National Union of Public and General Employees May 20
National Union of Public and General Employees
Several members of the New Brunswick Union have headed to Fort McMurray, Alberta to help the community in the wake of the devastating wildfires. Many of the people affected have ties to New Brunswick.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives May 19
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
A new report from the CCPA finds that 51% of Indigenous children live in poverty and astonishingly that rises to as high as 60% for children on reserves. Where is the state of emergency?
Canadians for Tax Fairness May 19
Canadians for Tax Fairness
It turns out the CRA pays rent to a serial tax haven user for offices in Edmonton, Montreal and Calgary. Larco Investments hates taxes but loves the $74.3 million it gets from the feds in rent.
Unifor May 19
The federal government's introduction of Bill C-16 seeks to extend human rights and secure full legal protection for transgender people by enshrining gender identity and gender expression.
United Food and Commercial Workers May 16
Working women must stand together to let employers, politicians, and their communities know what they need on the job. The UFCW Women's Network does just that.
Mining Watch May 16
A new report finds that the BC government lets mining companies off the hook for the full costs of environmental reclamation and leaves taxpayers liable for more than $1.5 billion.
Canadian Labour Congress May 16
May 17 is the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), one of the largest global LGBTQ solidarity actions.
Fair Vote Canada May 13
Fair Vote Canada
Fair Vote Canada is relieved and thrilled to see Prime Minister Trudeau's formation of the Special Committee on Electoral Reform. The road to electoral reform starts now.
Unifor May 13
The federal Trans-Pacific Partnership hearings arrived in Toronto at a luxurious downtown hotel and were greeted by crowds of activists.
United Steelworkers May 13
The devastating Fort McMurray fires have been heartbreaking to watch. The Steelworkers Humanity Fund will contribute $40,000 to Fort McMurray fire relief to help rebuild what was lost.
National Union of Public and General Employees May 11
National Union of Public and General Employees
NUPGE calls on the federal and all provincial and territorial governments to join the provinces of Quebec and Ontario in prohibiting for-profit corporations that pay for blood and plasma donations.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives May 11
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The Ontario Liberals' poverty reduction strategy comes under fire from the CCPA in their latest report that shows the poverty gap has widened substantially since 1993.
Public Service Alliance of Canada May 11
The efforts of the Alberta government, coupled with the tireless dedication of thousands of volunteers from all sectors of society, has made this relief effort an example for all Canadian society.
Socialist Worker May 9
The Marxism conference in Toronto featured the keynote panel Climate Justice Now! including Indigenous activist Myeengun Henry, oil sands worker Ken Smith, and climate justice activist Jesse McLaren.
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions May 9
Ontario hospitals have cut 1,440 RN positions, or the equivalent of three RN positions per day since the beginning of 2015.
Inter Pares May 9
Tax dodging at home is one thing, but what about Canadian and other western corporations who legally bilk the global south out of billions. Here are two things we could do right now to fix that.
Harrowsmith Now May 6
Harrowsmith Now
Pasto is a beekeeper and the owner of Happy Bees Apiary. He likes to be outside alone with his bees, which he calls "ladies."
Canadian Union of Postal Workers May 6
The federal government's announcement of a review of Canada Post is welcome news for postal workers. And privatization isn’t on the table.
Canadian Labour Congress May 6
Dig deep. The CLC is. And the federal government has committed to matching all individual charitable donations made to the Canadian Red Cross in support of the ongoing relief efforts in Alberta.
Public Service Alliance of Canada May 5
PSAC was founded in 1966 -- celebrate the achievements over 50 years of collective bargaining, organizing, and fighting for social change.
United Food and Commercial Workers May 5
Every May, Canadians have the privilege of celebrating Asian Heritage Month. Learn about the rich and exceptionally diverse histories of our large and growing Asian communities from coast to coast.
Unifor May 5
Unifor is making an initial $250,000 contribution to the Red Cross in support of relief efforts and encouraging all 310,000 members and locals across the country to consider making a donation as well.
National Union of Public and General Employees May 3
National Union of Public and General Employees
At a time when the Newfoundland and Labrador government is saying they have no money for libraries, they do have the cash to hire a law firm for over $350 an hour to handle public sector negotiations.
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation May 3
Education Week was established by the OSSTF in 1930 to recognize and celebrate the essential role public education plays in the lives of communities all over the province.
Canadian Labour Congress May 3
May 2-6 is the Canadian Mental Health Association's 65th annual Mental Health Week. It is a chance to #GETLOUD by speaking out and challenging the stigma and discrimination of mental illness.
Harrowsmith Now April 29
Harrowsmith Now
Susan Musgrave, a resident of Haida Gwaii, has produced a cookbook called A Taste of Haida Gwaii: Food Gathering and Feasting. It's not so much of a cookbook as it is a food memoir.
Socialist Worker April 29
Since spring of this year a small band of oil sands workers have come together to fight against the growing layoffs in the tar sands and to fight for a greener future.
United Food and Commercial Workers April 29
May Day is both a celebration of labour's achievements and an annual reminder that the struggle remains as the impact of globalization can only be contested by heightened international solidarity.
Canadian Union of Public Employees April 27
The North Bay area's one and only municipal nursing home, Cassellholme, is being privatized without any community consultation and it looks like the region's mayors and councillors are in on it.
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation April 27
Teachers in Rainy River, Ontario's District 5b have begun a full withdrawal of their services for one day per week beginning April 27.
