- published: 08 Mar 2017
- views: 176021
Chinese people are the various individuals or groups of people associated with China (or Greater China), either by reason of ancestry or heredity, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, place of residence, or other affiliations.
A number of ethnic groups within the region of China, as well as people elsewhere with ancestry in the region, may be referred to as Chinese people.
Han Chinese, the largest ethnic group in China, are often referred to as "Chinese" or "ethnic Chinese" in English. Han Chinese also form a majority or large minority in other countries, and may comprise as much as 19% of the global human population.
Other ethnic groups in China include the Zhuang, Hui, Manchu, and Uyghurs, among many others. The People's Republic of China (PRC) officially recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups, some of whom live in special administrative regions of the country. Taiwan officially recognizes 14 tribes of Taiwanese aborigines, who together with unrecognized tribes comprise about 2% of the country's population. The list of ethnic groups in China includes the major ethnic groups of China (PRC) and Taiwan.
Asian people or Asiatic people are people who descend from a portion of Asia's population.
There are varieties of definition and geographical data presented by organizations and individuals for classifying the ethnic groups in Asia.
In parts of anglophone Africa, especially East Africa and South Africa, and in parts of the Anglophone Caribbean, the term "Asian" is more commonly associated with people of South Asian origin, particularly Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans.
The Australian Census includes Central Asia. The Australian Census includes four regions of Asia in its official definition. Defined by the 2006–2011 Australian Census, three broad groups have the word Asian included in their name: Central and Southern Asian, South-East Asian and North-East Asian. Russians are classified as Southern and Eastern Europeans while Middle Easterners are classified as North African and Middle Easterners.
Chinese can refer to:
Ching chong and ching chang chong are pejorative terms sometimes employed by speakers of English to mock or play on the Chinese language, people of Chinese ancestry, or other East Asians perceived to be Chinese. Several public commentators have characterized the term as derogatory while noting that assaults or physical intimidation of East Asians are often accompanied by racial slurs or imitation Chinese.
The term "ching chong" is based on how Chinese supposedly sounds to English speakers who do not speak it. The "ch" reflects the relative abundance of voiceless coronal affricates in Chinese (six in Mandarin Chinese: [ts], [tʂ], [tɕ], [tsʰ], [tʂʰ], [tɕʰ]), whereas English only has one: /tʃ/ (written ⟨ch⟩). The "ng" reflects the greater commonness of nasals in syllable codas in many varieties of Chinese; for example, Mandarin only allows [n] or [ŋ] (written ⟨ng⟩ in both English and in romanization of Chinese) in syllable codas.
While usually intended for ethnic Chinese, the slur has also been directed at other East Asians. Mary Paik Lee, a Korean immigrant who arrived with her family in San Francisco in 1906, writes in her autobiography that on her first day of school, girls circled and hit her, chanting:
How DIFFERENT Are Chinese People?
What do Chinese people think of America? 中国人怎么看美国?
The Asian People Song
Chinese People are Super Friendly
Chinese People Aren't Cool
Chinese People Try Panda Express For The First Time
Best Funny Chinese People
How Chinese React when they See Black People
funny chinese people fails
Everyone stereotypes Asian countries as homogenous, but is China really lacking in diversity? We have been all over the country, and it's very difficult to answer this question easily. China is full of minority regions, languages and food. Every province has it's own language, local cultures and special characteristics. We delve into this difficult topic and talk about China and Chinese people objectively. We answer all of these questions and more in this video. Get 1 week early access to EVERY ADVChina episode by supporting us on Patreon SerpentZA: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza C-Milk: http://www.patreon.com/laowhy86 Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation. Eve...
Vox Pop: What do you think of America? First thought when you think of America? What do you think of President Obama? What makes you feel uncomfortable about America? Any expectations for Xi Jinping's state visit? What you'd like to say to Xi & Obama?
The official Asian People song. Warning: May be found offensive to some, hilarious to others. Relax, it's all satire. Download on iTunes: http://goo.gl/1mLArf Watch REACTIONS to this song here: https://goo.gl/yIz30E Subscribe: http://goo.gl/mb3TDO LYRICS Intro: Duh Herro? I selling shwimp fwied why… Five dollar. Egg Roll? Five dollar. Oh you want more shwimp? Five dollar, Haha! Verse 1: My name is Dr. Chopstick Ying Kung Pow, and I like to eat puppies, (do do doo, doo, dooooo!) My mom and dad will karate chop me in the penis, if I don’t bring home all A’s (do do doo, doo, dooooo!) We’re all Chinese, we’re all half blind, that’s why none of us can’t drive, keep crashing on the highway (do do doo, doo, dooooo!) So if you see me on the side changing my tires, don’t be surprised, at leas...
I am going to prove to you that Chinese people are super friendly, I've always maintained that Chinese people are by far and in large very friendly and hospitable, however if you read my comments section you would be excused for thinking that they're horrible, disgusting xenophobic racists. This is true only for the 50cent keyboard warriors and the ultranationalistic over sensitive homebodies who suffer from a lack of self worth, so let's go out on the street and talk to some real Chinese people and find out if they're friendly or not... What is an Evil Uncle?: https://youtu.be/VlxUZmXuKVw Globik Niestadt's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GLOBIKvideos ⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vime...
I heard Chinese people aren't cool? ---------- Hiiiiiiiiii! We should connect! Twitter - http://twitter.com/JeffreyChang Instagram - http://instagram.com/JeffreyChang Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/JeffreyFever Snapchat - JeffreyFever ---------- If you've reached this part, I dare you to comment.
(Not) Made in China. Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo MUSIC China On The Move Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SOURCES http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-01-23/features/ct-food-0123-egg-rolls-20130123_1_egg-roll-block-party-cabbage http://www.mercedsunstar.com/living/food-drink/article3273863.html http://www.travelchinaguide.com/tour/food/chinese-cooking/yangzhou-fried-rice.htm http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2011-01/04/content_11794171.htm http://www.travelchinaguide.com/tour/food/chinese-cooking/hot-sour-soup.htm https://www.pandaexpress.com/menu/#!/kung-pao-chicken http://travel.cnn.com/shanghai/eat/why-do-chinese-people-hate-kung-pao-chicken-and-foreigners-love-it-415057 http://www.laweekly.com/restaurants/ora...
this video how funny and crazy chinese people
"5000 years of history!" Comedy From The Heavenly Kingdom Follow us! Facebook @tmdshanghai Instagram @wearemamahuhu Twitter @MamahuhuMedia
must watch full funny
Everyone stereotypes Asian countries as homogenous, but is China really lacking in diversity? We have been all over the country, and it's very difficult to answer this question easily. China is full of minority regions, languages and food. Every province has it's own language, local cultures and special characteristics. We delve into this difficult topic and talk about China and Chinese people objectively. We answer all of these questions and more in this video. Get 1 week early access to EVERY ADVChina episode by supporting us on Patreon SerpentZA: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza C-Milk: http://www.patreon.com/laowhy86 Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation. Eve...
Vox Pop: What do you think of America? First thought when you think of America? What do you think of President Obama? What makes you feel uncomfortable about America? Any expectations for Xi Jinping's state visit? What you'd like to say to Xi & Obama?
The official Asian People song. Warning: May be found offensive to some, hilarious to others. Relax, it's all satire. Download on iTunes: http://goo.gl/1mLArf Watch REACTIONS to this song here: https://goo.gl/yIz30E Subscribe: http://goo.gl/mb3TDO LYRICS Intro: Duh Herro? I selling shwimp fwied why… Five dollar. Egg Roll? Five dollar. Oh you want more shwimp? Five dollar, Haha! Verse 1: My name is Dr. Chopstick Ying Kung Pow, and I like to eat puppies, (do do doo, doo, dooooo!) My mom and dad will karate chop me in the penis, if I don’t bring home all A’s (do do doo, doo, dooooo!) We’re all Chinese, we’re all half blind, that’s why none of us can’t drive, keep crashing on the highway (do do doo, doo, dooooo!) So if you see me on the side changing my tires, don’t be surprised, at leas...
I am going to prove to you that Chinese people are super friendly, I've always maintained that Chinese people are by far and in large very friendly and hospitable, however if you read my comments section you would be excused for thinking that they're horrible, disgusting xenophobic racists. This is true only for the 50cent keyboard warriors and the ultranationalistic over sensitive homebodies who suffer from a lack of self worth, so let's go out on the street and talk to some real Chinese people and find out if they're friendly or not... What is an Evil Uncle?: https://youtu.be/VlxUZmXuKVw Globik Niestadt's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GLOBIKvideos ⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vime...
I heard Chinese people aren't cool? ---------- Hiiiiiiiiii! We should connect! Twitter - http://twitter.com/JeffreyChang Instagram - http://instagram.com/JeffreyChang Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/JeffreyFever Snapchat - JeffreyFever ---------- If you've reached this part, I dare you to comment.
(Not) Made in China. Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo MUSIC China On The Move Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SOURCES http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-01-23/features/ct-food-0123-egg-rolls-20130123_1_egg-roll-block-party-cabbage http://www.mercedsunstar.com/living/food-drink/article3273863.html http://www.travelchinaguide.com/tour/food/chinese-cooking/yangzhou-fried-rice.htm http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2011-01/04/content_11794171.htm http://www.travelchinaguide.com/tour/food/chinese-cooking/hot-sour-soup.htm https://www.pandaexpress.com/menu/#!/kung-pao-chicken http://travel.cnn.com/shanghai/eat/why-do-chinese-people-hate-kung-pao-chicken-and-foreigners-love-it-415057 http://www.laweekly.com/restaurants/ora...
this video how funny and crazy chinese people
"5000 years of history!" Comedy From The Heavenly Kingdom Follow us! Facebook @tmdshanghai Instagram @wearemamahuhu Twitter @MamahuhuMedia
must watch full funny
Dating in China vs america can differ greatly upon the working hours and leisure time available to go on social events and meet someone. Dating in China as a foreigner can often be a super hard matter specially if u are a successful entrepreneur in China and lack of time, but will also depend on the different jobs in China for foreigners that you are into, most of the single woman in China will be very interested in ur working in China salary :) as well as ur working in China factories conditions. Living and Working in China can really differ a lot as well as !!! till making it depending on some conditions like whether you are a Chinese or you are working in China as a foreigner, working in China salary will really vary from profession to profession, BUT the bad thing here is MOST of the...
Best Documentary 2015 The China Rural Life Uyghurs People [Full Documentary] The Uyghurs Chinese: 维吾尔族; pinyin: Wéiwúěr zú) are a Turkic ethnic group living in Eastern and Central Asia. Today, Uyghurs live primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China, where they are one of 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities. An estimated 80% of Xinjiang's Uyghurs live in the southwestern portion of the region, the Tarim Basin. Outside Xinjiang, the largest community of Uyghurs in China is in Taoyuan County, in south-central Hunan. Outside of China, significant diasporic communities of Uyghurs exist in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, and in Turkey. Smaller communities are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, ...
God shows the different punishments for different types of sin to young Chinese Hmong girl. Pharisees in HELL. Testimony of HEAVEN and HELL PROPHETIC DREAMS & REVELATIONS 2016 Link below https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWo1Sr1PlRL1YWk6n0rWGoQ http://yateveo.com/
Chinese drinking culture is all about face, and competition. This leads to a lot of Chinese people ending up dead with alcohol poisoning. It can be a lot of fun, but it can be dangerous. Join us and find out about our experiences drinking in China! Gan Bei! Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation. Every week, we take you to a new place in China on our bikes, cover a topic, and reply to your questions. Tune in, hop on, and stay awesome! http://www.facebook.com/churchillcustoms http://www.facebook.com/advchina Our sister channels: http://www.youtube.com/SerpentZA http://www.youtube.com/laowhy86 How we communicate on the bikes and the gear we use to make the videos: htt...
God shows the different punishments for different types of sin to young Chinese Hmong girl. Pharisees in HELL. Testimony of HEAVEN and HELL PROPHETIC DREAMS & REVELATIONS 2016 Link below https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWo1...
How Chinese entrepreneurs have taken control of Madagascar's booming vanilla trade and what it means for local farmers.