lowest cost. It's hard for parents to easily switch centres and uproot their little people's lives.

Almost all of Australia's 3.8 million children aged 12 years or under have been exposed to some type of early childhood education and care, according to the Productivity Commission. This can include pre-schools and family daycare, but centre-based care is in growing demand.

Parents need better and more up to date information on the quality of care their children are receiving.

Parents are less productive at work if they are worried about their kids or wracked with guilt about leaving them. Children, too, need quality care from highly-skilled and happy educators to develop into productive members of society.

More taxpayer money to do more regular ratings of centres would help to expose shonky centres, provide greater peace of mind for parents and drive increased standards of care across all centres.

In public policy terms, they call that a no-brainer.


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