Archiv der Kategorie '"Futbol"'

From Kiel with love: Never give up !

Free Schubi! Free Valentin! Free all political prisoners!

Antira Tournament 2015 @ Copenhagen

Don’t miss out on this year’s greatest football tournament coming up next week-end, the Antira 2015. And yes – the FF travelling circus will make its way to Copenhagen too. See you there, all you anti-fascist football rockers!

„Long live the resistance of Kobané!“

(23.9.2014, Südkurve Millerntor Stadion Sankt Pauli Hamburg)

The situation in the syrian-kurdish city of Kobanê just gets worse in these hours. Our thoughts are with our comrades who courageous resisted the IS bandits in the last months and who won‘t give up the hope as long as free Kobanê is not fallen to their bloody hands. Good luck to the hundreds of thousands who are on the run to save their lives. Whatever will happen, the people of Rojava’s impressing struggle for humanity, for peace, for equality and for self-determination is already today a shiny star in the long unfinished history of social revolution. We remember all those who gave their lives for our common idea. Even the darkest hour will pass by.

(Find updated information at Perspektive Kurdistan)

Weekend activities: Erich Mühsam, anti-racist football, maritime summer!





On the road again. Next stop: ULTRASH!

Time to pack our bags for our trip to Potsdam today for the journey to the eighth round of the amazing ULTRASH Festival. The name tells its own tale: Ultras Babelsberg and RASH Berlin-Brandenburg call for another weekend full of antifascist politics, classy music and good old footie. Can there be a better combination? No!

We‘re really looking forward to meet many old and new friends overthere: You‘ll find us in the pit during the concerts of Anemia 77, Moscow Death Brigade, The Offenders, Artificial Eyes, Die Bullen and many others, on the dancefloor to the sound of the Old Fashioned Rude Boys, probably on the terraces at the little test match of Null-Drei in Kreuzberg on sunday, surely at the highly important demonstration in solidarity with the struggling refugees of the Ohlauer Straße in Berlin on saturday (2pm Hermannplatz) and of course at our little stand on the festival ground the whole weekend. Ah, and there are also some bad informations about two ugly nazi-concerts in the berlin-area over the weekend too, so there‘ll be lots of things to do.

Heavy program – let’s kick it! See you later!

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