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Prisoners seeking healthcare at twice the rate of non-criminals: study

Former Queensland prisoners went to the doctor twice as regularly as the rest of the state's population, a new report has found.

The researchers said their discovery shows prisoners need not only better access to primary healthcare but also quality healthcare that is culturally appropriate.

A new study has found prisoners in Queensland are twice as likely to visit the GP than their general population counterparts. Photo: Kate Geraghty

"This is the first study to systematically examine rates and predictors of GP contact for people recently released from prison," the researchers say in their report, published in the Medical Journal of Australia on Monday.

One thousand one hundred and ninety prisoners were interviewed up to six weeks before their expected release from custody and their Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme data was tracked for two years following their release.

As well as finding that the prisoners were going to GPs at twice the rate of the general population, the researchers found they also had complex health needs and suggested simply increasing access to primary care may not be sufficient.

The study found 44 per cent of the prisoners had been diagnosed with a mental illness, and a whopping 67 per cent had been diagnosed with a chronic illness.

A massive 78 per cent also said they were current smokers – a stark comparison to the national daily smoking average of 14.7 per cent, according to the ABS National Health Survey 2014-15.

While the vast majority of prisoners studied saw a GP regularly, the researchers said the Indigenous prisoners – 25 per cent of their study participants – did not go to the doctor as regularly.

"Our finding of lower rates of GP attendance by Indigenous Australians after release from prison is consistent with data for the general Indigenous community, and suggests that the health and social impacts of incarcerating Indigenous Australians might be exacerbated by infrequent visits to GPs after their release," the report says.

"Improving access to culturally appropriate primary care services may help to reduce this disparity and contribute to closing the gap in morbidity and life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians."

As the first study to look at how prisoners seek healthcare after their release, the researchers said the study had its limitations.

"First, as the Medicare and PBS data were collected for administrative purposes, we had no information about the specific reasons for healthcare encounters," the report says.

"Second, although we were able to identify records of diagnostic tests performed and prescriptions filled, we were unable to determine when tests were recommended but not undertaken, or medications prescribed but not obtained."

Despite the limitations, the researchers say their study showed increasing access to primary care was not the only important factor in reducing prisoner mortality and acute health problems.

"We ... found that those who visited GPs frequently often had complex substance misuse and mental health disorders, and thus have the greatest need for high quality, well co-ordinated health care," the report says.