
WisCon’s commitment to social justice informs many of our policies and practices, from anti-harassment to privacy.

Statement of Principles

Out Statement of Principles lays out our commitment to feminism, social justice, and intersectionality.


WisCon is committed to providing a safer convention experience to all our members. Our Code of Conduct details our stance on anti-harassment, and our Anti-Abuse Team and at-con Safety team are here to provide you support.


WisCon has a deep commitment to making our convention as accessible as possible through universal design.


Attending conventions can be expensive — we are working in many ways to lower the economic barriers to attending WisCon.


We’re dedicated to sustainability and doing what we can to mitigate our significant carbon footprint.

Privacy Policy

WisCon and its parent organization, SF3, are strongly committed to protecting your privacy.

General Rules

While our Code of Conduct covers our anti-harassment stance, more general rules for attending WisCon — such as our photography policy — are covered here.