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Dunsborough man captures close call with whale off Exmouth

A Dunsborough man holidaying with his family in Exmouth has captured the moment a breaching whale almost crashed onto a dinghy full of tourists.

Mark Collins, 49, told WAtoday how on the 7th of July, he took his boat out on the reef with his wife, his 12-year-old son and some friends when they saw three whales swimming around a couple of tourist-filled boats.

He said all of a sudden one of the whales breached, shot up in the air and crashed back downjust metres beside one of the dinghies.

"We thought 'Geez, that was a bit close'," he said.

"You could hear the screams in the background."

Mr Collins said while seeing breaching whales at that time of the year up north was a common occurrence, he had never seen one so close to a boat.

"It was quite a spectacle, but it could have been a disaster," he said.