- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 142
Naukowcy odkryli dwie gigantyczne struktury znajdujące się we wnętrzu Ziemi. Umieszczone są po przeciwległych stronach planety i mają wielkość kontynentów. Każda z tych struktur jest niemal 100 razy większa od Mount Everest i wspiera się na jądrze Ziemi, na głębokości 2900 km. Zlokalizowane są mniej więcej w połowie planety. Badania sejsmiczne wskazują, że odkryte formacje mają inny skład niż reszta ziemskiego płaszcza. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: http://innemedium.pl/wiadomosc/odkrycie-dwoch-ogromnych-struktur-we-wnetrzu-ziemi-moze-potwierdzac-teorie-pustej-ziemi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Faceb...
Most speed airplane in the world! 2900 Km/h AMAZING!!!!
25.7.2016 Sme sa opäť vybrali na dovolenku po Európe a všetko Stopom! Za 6 noci a 7 dní sme precestovali stopom 5 krajín (SR, PL, LV, LT, EST) Trasa mala zhruba 2900 km. 2 noci sme strávili na "posteliach" a zvyšne 4 noci sme spali v stane po mestských parkoch a odpočívadlách :-) Na cestovanie sme využili 31 rôznych vozidiel (dokonca 3 rôzne kamióny) Najdlhšie čakanie na stop bolo 2 hodín (v Litve) najkratšie pár sekúnd :-) Našim šoférom sme za odmenu dali malé perníkové srdiečko s nápisom Slovensko a srdečne ich pozvali k nám na návštevu. Celá dovolenka nás vyšla iba 80€ na osobu Zážitky na nezaplatenie :-)
contado $9000 permuta $10000
Salut à tous, je reviens tout juste de vacances et voici mon road trip en espagne, 2900km au total au départ de bordeaux en passant par la costa blanca, brava, mais aussi les pyrénées dont le tunnel du samport! Ma moto a été équipée pour la longue route, une video de review viendra plus tard! On roule donc avec une Triumph Street Twin et une R1200GS BMW, ca a envoyé du couple et des chevaux à nous 2 haha! J'espere que vous apprecierez la video, hésitez à mettre un pouce bleu et à partager la video! Bientot une video custom, quelques rides dont The 2016 Distinguished Gentlemans Ride Abonnez vous et ridez safe (y)
Sutrumpintas video Pažintinė kelionė Lietuva-Latvija-Estija 2900 km
Szczecin-Kraków IC Światowid 120% frekwencja Kraków Główny-Warszawa Zachodnia 3510 Pendolino nigdy więcej Warszawa Zachodnia-Gdańsk Główny EIC Klimczok nawet WI-FI Gdańsk Główny -Warszawa Wschodnia TLK Ustronie Warszawa Wschodnia-Katowice EIC Polonia + 30 min na starcie Katowice -Warszawa Centralna EIC Ondraszek Warszawa Centralna-Poznań Główny EIC Lech + 60 min Poznań Główny -Szczecin Główny EIC Chrobry + 30 min Dłuższy film z podróżnika na mojej stronie na fb https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kolejowa-Galeria-Bart%C5%82omieja/1621591301395857?ref=hl
Być w Bieszczadach i nie zrobić Gruchy to po prostu wstyd na całe wschodnie Roztocze, dlatego leitmotiv tego dnia nie mógł być inny. Nadto peleton wzmacnia świeży Kuraś, który będzie próbował konfrontować swoje siły z .... 25 tonowym autobusem. Roztoczańskie trio spróbuje zmierzyć się również z epickim podjazdem pod szybowisko, zasmakuje letnich klasycznych bruków na trasie Poraż - Rabe, odkryje co najbardziej podoba się dzieciom w Bieszczadach oraz u świadomi sobie dlaczego kolarstwo tak często porównywane jest do niemieckiego porno z lat 80.
Naukowcy odkryli dwie gigantyczne struktury znajdujące się we wnętrzu Ziemi. Umieszczone są po przeciwległych stronach planety i mają wielkość kontynentów. Każda z tych struktur jest niemal 100 razy większa od Mount Everest i wspiera się na jądrze Ziemi, na głębokości 2900 km. Zlokalizowane są mniej więcej w połowie planety. Badania sejsmiczne wskazują, że odkryte formacje mają inny skład niż reszta ziemskiego płaszcza. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: http://innemedium.pl/wiadomosc/odkrycie-dwoch-ogromnych-struktur-we-wnetrzu-ziemi-moze-potwierdzac-teorie-pustej-ziemi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Faceb...
Most speed airplane in the world! 2900 Km/h AMAZING!!!!
25.7.2016 Sme sa opäť vybrali na dovolenku po Európe a všetko Stopom! Za 6 noci a 7 dní sme precestovali stopom 5 krajín (SR, PL, LV, LT, EST) Trasa mala zhruba 2900 km. 2 noci sme strávili na "posteliach" a zvyšne 4 noci sme spali v stane po mestských parkoch a odpočívadlách :-) Na cestovanie sme využili 31 rôznych vozidiel (dokonca 3 rôzne kamióny) Najdlhšie čakanie na stop bolo 2 hodín (v Litve) najkratšie pár sekúnd :-) Našim šoférom sme za odmenu dali malé perníkové srdiečko s nápisom Slovensko a srdečne ich pozvali k nám na návštevu. Celá dovolenka nás vyšla iba 80€ na osobu Zážitky na nezaplatenie :-)
contado $9000 permuta $10000
Salut à tous, je reviens tout juste de vacances et voici mon road trip en espagne, 2900km au total au départ de bordeaux en passant par la costa blanca, brava, mais aussi les pyrénées dont le tunnel du samport! Ma moto a été équipée pour la longue route, une video de review viendra plus tard! On roule donc avec une Triumph Street Twin et une R1200GS BMW, ca a envoyé du couple et des chevaux à nous 2 haha! J'espere que vous apprecierez la video, hésitez à mettre un pouce bleu et à partager la video! Bientot une video custom, quelques rides dont The 2016 Distinguished Gentlemans Ride Abonnez vous et ridez safe (y)
Sutrumpintas video Pažintinė kelionė Lietuva-Latvija-Estija 2900 km
Szczecin-Kraków IC Światowid 120% frekwencja Kraków Główny-Warszawa Zachodnia 3510 Pendolino nigdy więcej Warszawa Zachodnia-Gdańsk Główny EIC Klimczok nawet WI-FI Gdańsk Główny -Warszawa Wschodnia TLK Ustronie Warszawa Wschodnia-Katowice EIC Polonia + 30 min na starcie Katowice -Warszawa Centralna EIC Ondraszek Warszawa Centralna-Poznań Główny EIC Lech + 60 min Poznań Główny -Szczecin Główny EIC Chrobry + 30 min Dłuższy film z podróżnika na mojej stronie na fb https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kolejowa-Galeria-Bart%C5%82omieja/1621591301395857?ref=hl
Być w Bieszczadach i nie zrobić Gruchy to po prostu wstyd na całe wschodnie Roztocze, dlatego leitmotiv tego dnia nie mógł być inny. Nadto peleton wzmacnia świeży Kuraś, który będzie próbował konfrontować swoje siły z .... 25 tonowym autobusem. Roztoczańskie trio spróbuje zmierzyć się również z epickim podjazdem pod szybowisko, zasmakuje letnich klasycznych bruków na trasie Poraż - Rabe, odkryje co najbardziej podoba się dzieciom w Bieszczadach oraz u świadomi sobie dlaczego kolarstwo tak często porównywane jest do niemieckiego porno z lat 80.
Europe's last airline MD-87, now retired already! The McDonnell Douglas MD-80 is a family of twin-engine, short- to medium-range, single-aisle commercial jet airliners. The MD-80 series was lengthened and updated from the DC-9. The airliner family can seat from 130 to 172 passengers depending on variant and seating configuration. The MD-80 series was introduced into commercial service on October 10, 1980 by Swissair. The series includes the MD-81, MD-82, MD-83, MD-87, and MD-88. These all have the same fuselage length except the shortened MD-87. The MD-80 series was followed into service in modified form by the MD-90 in 1995 and the MD-95/Boeing 717 in 1999. In January 1985 McDonnell Douglas announced it would produce a shorter fuselage MD-80 variant, designated MD-87 (DC-9-87), which wo...
The Samjhauta Express (Hindi: समझौता एक्सप्रेस, Urdu: سمجھوتا اکسپريس Punjabi language: ਸਮਝੌਤਾ ਐਕਸਪ੍ਰੈਸ / سمجھوتا اکسپريس ) commonly called the Friend Express, is a twice-weekly train – Tuesdays and Fridays – that runs between Delhi and Attari in India and Lahore in Pakistan. The word Samjhauta means "agreement", "accord" and "compromise" in both Hindi and Urdu. Until the reopening of the Thar Express, this was the only rail connection between the two countries. The train was started on 22 July 1976 following the Shimla Agreement and ran between Amritsar and Lahore, a distance of about 42 km. Following disturbances in Punjab in the late eighties, due to security reasons Indian Railways decided to terminate the service at Attari, where customs and immigration clearances take place. On 14 ...
Europe's last airline MD-87, now retired already! The McDonnell Douglas MD-80 is a family of twin-engine, short- to medium-range, single-aisle commercial jet airliners. The MD-80 series was lengthened and updated from the DC-9. The airliner family can seat from 130 to 172 passengers depending on variant and seating configuration. The MD-80 series was introduced into commercial service on October 10, 1980 by Swissair. The series includes the MD-81, MD-82, MD-83, MD-87, and MD-88. These all have the same fuselage length except the shortened MD-87. The MD-80 series was followed into service in modified form by the MD-90 in 1995 and the MD-95/Boeing 717 in 1999. In January 1985 McDonnell Douglas announced it would produce a shorter fuselage MD-80 variant, designated MD-87 (DC-9-87), which wo...
Europe's last airline MD-87, now retired already! The McDonnell Douglas MD-80 is a family of twin-engine, short- to medium-range, single-aisle commercial jet airliners. The MD-80 series was lengthened and updated from the DC-9. The airliner family can seat from 130 to 172 passengers depending on variant and seating configuration. The MD-80 series was introduced into commercial service on October 10, 1980 by Swissair. The series includes the MD-81, MD-82, MD-83, MD-87, and MD-88. These all have the same fuselage length except the shortened MD-87. The MD-80 series was followed into service in modified form by the MD-90 in 1995 and the MD-95/Boeing 717 in 1999. In January 1985 McDonnell Douglas announced it would produce a shorter fuselage MD-80 variant, designated MD-87 (DC-9-87), which wo...
Europe's last airline MD-87, now retired already! The McDonnell Douglas MD-80 is a family of twin-engine, short- to medium-range, single-aisle commercial jet airliners. The MD-80 series was lengthened and updated from the DC-9. The airliner family can seat from 130 to 172 passengers depending on variant and seating configuration. The MD-80 series was introduced into commercial service on October 10, 1980 by Swissair. The series includes the MD-81, MD-82, MD-83, MD-87, and MD-88. These all have the same fuselage length except the shortened MD-87. The MD-80 series was followed into service in modified form by the MD-90 in 1995 and the MD-95/Boeing 717 in 1999. In January 1985 McDonnell Douglas announced it would produce a shorter fuselage MD-80 variant, designated MD-87 (DC-9-87), which wo...
A Divine scripture was sent down to humanity 14 centuries ago; this sacred book is the Qur'an. From the day of its revelation to the Day of Judgment, it will remain as the last and sole guide for humanity. There are countless proofs that the Qur'an is the word of God. In the first film, scientific miracles of the Qur'an were examined and shown as proof. In this film, we shall continue to look at these scientific miracles that prove that the Qur'an is the revelation of God. We shall see that a great many scientific facts we have only recently been able to establish using modern-day technology, from the layers of the Earth to continental drift, and from the gender of a baby to atomic sub-particles, were revealed in our Book fourteen centuries ago. THE SEPARATION OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EA...
Dubai International Airport (IATA: DXB, ICAO: OMDB) (Arabic: مطار دبي الدولي) is the primary airport serving Dubai, United Arab Emirates and is the world's busiest airport by international passenger traffic.[4] It is also the 3rd busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic,[5] the 6th busiest cargo airport in world,[6] the busiest hub for the Airbus A380,[7] and the busiest airport in the world operating with two runways only. In 2015, DXB handled 78 million passengers, 2.51 million tonnes of cargo and registered 403,516 aircraft movements.[8] Dubai International is situated in the Al Garhoud district, 2.5 nautical miles (4.6 km; 2.9 mi) east[2] of Dubai and spread over an area of 2,900 hectares (7,200 acres) of land.[9] The airport is operated by the Dubai Airports Company and is...
A Divine scripture was sent down to humanity 14 centuries ago; this sacred book is the Qur'an. From the day of its revelation to the Day of Judgment, it will remain as the last and sole guide for humanity. There are countless proofs that the Qur'an is the word of God. In the first film, scientific miracles of the Qur'an were examined and shown as proof. In this film, we shall continue to look at these scientific miracles that prove that the Qur'an is the revelation of God. We shall see that a great many scientific facts we have only recently been able to establish using modern-day technology, from the layers of the Earth to continental drift, and from the gender of a baby to atomic sub-particles, were revealed in our Book fourteen centuries ago. THE SEPARATION OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EA...
Mark Lex Eros - The Battle of Russia (Operation Barbarossa) Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa, for Frederick I) was the code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II that began on 22 June 1941. Over 4.5 million troops of the Axis powers invaded the USSR along a 2,900 km (1,800 mi) front. In addition to the large number of troops, it also involved 600,000 motor vehicles and 750,000 horses. Planning for Operation Barbarossa started on 18 December 1940; the secret preparations and the military operation itself lasted almost a year, from spring to winter 1941. The Red Army repelled the Wehrmacht's strongest blow, and Adolf Hitler did not achieve the expected victory, but the Soviet Union's situation remained dire. Tactically, the Germans had won...
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And all that you mean to me
I used to think I would never fall in love again
I guess I was wrong
When your heart was broken
When your wounded pride was laid to rest, baby
You'll never open your heart to anyone else you said
But you lied, I know you're lyin' tome
You see your mind might be made up, mmm
But your heart has got it's own plans
There's no one to blame for false pride, tellin' lies,
tryin' to hide
From feelin' the pain, I know you don't wanna feel it
There's nowhere to hide when the love is callin' your
name, yeah
From the dark, babe, nowhere to hide, baby
There's nowhere to hide, so let love have it's way
with your heart
When love calls, love calls, love calls your name
It's on my lips
And I wish that you were still here
To take me away with your kiss
And take me away from all this crazy, crazy
'Cause too many words have been spoken, mmm
Too many lies have been told, baby
You'll never do it again you told yourself over and
over and over
You're wrong, dead wrong, babe, yeah
There's nowhere to hide, mmm, when love is callin'
your name
In from the dark, baby, nowhere to run, girl
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, so let love have its
way, girl, with your heart, babe
Love calls, love calls
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, when love calls your
You fall apart, baby
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run when love is on its
way, girl, to your heart, baby
When love calls, love calls your name, babe
Love's callin' your name, hey, hey
It's callin' out for, callin' out for me, baby
Love's on its way, baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And how you make me feel
The sweetness of your touch
The softness of your voice, mmm
You make me wanna be a better man, baby
And I wanna thank you for calling me into your life