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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3시간 전

    A lot o' raves coming in for the new season of Difficult People! Thanks !!

  2. 57분 전

    Disney is pulling its movies from Netflix and launching a new streaming service

  3. 1시간 전

    The exasperating, infuriating, and utterly hilarious Difficult People are back

  4. 2시간 전

    Fragile baby Donald Trump requires a daily briefing of compliments

  5. 2시간 전

    Milla Jovovich is the titular Blood Queen in the new Hellboy movie

  6. 2시간 전

    R.I.P. Glen Campbell, “Rhinestone Cowboy” singer and country legend

  7. 2시간 전

    Riot grrrl grew up on Sleater-Kinney’s Dig Me Out

  8. 2시간 전

    Don’t worry about the leaks, is still doing fine

  9. 3시간 전

    The National’s latest single introduces us to “Carin At The Liquor Store”

  10. 3시간 전

    Check out this deranged website supporting Mike Pence for president

  11. 3시간 전

    A warning: Do not attempt to book 6 consecutive dates on the same night

  12. 3시간 전

    Women writers are out there, The X-Files discovers

  13. 3시간 전

    Self-driving car turns out to be horrifying seat/man hybrid on scientific mission

  14. 4시간 전

    Sinead O’Connor discusses her mental illness in tearful Facebook video

  15. 4시간 전

    It’s feeding time for My Pretty Vampire in this exclusive preview

  16. 4시간 전

    Fox has had “preliminary” talks about reviving King Of The Hill

  17. 4시간 전

    New trailer assures skeptical Fox viewers that The Gifted is a family drama

  18. 4시간 전

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders follows one “journalist” on Twitter and guess who it is

  19. 4시간 전
  20. 5시간 전

    Basically no one is qualified to serve on Taylor Swift’s jury

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