LORELEI „Déferlantes“ LP + CD (FFM041) OUT NOW!

Alright boiz‘n'grrrls, we‘ve finally received release FFM041 we‘ve just put out in cooperation with La Distroy, Le Keupon Voyageur, Maloka and Casual Records and it definitely has become another beauty: Top class melodic and of course political punkrock from Nancy coming in a high quality LP-CD 2-in-1 set. To drop some names this debut album of LORELEI’s sound is residented somewhere between La Fraction, Jeunesse Apatride and Bambix, so expect a big thing. The bad news: Due to our enduring shop problems you can‘t find this record online so far. So if you want to order please write a mail to shop[at]fireandflames.com (price for CD+LP: 12€!). So stay up to date and check out this new breed of former members of Streets Of Rage and Kommando Pernod (the french anarcho-punx of course, not to be confused with that ugly old german nazi-band)!

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