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Feb. 2nd, 2006 @ 07:47 am (no subject)
Area deviants have pet rats. (They should have put the picture online too.)
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Dec. 31st, 2005 @ 08:43 am Another rat done gone
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Dec. 15th, 2005 @ 06:41 am (no subject)
Plagiarism roundup

Also from [info]bookslut.
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Oct. 31st, 2005 @ 06:29 am Creepy Halloween pix from [info]nellorat
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Rats and eyeballs (only the rats are real)
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Oct. 21st, 2005 @ 03:56 pm (no subject)
Rat outsmarts scientists.

Thanx to [info]lady_babalon
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Jun. 16th, 2005 @ 04:12 pm Journal
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rats, mildly explicit )

Yesterday I went into the City (I must admit I'm the kind of person who says, "Maybe it's better to have the Olympics in Queens than in the City") for a Debtors Anonymous meeting. I also went to Fishs Eddy to get some more dishes, and at a Barnes & Noble I bought something that would appeal to neither a sane person nor a fan: an NFL Draft Encyclopedia (the first such), listing the results of every NFL player draft from the first, in 1936, through 2004. I trust many who read this will consult their own interests and conclude that I am not more geeky, but differently geeky.

Today I went to see Dr. Naeem, as my lungs are not entirely happy. I learned that, despite general piggishness and nutritional incorrectness, I weigh about what I have for the last ten years. He's giving me a few days of prednisone and moving me up to Advair, which I've heard good things about, for my asthma. I also learned about a new contender in the Unfortunate Names derby. The nurse there is named Karen Bourgeois, and I have never once made any comments to her about being named after one of the few things Marxists and beatniks agree about. Today, I looked at her family holiday card, which is displayed at the receptionist's desk, and learned that her poor husband is actually named Christian Bourgeois.
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Apr. 19th, 2005 @ 01:44 pm Benedict XVI
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There's some debate on [info]misia's lj over whether he should be called Pope Palpatine I or Pope Fester I, but please not Pope Ratz. Our pet fancy rats would be offended.
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Dec. 28th, 2004 @ 11:27 am Journal
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[info]womzilla and I took a plane to Detroit on the 22nd to meet [info]nellorat, who was staying with her sibs. We had a most pleasant visit. Youngersib's continuing health problems have forced her, for the time being, to live at eldersib's house, along with her two dogs (and eldersib's husband, child, and dog). This produces crowding problems, which everyone is being very strong about. We did our part by staying at a hotel.

When we got to eldersib's house, the dogs immediately began yapping, reminding me how much I appreciate the Silence of the Rats. But it was, as always, delightful to see the human occupants of the house. I got to read a couple of days of lj, so the catch-up wasn't too monstrous when I got back.

We saw a sign for an enterprise actually called Angst Insurance. This led to a discussion of a linguistic ambiguity I had not noticed before. Presumably it should be like fire insurance, rather than life insurance

On Christmas I accompanied [info]nellorat, as I usually do on Christmas, to an Episcopalian service. In the past that has meant the small informal services, appropriate to the People's Republic of Ann Arbor, presided over by Father Susan, and I have always enjoyed those. Closer to eldersib's house, we wound up at High Church services in a cathedral. As I am not a baptized Christian, I did not take Communion ([info]nellorat did, as usual), but I took the opportunity to pray for Jack Chalker, he being the Christian I know who seems most in need of such. Thence to opening presents, where I got desirable books, plush coyotes, etc.

Then we learned that Mother Earth had undergone a seizure or orgasm, or perhaps something less anthropomorphizable, killing thousands in Asia. Also football great Reggie White died suddenly and young, apparently from complications of sleep apnea. White was one of the greatest pass rushers ever, on religious grounds he did much in the way of Cardinal Works of Mercy, and he was a Seeker, whose intellectual curiosity led him in his last years to stop going to church and start studying Hebrew. I trust that St. Peter will greet him with a great big kiss, to start him on his education in one thing he always got wrong in this life.

We visited [info]blackthorn45 and adopted two charming baby rats from her. The airline believes that it does not permit rats (as opposed to pets of more hegemonic species) to ride in the cabin, but [info]nellorat reasoned with Security, or perhaps the babies applied sheer hypnotic cuteness. ("These are not the rats you are looking for. Send them through.")

This morning, I attempted to get my e-mail, and the system (Windows + Eudora) stopped in the middle, so I wound up having to flush much of the unwanted mail twice. Worse, I learned that longtime fanzine and apa fan Dave Locke is in a coma from a heart attack and is not expected to recover. The very first zine I ever did was a lot less stupid than it might have been if I hadn't read an article by Dave on what not to do, and we've been friends, on paper, online, and occasionally even in person, ever since.
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Jan. 22nd, 2004 @ 11:46 am (no subject)
What is your inner rat? From [info]nellorat, of course.
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Aug. 12th, 2003 @ 11:09 am Good news
My main employer has just offered me a job that will fit into my schedule with the work I'm now doing.

Also, we're getting our sick rat back. She is healthier, and the treatment will cost less than we feared.
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Aug. 6th, 2003 @ 10:56 am Real life
I have work again--a moderate-sized nonfiction proofreading job--after 2.5 weeks without. Work is like sex: Running after it will kill you a lot quicker than doing it. It's good to stop feeling alternately like a nag and a stereotype unpopular girl on prom week. I'm glad I can get paid for something that tolerable. (I like copy-editing sf even more.) Until such time as some rich people decide I should be supported for my sheer genius, that's what I'll be doing.

As [info]nellorat has reported, we got our 14th rat yesterday. His name is Felix, and he seems friendly. The cutest thing about him is that he's mostly black, but there's a large white spot on his belly shaped like a dolphin. Nellorat says she's the ratmommy, [info]womzilla is the ratdaddy, and I'm the ratuncle. I like that; one of my earlier fannish nicknames is Uncle Arthur, and it always seemed appropriate. I feel that the uncle's role is to amuse, enlighten, and instruct, but not to take responsibility.
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Feb. 10th, 2003 @ 06:32 pm RL soap opera update
Current Music: Huey Piano Smith, "Don't You Just Know It"
Those who have been following the Miracle of Birth saga in [info]nellorat's journal, be advised that Cinnamon has produced an undetermined number of offspring. Mother and babies appear to be doing well. Nellorat is teaching her evening class now, but will provide an update soon.
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